Wish Mormons Would Stop Coming By



I wish mormon missionaries would stop coming by my house. They all have the same scripted speech (more or less), and an almost hypnotic look on their faces as they jump right into telling me how "Jesus once walked in North America," and "Joseph Smith was an American prophet," and "God seeks to restore the only 'true' church." I find it rather eerie because they all seem brainwashed. I have told before to not come by anymore, but they have come by again since then.


New Member
I wish mormon missionaries would stop coming by my house. They all have the same scripted speech (more or less), and an almost hypnotic look on their faces as they jump right into telling me how "Jesus once walked in North America," and "Joseph Smith was an American prophet," and "God seeks to restore the only 'true' church." I find it rather eerie because they all seem brainwashed. I have told before to not come by anymore, but they have come by again since then.

While Mormons are truly sincere and good-hearted people, they are in the same mode as Jehovah's Witnesses in their door-to-door attempt to gain new converts into their denomination. They both consider themselves to be spreading a "Christian message" when actually their fundamental doctrines are neither Biblical nor truly Orthodox Christian at all!


- Believe that Mary conceived the Christ-child through "sexual relations" with God.

- Believe that Jesus and Satan are "spirit brothers".

- In Mormonism, there are three(3) levels of heaven; the most faithful get to the top.

- Believe that Jesus' Atonement was not enough and each person must "earn" their salvation through mandated tithing and "good works" that benefit and promote the Mormon church.

- The Mormon male will be able to become their own "god" and populate their own planet through he many wives they will be able to have in the Mormon heaven.

- Meanwhile, there are many "spirit children" waiting to be born into this world and Mormon families are encouraged to have as many children as possible.

- Regarding polygamy.... Yes, definitely a fundamental teaching in Mormonism. The Mormons who settled in and controlled Utah had to denounce polygamy before Utah could be admitted into the Union and recognized as a state.

- Originally taught that the black race was cursed and blacks were not allowed to be ordained into the Mormon priesthood. A "revelation" in 1978 permitted blacks to be ordained.

Just a few points to question the Mormon missionaries about next time they show up.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I wish mormon missionaries would stop coming by my house. They all have the same scripted speech (more or less), and an almost hypnotic look on their faces as they jump right into telling me how "Jesus once walked in North America," and "Joseph Smith was an American prophet," and "God seeks to restore the only 'true' church." I find it rather eerie because they all seem brainwashed. I have told before to not come by anymore, but they have come by again since then.

Just have this playing in the background when you go to the door;

Ask 'em if they'd like some tea.


While Mormons are truly sincere and good-hearted people, they are in the same mode as Jehovah's Witnesses in their door-to-door attempt to gain new converts into their denomination. They both consider themselves to be spreading a "Christian message" when actually their fundamental doctrines are neither Biblical nor truly Orthodox Christian at all!


- Believe that Mary conceived the Christ-child through "sexual relations" with God.

- Believe that Jesus and Satan are "spirit brothers".

- In Mormonism, there are three(3) levels of heaven; the most faithful get to the top.

- Believe that Jesus' Atonement was not enough and each person must "earn" their salvation through mandated tithing and "good works" that benefit and promote the Mormon church.

- The Mormon male will be able to become their own "god" and populate their own planet through he many wives they will be able to have in the Mormon heaven.

- Meanwhile, there are many "spirit children" waiting to be born into this world and Mormon families are encouraged to have as many children as possible.

- Regarding polygamy.... Yes, definitely a fundamental teaching in Mormonism. The Mormons who settled in and controlled Utah had to denounce polygamy before Utah could be admitted into the Union and recognized as a state.

- Originally taught that the black race was cursed and blacks were not allowed to be ordained into the Mormon priesthood. A "revelation" in 1978 permitted blacks to be ordained.

Just a few points to question the Mormon missionaries about next time they show up.


I have asked them about all those things (not missionaries but the higher-ups), and they have their talking points down. When I asked them about their belief that God was once a man like us who proved himself to his God of his worthiness to populate his own planet (Earth), they affirmed it but said they don't intentionally reveal that to people who are just learning the church doctrine for fear of overwhelming them. The term they used was that they prefer to "give milk before meat."

As for the black men and the priesthood, and the Utah statehood polygamy thing, it is in fact very ironic that the "revelations" the leader of the Church received to reverse these occurred at politically opportune times. They got very p#ss#d when I brought this up, and said the reason so many lies and distorted truths exist about the mormon church is because it is the only true church in the world, and satan thus uses all of his effort to deceive people regarding the mormon church.


New Member

Have you ever taken the time to get to know any mormons?

Regardless if you agree with their teachings, you must agree that they have an amazing set of morals and standards that they live their life by each and every day. They put family first before anything else and absoluetely do not judge others. They carry themselves with respect and treat others around them fairly. Please take the time to get to know someone before you put them down.

You will find that everything above about The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints to be quite inaccurate if you were to research it on a legitimate website such as lds.org.

I do not look to a child to teach me things about being an adult and I do not read a book about sewing if I want to learn to cook, so why would I read a website thats not associated with the Latter Day Saints to learn about them?

Please take the time to think before you speak and research before you write and the world would be a much better place.

Thank you,



Have you ever taken the time to get to know any mormons?

Regardless if you agree with their teachings, you must agree that they have an amazing set of morals and standards that they live their life by each and every day. They put family first before anything else and absoluetely do not judge others. They carry themselves with respect and treat others around them fairly. Please take the time to get to know someone before you put them down.

You will find that everything above about The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints to be quite inaccurate if you were to research it on a legitimate website such as lds.org.

I do not look to a child to teach me things about being an adult and I do not read a book about sewing if I want to learn to cook, so why would I read a website thats not associated with the Latter Day Saints to learn about them?

Please take the time to think before you speak and research before you write and the world would be a much better place.

Thank you,


Thanks. I have looked at that web site extensively before I posted the above. I used to know mormons quite well...went to their church for a long time...got the lessons...read the Book of Mormon...the Doctrine and Covenances...even some of the Pearl of Great Price.

Thank you.


Lem Putt
They both consider themselves to be spreading a "Christian message" when actually their fundamental doctrines are neither Biblical nor truly Orthodox Christian at all!

- Regarding polygamy.... Yes, definitely a fundamental teaching in Mormonism. The Mormons who settled in and controlled Utah had to denounce polygamy before Utah could be admitted into the Union and recognized as a state.

- Originally taught that the black race was cursed and blacks were not allowed to be ordained into the Mormon priesthood. A "revelation" in 1978 permitted blacks to be ordained.

Just a few points to question the Mormon missionaries about next time they show up.


Nice way to quote your website as if it was a valid source backing up your point.

Change of doctrine is nothing new in Orthodox Christianity, so why do these changes somehow invalidate Mormonism? Does the fact that the Catholic church has changed over time also invalidate them as being Christian? Or do you reserve your judgements solely for the Mormons?

You sure do come across as having an attitude of "their brainwashing is different than my brainwashing, therefore they are wrong."


I bowl overhand
While Mormons are truly sincere and good-hearted people, they are in the same mode as Jehovah's Witnesses in their door-to-door attempt to gain new converts into their denomination. They both consider themselves to be spreading a "Christian message" when actually their fundamental doctrines are neither Biblical nor truly Orthodox Christian at all!


- Believe that Mary conceived the Christ-child through "sexual relations" with God.

- Believe that Jesus and Satan are "spirit brothers".

- In Mormonism, there are three(3) levels of heaven; the most faithful get to the top.

- Believe that Jesus' Atonement was not enough and each person must "earn" their salvation through mandated tithing and "good works" that benefit and promote the Mormon church.

- The Mormon male will be able to become their own "god" and populate their own planet through he many wives they will be able to have in the Mormon heaven.

- Meanwhile, there are many "spirit children" waiting to be born into this world and Mormon families are encouraged to have as many children as possible.

- Regarding polygamy.... Yes, definitely a fundamental teaching in Mormonism. The Mormons who settled in and controlled Utah had to denounce polygamy before Utah could be admitted into the Union and recognized as a state.

- Originally taught that the black race was cursed and blacks were not allowed to be ordained into the Mormon priesthood. A "revelation" in 1978 permitted blacks to be ordained.

Just a few points to question the Mormon missionaries about next time they show up.


Your religion must be perfect, and built on reality and things that could actually have happened.. So tell me about YOUR perfect church that is soooo much better than the Mormons..

Why not mention the good things the Mormon church does too, if you are going to try to disparage them.

Which church in today's world has more foodstocks and the largest welfare system of any other?

Which church has been called upon MANY times in history to open up their food stocks(and they willing did) to help out?

Which church teaches their members to prepare for the worst of catastrophes, to prepare their family, their home, and even keep a years supply of provisions for every member of their family?

Which church denounces the use of Alcohol, and Tobacco products.. and even coffee?

Which church doesn't berate or make fun of other churches?? They claim to be the only true church, but I've never heard of any missionary badmouthing Catholics, or Baptists.. NOR have they ran picketlines at other churches events..

