Hi, this is Tina from Tarheel Tamaskan. I like to search and check on our kennel name every now and then. I noticed that you guys were discussing the "war" and did want to set the record straight. You guys seem very informed about the Tamaskan breed

my compliments to you for your research! I love these dogs and would do anything to protect them. I do not want to bad mouth Right Puppy Kennel, Icewind Farms, or any others who have joined them...I will only speak the facts and you may back them up with the following research. If you have any questions please let me know. If I do not have the answers I will get someone from the TDR with the answer.
The TCA (Tamaskan club of america) is NOT selling pure Tamaskans. This man had 3 when he started out 1 1/2 yrs ago. He introduced a male last year named "tumble"...he admitted this was not a Tamaskan...and there is no record of that dog on the TDR registry. You will see on the site "Tamaskan Wolfdog" used...and mixed with the "Tamaskan" term now and then. He likes to confuse people as to what he does have. We have had plenty people talk to the NTCA and complain about him. He notes on his litter page that we (Tarheel Tamaskan) are not recognized breeders of the Tamaskan Wolfdog...and that is TOTALLY CORRECT. WE DO NOT HAVE WOLFDOGS! That is a name he came up with when could not get another Tamaskan. No one will sell to this man based on his past with the Tamaskan registered breeders. We have pure Tamaskans that can be backed up by the TDR. (Tamaskan Dog Register) These are the governing people overseas...who provide the pedegree for our dogs. He has forged pedegrees, and the TDR has a copy of one that shows a male who was castrated long ago and never had been a stud due to being a monochrid.
He became enraged after he was booted from the NTCA Jan 2008 after he broke rules and regulations of Tamaskan breeders. He then started the TCA. To confuse people about the NTCA (National Tamaskan Club of America) and that one has been around longer...believe me! I have been in office as secretary for a year now. He has threatened some of us, some of the NTCA members have pending legal action against him. OH! He did try to put a complaint against us (Tarheel Tamaskan) on the BBB. It was found to be bogus. You can; however, find that he really has a BBB complaint from the NTCA and see it here by cut and paste:
BBB of Northwest North Carolina: BBB Reliability Report
I met that man when he was to have his first (and only) registered litter. We even talked about buying a male from him at that time, until his true colors showed. He has a puppymill with another dog breed. This is NOT allowed with Tamaskan breeders. We do not want our dogs in puppymills. He had 40 other shibu inu dogs when we saw his 3 tamaskans...since then he has kept multiple females from his first couple of litters to mate with the uknown (utanogen?) male. The pups do not look much like Tamaskans now...very sad. Yes, they look different...he is adding back more of what was bred out. I just wanted to set the record straight

I will be happy to answer any questions...
The TDR link:
The NTCA link:
The National Tamaskan Club of America | Home
our link of breeders:
Tarheel Tamaskan - Breeders
Great Brittian link
please don't let a man such as this guy deter you from this beautiful breed. He wants to confuse the public and tries hard to do so to make money. If you look at the Right Puppy Kennel site, you will see that he is offering military discounts, referal bonus, and uses the option to paypall your payment! What else can I say? I hope this helps...
Thanks! Tina B