Throwing the deuces
Honestly, that is the soonest we can breed her. We won't attempt it until then. She would have to be in good health, also. She had this litter without any problems at all. In fact, she kept on good weight and wonderful appetite throughout. She is in great health. I do not know why the mom of your dog was a two year wait? Females can only be bred from for a short amount of years...then they retireI would never want to hurt my girl. I hear the AKC recommends breeding a female in consecutive heats may be healthier and decrease scar tissue on the female. We follow the TDR guidlines at this time as the breed isn't recognized by the AKC and is so new. In a female of breeding age...they must be through at least two heat cycles and have their health tested prior to having pups. I know the puppy mills will put the male at just six months old to a ##### to try and mate! The ##### may be only through one heat cycle with that as well...very sad. You can imagine whom I am refering to.... There are minimum requirements to breeding and we insist on health testing and waiting the appropriate time limits.
They have many Malamutes, so maybe they just wanted to breed others. I was so excited when I saw that my girl's parents were mated again and expecting puppies. My baby has more full blooded brothers and sisters out there. I really like the combo of her parents. The mom is a red malamute and the dad is black and white. My girl is mostly b&W but you can detect alittle red on her legs (provided she's not covered in mud at the time

I wasn't questioning you with my post. I was just surprised that it would be that soon. Since I've never bred a dog, I don't know what is "normal" and was in no way implying that I thought you were breeding her too soon after her last litter. I applaud your care and concern you have for your dogs and I will enjoy visiting your site once in awhile so see picks of them as I still think they are amazing looking dogs.