Yep, this is ONE screwballed religion.. Yours is much more righteous than theirs.. I'm sure you'll go to heaven while all those nasty Mormons spend eternity in your church's hell.


I bowl overhand
I have asked them about all those things (not missionaries but the higher-ups), and they have their talking points down. When I asked them about their belief that God was once a man like us who proved himself to his God of his worthiness to populate his own planet (Earth), they affirmed it but said they don't intentionally reveal that to people who are just learning the church doctrine for fear of overwhelming them. The term they used was that they prefer to "give milk before meat."

As for the black men and the priesthood, and the Utah statehood polygamy thing, it is in fact very ironic that the "revelations" the leader of the Church received to reverse these occurred at politically opportune times. They got very p#ss#d when I brought this up, and said the reason so many lies and distorted truths exist about the mormon church is because it is the only true church in the world, and satan thus uses all of his effort to deceive people regarding the mormon church.


Right off the bat, it's stated in their writings that polygamy wasn't given up by revelation, but for survival, and acceptance.. One of the church tenants is to abide by the law of man.. and in this case it superceded the law of their own church.

So if you lied about one thing, it kind of makes everything else you say suspect..


Have you ever taken the time to get to know any mormons?

Regardless if you agree with their teachings, you must agree that they have an amazing set of morals and standards that they live their life by each and every day. They put family first before anything else and absolutely do not judge others. They carry themselves with respect and treat others around them fairly. Please take the time to get to know someone before you put them down.

You will find that everything above about The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints to be quite inaccurate if you were to research it on a legitimate website such as lds.org.

I do not look to a child to teach me things about being an adult and I do not read a book about sewing if I want to learn to cook, so why would I read a website thats not associated with the Latter Day Saints to learn about them?

Please take the time to think before you speak and research before you write and the world would be a much better place.

Thank you,


The Mormons, as well as the Jehovah Witnesses', Amish, Mennonite and other not so main stream religions are fascinating. I can remember when the crazed gun man in PA shot and killed all those Amish kids a few years ago. The Amish were actually concerned for the family of the killer. I've met several Mormons, Witnesses, Amish and Mennonites. I can't say a bad thing about any of them. I may not believe all of the things they do but they have always impressed me as being top notched human beings with great morals and values. Even when they've come to the door, I've always said hello with a smile, informed them that we were Catholic and wished them a great day.

I believe the moral decline of our country has a lot to do with the diminishing belief in God. Too many Americans today have no religion in their lives and will argue that America is not a Christian country and never was. (Look at a dollar bill..What do you see?) Our country was built on Christian values and beliefs. The whole issue of separation of church and state was designed to make sure everyone in this country was free to practice any religion they wanted. Our forefathers never dreamed this would be twisted into meaning there should never be any religion mentioned in government affairs (again look at your dollar bill). Our forefathers never dreamed we would have Americans worshiping Witches (Wiccan) or Aliens (Scientology).

Many Americans have decided there is no God and to believe there is one is just plain silly and think they are too smart to fall for any of that religious stuff. I guess if religions was just a fad and was isolated to a certain region of the world or time frame, they may be right but if you look at it, people from all over the world have religious beliefs. Many educated people go to church and believe. So, for someone to laugh and blow it all off as silly, tells me they just don't want to bother to understand or just find it easier to go through life not having to worry about it or they are mad at religion because God never did anything for them.


The night time is the right time...the night time is the right time...the night time is the right time...woo-hoo-hoo!...the night time is the right time...the night time is the right time...the night time is the right time...woo-hoo-hoo!


Having Fun!
When we first moved here we used to have Mormons & Jehovah's witnesses coming to the door every summer. I was taught to be polite so I'd smile and say hello and then be trapped at the door for at least 15 minutes while they tried to "share". Finally, I just started to answer the door with a smile and let them know that we were Roman Catholic and not interested in changing. they smiled and went away without trying to talk me to death. They don't bother to stop anymore -- word must have traveled...:lmao:

I think they are just concerned people who want to share something good in their lives with others who might not have it. I don't agree with the way that they choose to do it but hey, if you don't want to talk to them, pretend you're not home.


Being raised a Morman I should be insulted. I am not due to the fact that everyone has an opion being right or wrong it is theirs to own. I have me own also.
However, if you know don't want to talk to them either don't answer your door or put a sign on the door that states no solicitation. Why cause turmoil????


