Wisdom Teeth Extraction


animal luvr
If you have issues with me, put me on ignore. :yay: Problem solved!!! :biggrin:

I think you are butthurt because I deleted you on FB because you commented on every picture and messaged me every time I got online. You creeped me out. SO, I DELETED YOU and BLOCKED YOU to solve the problem. I is smort :nerd:

and if somdfunguy has a problem with me, he can block me too if that is what he desires. :huggy:

excuse me for saying this but your a real #####..and your a lot younger than me kiddo. I don't need you as a friend. I got many others who are and don't think i am creepy. I see you got an issue that you need mental help with so you have told everyone on here why don't you go get it checked out and taken care of guess your meds aren't working .


American Beauty
PREMO Member
excuse me for saying this but your a real #####..and your a lot younger than me kiddo. I don't need you as a friend. I got many others who are and don't think i am creepy. I see you got an issue that you need mental help with so you have told everyone on here why don't you go get it checked out and taken care of guess your meds aren't working .



Yae warsh wif' wutr
excuse me for saying this but your a real #####..and your a lot younger than me kiddo. I don't need you as a friend. I got many others who are and don't think i am creepy. I see you got an issue that you need mental help with so you have told everyone on here why don't you go get it checked out and taken care of guess your meds aren't working .

You are not helping your side of the argument/case here.


New Member
Man a lot of teeth drama.

I got my wisdom teeth taken out after college, they were not impacted. They were growing in which was pushing on my other teeth and they were also causing infactions because the tooth was half out. I'm pretty sure I didnt' take any of the pain meds they gave me and within 5 hours I was sneaking gummy bears when my mom wasn't looking. The next night I went out drinking (at Dew Drop :jameo:). I don't remember how long I didn't smoke or drink carbonated beverages, maybe just the 24 hours and I didn't get dry sockets. My students thought it was awesome that I had holes in my mouth. I had a very lucky widsom teeth removal process. I think I read that there are less likely to be complications from the removal the younger you are when they are removed.


I have two dry sockets... I am sure of it. :cds:


I feel your pain :(

Get thee to a dentist post-haste. Do not allow that #### to fester. It'll get infected and look like this:


  • socketInfect.jpg
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excuse me for saying this but your a real #####..and your a lot younger than me kiddo. I don't need you as a friend. I got many others who are and don't think i am creepy. I see you got an issue that you need mental help with so you have told everyone on here why don't you go get it checked out and taken care of guess your meds aren't working .
you're :coffee: ..... you're :coffee:.... have:coffee:... have :coffee:

YW :yay:

I feel your pain :(

Get thee to a dentist post-haste. Do not allow that #### to fester. It'll get infected and look like this:


on another note, the dentist put in some sort of black crap into the socket and now I am fabulous :yahoo: Thank you all for your help.
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Active Member
you're :coffee: ..... you're :coffee:.... have:coffee:... have :coffee:

YW :yay:


on another note, the dentist put in some sort of black crap into the socket and now I am fabulous :yahoo: Thank you all for your help.
What was the problem? Dry Socket, Food Impaction, Infection? Betadine looks black, so that's what he/she cleaned it up with. I'm happy to hear that you are doing FAB WR!!


Active Member

I feel your pain :(

Get thee to a dentist post-haste. Do not allow that #### to fester. It'll get infected and look like this:
That's some kind of Oral Cancer I think. :pUKINGMYBRAINSOUT:! He must have been a Chewer.
What was the problem? Dry Socket, Food Impaction, Infection? Betadine looks black, so that's what he/she cleaned it up with. I'm happy to hear that you are doing FAB WR!!

definitely a dry socket.

Evidently I used the Perioguard (sp?) too much. I was using it every couple of hours and she was all :nono: you are only supposed to use it twice a day because it can easily irritate your gums and :smack: on the hand for smoking yesterday. :ohwell: Lesson learned


Active Member
definitely a dry socket.

Evidently I used the Perioguard (sp?) too much. I was using it every couple of hours and she was all :nono: you are only supposed to use it twice a day because it can easily irritate your gums and :smack: on the hand for smoking yesterday. :ohwell: Lesson learned
Did she also give you another Antibiotic? I'm not saying it wasn't the smoking that caused DS, but in all likelyhood, it was the Perioguard frequency that did it. Perioguard twice a day, and Salt Water Rinses after meals. Did she tell you to use the Eugenol?
Did she also give you another Antibiotic? I'm not saying it wasn't the smoking that caused DS, but in all likelyhood, it was the Perioguard frequency that did it. Perioguard twice a day, and Salt Water Rinses after meals. Did she tell you to use the Eugenol?

She didn't give me an additional antibiotic but stressed the importance of finishing the Clindamycin (sp?)... The throbbing is starting to return. How long before dry sockets heal? :confused: