Woman swears off dating men due to frustrating trend


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

There used to be a time where the wife strayed at home, caring for any children, and the house, and making dinner. The wife had no income, the husband paid for everything. It was implied, expected, that while the husband was at work, the wife took care of the home, grocery shopping, etc.. Her recompense was the food on the table, the roof over her head, the husbands love, affection, and thankfulness of having such a woman. Today, men are still expected to pay for everything by women, and yet the woman doesn't have to perform her historical duties, because ... she works also? Women need to pick one or the other. Either be a woman, or a feminist, but you can't be both.
Most women who work don't expect the man to pay for everything. Hence the reason they work also. And if a man puts up with a woman who contributes nothing to a marriage, that's what he will get. Same as the woman.

I know and admire many couples who make it work by sharing financial, household, and child rearing duties. How they divide it to make it work for them is their choice.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
This is not true. Every single woman I know pays her own way. I don't know one who expects the man to pay for everything.
I paid/gave my ex-wife either $140 to $160 cash per week for her housework, and she paid for most things with our credit card. I never knew where the cash I paid/gave her went or what she did while I was at work, and quite honestly didn't care because I loved her and trusted her. Then I found a cell phone one morning that she had forgot to hide the night before. Everyone said I should have made her work. Question: Exactly how do you do that?


Well-Known Member
I once had a job as janitor at a restaurant while in college. Both women's and men's restrooms were the same kind of gross, but the women's EMPLOYEE restroom was beyond disgusting.

Among other things, the toilet paper roll was constantly knocked out of the wall. After repairing a half dozen times, I just gave up. It was evident they "unrolled" it by smacking on it.
I worked for ServiceMaster Janitorial in San Diego, can confirm. The women's bathrooms were always the grossest, though the floors underneath the urinals are evidence that men have pretty *ahem* piss-poor aim. They would say that's gross, while totally ignoring the feminine hygine products that never made it into the proper receptacles, or literal feces smeared on the toilet seats, and occasionally the walls of the stalls.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

This is not true. Every single woman I know pays her own way. I don't know one who expects the man to pay for everything.
I was mostly referring to the bygone days. The historical, and the natural, role of women, to be the nurturers of the children, caretakers of the home, and of the husband. Modern society has thrown that scenario out the window. Its happening, especially noteworthy after Nixon decoupled the dollar from gold in 1971, which began the greatest monetary inflation expansion of our currency that forced women into the labor market, just to so families could maintain their standard of living. Even now, it being an exercise in futility as families, a well as individuals, cannot earn enough to keep up with inflation and the ever increasing price of goods and services needed.

You know? Those bygone days men would seek out a "good woman" to marry? The kind of woman he could take home to introduce to his mother?

I would say, that since men, primarily, still do the heavy lifting, ie, work demanding of physical strength and labor, that they expect woman, even though working, that work is not as physically demanding or exhausting, to do the housework, where the man would do those physical things of home maintenance such as the grass cutting, maintenance and repair of the home and it's appliances, etc., on the weekends.

Two individuals wearing those in charge pants, rarely works out in the long term. Meaning, yes, it's still a man's world, regardless of how much a women wants to be "independent". If a woman wants to be with a man, be protected, provided for, taken care of, have that safety net of financial security, (even though she may work and have her own income), be provided for, she must acquiesce to the man's leadership of the household, him, being the "Man of the House". There must be a hierarchy within a family unit, a primary leader, a "Head of the Household", else, there will always, without fail, be conflict. Otherwise, what is the role of man? To be the woman's bitch? I am not saying there cannot be household workload compromises.

Man, is still the king of his home. From time immemorial to today and tomorrow. It is the natural order of life, and no amount of hand wringing is going to change that. Men, by their very nature, are defenders, providers, and protectors of women, and of the children they bear. Today, women are clamorous to take over that role, while at the same time wanting to be seen as the virtuous defenseless female, while being the voracious feminist woman, to the detriment of themselves. Maybe that's why more and more men are just throwing in he towel under the "Men Going Their Own Way" (MGTOW) movement?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was mostly referring to the bygone days.

Today, men are still expected to pay for everything by women


But whatever. There are women out there who are happy to be homemakers, raising kids and having dinner on the table when their hubby comes home from work. When both parties agree and stick with their role, that's a happy marriage.

Your insistence that your opinion is universal and absolute is ridiculous. But no doubt there is a woman out there who will be happy to have a bombastic blowhard authoritarian who'll keep her inferior ass in line, and she will be your perfect mate.



If I may ...
For your consideration ...


But whatever. There are women out there who are happy to be homemakers, raising kids and having dinner on the table when their hubby comes home from work. When both parties agree and stick with their role, that's a happy marriage.

Your insistence that your opinion is universal and absolute is ridiculous. But no doubt there is a woman out there who will be happy to have a bombastic blowhard authoritarian who'll keep her inferior ass in line, and she will be your perfect mate.

Yeah, no. My opinion is not universal and absolute. There are always, will always, be exceptions. Btw. When I said, "men are still expected to pay for everything by women", I basically meant there is an expectation, an inference, a presumption, by women, that the man is expected to pay. You really can't deny that. Well, I guess you could, but you would be incorrect.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
For your consideration ...

Yeah, no. My opinion is not universal and absolute. There are always, will always, be exceptions. Btw. When I said, "men are still expected to pay for everything by women", I basically meant there is an expectation, an inference, a presumption, by women, that the man is expected to pay. You really can't deny that. Well, I guess you could, but you would be incorrect.

Well, you would certainly know more what women expect than I would. You're a guy on the internet; I'm just an actual woman.



Well-Known Member
I knew a couple women that were the biggest slobs ever, I'm talking dirty underwear on the couch, apple cores under the bed and even an old tuna salad sandwich in the bathroom. Even witnessed used feminine hygiene products laying around on one occasion.


Well-Known Member
Ever try to share the countertop in a bathroom with a woman? Don't bother. We have separate bathrooms and I clean my own. She comes in my bathroom every once in a while to remember what color her counter is. I only come in her bathroom when she needs the hair snaked out of her bathtub/shower drain.


Well-Known Member
This is not true. Every single woman I know pays her own way. I don't know one who expects the man to pay for everything.
You should get out more on the interwebz. There are whole channels that are devoted to male/female relationships, dating, marriage, and divorce (as well as cheating, and so on).

Yes, young women today have their own money. They still don't feel like they ought to pay; they still expect the man to pay, and to be the primary breadwinner when they, themselves get tired of the whole rat-race thing.

You would be shocked, I think.

Oh, and there are whole conversations going on about what happens when men push back and say to these free-loaders "what do you bring to the table?" OMG, if public lynchings were legal, today's young women would absolutely string up any guy pushing back that way by either the neck, or the twig and berries. In some ways, they do, but it's an electronic lynching, rather than a physical one.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
All I can say is that the author better have a great out-going personality (I doubt it), an overly healthy sex drive, or a fat, phat purse. She comes off as appealing as a week past wash day tube sock that you wore to go walking in a swamp while wearing Crocs.