New Member
Being raised a Morman I should be insulted. I am not due to the fact that everyone has an opion being right or wrong it is theirs to own. I have me own also.
However, if you know don't want to talk to them either don't answer your door or put a sign on the door that states no solicitation. Why cause turmoil????

There is only ONE TRUTH! Either Mormons are right and everyone else is wrong or the Jehovah's Witnesses are right and the Mormons and everyone else is wrong, or perhaps Islam is the true faith and Muhammad was a "true prophet" which makes all other religions wrong, or...etc., etc., etc.

First: You may have read my posted testimony at
Testimony of Mike Ramirez
of how my wife and I became born again believers through accepting Y'shua ha Mashiach (New Testament Jesus)

It was prior to our conversion when I was searching for God that I almost fell for the deceptive claim that the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" was the "true church".

I had a little bit of Biblical knowledge at that time but the missionaries appeared to know everything about the "Bible" and about living right for God. Boy, that's what I wanted and was eager to learn.

Long story short... The first meetings were cordial and more like a "warm-up" to prepare my wife and me for their teaching. After a few Monday night meetings with the missionaries they popped up with how "God, the Father and Jesus, The Son," both appeared to Joseph Smith. The missionaries then told me that God said to Joseph Smith, "This is my beloved Son, here ye Him." Then they talked about how the angel Moroni revealed "truth" and guided Joseph Smith to "golden tablets" that only he could read through special glasses.
They talked about ancient tribes on the American continent and "spirit babies" that were waiting to be born in order to come into this world.

My wife, was an Atheist and quit attending the meetings after two sessions. She wanted nothing to do with any religion. I was still curious and wanting to learn. Here is the real kicker: The Mormon missionaries were so sure that I was ready to become a Mormon that they challenged me to "pray about it" and to ask God to show me how Mormonism was the "true religion." I now realize this is a psychological tactic used by liars who can be so bold in a statement that no one would challenge it and accept it as true.

I agreed that I would pray about the LDS Church being the "true church" and then the Mormon missionaries left for the evening. As I mentioned, I was desperately searching for God and wanted to know which church to join.
Through the week I prayed in earnest about what the Mormon missionaries had told me - about Joseph Smith being a prophet of God, LDS being the "true church", etc.

Then, within my thoughts, I was reminded of a scripture that I had once read:
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)

My discernment was that while Joseph Smith could have seen the resurrected Lord Jesus, Smith could not have possibly seen the "personage" of God, the Father appearing as a second figure of a man. The New Testament makes it clear that we would be able to see Jesus in his resurrected body but does not state that man would personally see God, except through Jesus alone.

When the Mormon missionaries came back the following Monday night, the lead elder looked at me with a smile and said, "Well, did you pray about our church?" I replied, yes, I prayed about it. The missionary asked, "Good, what did God tell you?" I matter-of factly said, "God showed me that your church is NOT the true church."

Boy did that take them back in a startled surprise! The junior missionary was speechless and literally had a look of horror on his face. The elder was also speechless for a moment, gathered his composure and said, "Well, why don't you think we are the true church?" I then explained about my earnest prayer to God and how God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son could not both appear as two individual "personages" in human form because God was a Spirit and Jesus only could appear in His resurrected body.

They tried to make explanations but I stopped them at that point and said, no thanks, I think we need to stop our meetings at this time and confidently but courteously said that I no longer wished to meet with them.

Again, remember that at this time I had not yet been born-again but I was sincerely searching for Truth and God was Faithful. Praise Almighty God for His Love and Patience with a wretch like me. Amen.

When it comes to God's Truth there can only be One Truth.


Lem Putt
There is only ONE TRUTH! Either Mormons are right and everyone else is wrong or the Jehovah's Witnesses are right and the Mormons and everyone else is wrong, or perhaps Islam is the true faith and Muhammad was a "true prophet" which makes all other religions wrong, or...etc., etc., etc.


When it comes to God's Truth there can only be One Truth.

Or the new "true prophet" Mike Ramirez is right, and everyone else is wrong.......

You are either going to be the only one in heaven since nobody else lives up to your standard, or your arrogance and judgmentalism is going to land you in hell.

There was a perfect man once. I think there's some kind of celebration about him this weekend. You might want to look into it. I'm pretty sure it isn't called "Mike Ramirez" day.


Being raised a Morman I should be insulted. I am not due to the fact that everyone has an opion being right or wrong it is theirs to own. I have me own also.
However, if you know don't want to talk to them either don't answer your door or put a sign on the door that states no solicitation. Why cause turmoil????

Why should someone have to go through that? Why cant someone just stay the F off my property if they dont have an invitation to be there?