Woman tries to open plane door

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How soon we forget...

icebaby1111 said:
What were the other passengers thinking??!!! I would have never just sat there and watched as someone tried to pull open the exit door :confused:

It seems to me that not so long ago 3 airplanes were taken over by a handful of bad guys and the passengers, who could have overpowered the bad guys whenever they got around to it, blissfully died knowing they had done as ordered.

The fourth, we hear, actaully had the opportunity to be told in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea to sit on their hands and so they took action.

Note to all: It is OK to be violent to people who are trying to hurt you. It just might save your life.


"Typical White Person"
Note to all: It is OK to be violent to people who are trying to hurt you. It just might save your life.

your damn right and that is the biggest argument against damba** gun control laws. Although some people would like you to just be a nice, quiet little victim, I say arm the good people so they can fight back. These are same people who see all the assault weapons laying around in the streets that are flowing with childrens blood. Personally I've never seen either.
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Methodically disorganized
AK-74me said:
your damn right and that is the biggest argument against damba** gun control laws.
Yeah, the dumbazz gun control laws should be done away with. But letting any moron have a gun isn't okay either. The instability I see in society that encourages me want to carry a gun is the same instability that makes me want to get rid of them all.

Two cases in Massachusetts caught my eye recently...
Take this case as example 1. For some reason the guy went off the deep-end and killed a mother and critically injured her teenage son.

Example 2 is another road rage case. A 60 year-old guy was involved in a minor collision, the two drivers exchange words, the elderly man leaves to drop his wife off at her destination and then returns to shoot the other guy as he put his little girl in the car's back seat. His defense: anti-depressants induced acute aggression. I couldn't find the original article, but I believe they said the shooter is registered to carry.

So it's not just the stupid 16 year-olds, or the life-long criminals or the stereotypical crack-heads that kill people. I don't think bans on specific firearms are worth much. The same could be said for registration because it may simply be too difficult to investigate/track everyone that wants to CCW. But, again, I have enough distrust in people that I feel something should be done to corral the situation.

One- or two-hundred years ago, most people shared a common set of values, and certain boundaries were respected. Today you have no idea what is going on in your neighbor's mind; you can not predict where his principle of "self-defense" is set. He may shoot somebody just for walking on his lawn or dropping a piece of litter. If I shoot him will the situation really be made better? Will I not be lowered to the level of that which I am supposedly trying to eradicate?

What solution could be presented such that an ultimate positive effect could be realized and the majority could be happy? I don't know. In such an impatient society with a "do what you please" mentality I don't believe there is a simple or quick resolution.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
It seems to me that not so long ago 3 airplanes were taken over by a handful of bad guys and the passengers, who could have overpowered the bad guys whenever they got around to it, blissfully died knowing they had done as ordered.

The fourth, we hear, actaully had the opportunity to be told in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea to sit on their hands and so they took action.

Note to all: It is OK to be violent to people who are trying to hurt you. It just might save your life.

I don't think it's really fair to think of the passengers of the 3 flights in that way.
It's OK to think that way now if it happened today but back then if your job gave you a security training (ie the military) they basically told you not to do anything that would draw attention to yourself and fighting the highjackers should be the furthest thing from your mind. Highjacking planes and using them as a missle was a new thing. Before 9/11 highjackers used to be just hostage takers and wanted to negotiate terms. So the idea that they would crash the plane into buildings were concepts that probably never entered their minds.
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