Woman tries to open plane door


New Member
K_Jo said:
I would say it's a certain someone who's jealous of our relationship, but considering where you are currently "located," it seems unlikely. :duh:
Well it has to be a noob... Pm me baby!! :smoochy:


New Member
SilverIntrepid said:
Were you a civilian pilot, or military? We call them FCF (Functional Check Flights) at the Test Pilot School.

Did he actualy say he was a pilot? :shrug: From what I read he sounds like some type of aircrew but it didn't sound like he said specifically that he was a pilot.
Triggerfish said:
Did he actualy say he was a pilot? :shrug: From what I read he sounds like some type of aircrew but it didn't sound like he said specifically that he was a pilot.
I wasn't sure.... that is why I asked if he is or at one point was a pilot.
10 times out of 10 aircrew don't get involved in FCF flights. I come from the fighter attack community so engine changes, and any flight control surface or flight control servo cylinder requires an FCF.


New Member
He wrote about being at the doors over the wings while in flight so I'm betting on not a pilot. I'm just guessing though.


What were the other passengers thinking??!!! I would have never just sat there and watched as someone tried to pull open the exit door :confused:


DoWhat said:
What would you have done?

Jumped out of my seat and tackled the insane person to the floor of course! What would you have done?


New Member
Toxick said:
Earlier in the flight, they aired the episode of CSI where a guy panicked and tried to open the plane door mid-flight. The passengers tried to stop the guy, and after the mob-mentality took over they all ended up brutally stomping him to death.

If I remember correctly, most of them walked, but there were a couple called to account.

I really wish I remembered how that one ended...

They all got off.