Winter Blues


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm not affected in that way for the most part unless I'm cooped inside for long periods of time in the winter months.(and even then, I wouldn't call it a disorder in my case) I loathe bone chilling cold, since I am hypothyroid and I don't tolerate extreme temps (hot or cold) very well.

However, get out and DO things. I have kids with activities that they went to and I socialized with parents or other people when I took them/dropped them off. I also went to the gym, in order to work out for MY peace of mind and well-being, so that was something. Getting out of the house and getting involved in something or just going sight seeing gets you out and about. Don't stay isolated.


Well-Known Member
I have become a 3 season person, love spring. summer and fall. Have really started to dislike winter, hate snow and ice, freezing rain and sleet. Can normally deal with the cold temps but really dislike the precipitation. Used to like winter more when i was younger.


Well-Known Member
Not looking forward to winter..AT ALL!!! The older I get, the more I hate it. I usually hibernate on the weekends in the winter, put something good in the crock pot and read a good book or binge watch a series.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Certainly not in the fall. I think I'm at my best then, and there are few simple pleasures better than a crisp morning after the leaves have turned.