Woman Wearing Romo Shirt Assaulted


Football addict
Woman Wearing Romo Shirt Assaulted

BETHLEHEM, Pa. - Police are investigating a reported assault on a 27-year-old Lehigh Valley woman as she was going to the convenience store Friday night.

Jamie Wert said she was wearing a Dallas Cowboys football shirt with quarterback Tony Romo's name and number on the back while walking on Spruce Street in Bethlehem.

That's when she says she was approached by two men wearing Philadelphia Eagles jerseys.

When one of them said, "Hey, Romo," she turned around and was struck with something that cut her face.

"I had blood running down my neck, all down the front of my shirt," Wert told Fox 29 News. "When I came home I had to wash everything off. It was scary."

Wert said the attack shook her up but also made her even more determined to show her Dallas pride, including a sign hanging over the front porch that says, "Kill the Birds," and "Go Cowboys."

Police said they're now looking for the two men wearing the Eagles shirts in connection with the assault, although the woman couldn't give them much of a description.<!-- / message -->



If that were my girlfriend/wife, there would be two less Eagles' fans.



What is it about Pennsylvania teams that causes their fans to be such jackasses?

It's not just the Eagles, and it's not just football.... It seems to me that people who root for any sports team based in PA are just the most obnoxious ass-clowns on the face of the ####in' planet.

This article is icing.



Bethlehem, PA - Donovan McNabb an Brian Westbrook were arrested and questioned for the assault on Jamie Wert, a 27-year-old Lehigh Valley woman . They were later released when it was determined by police McNabb and Westbrook couldn't have been involved in the assault because they couldn't actually beat up a girl based on their performance on Saturday against the Cowboys.



What is it about Pennsylvania teams that causes their fans to be such jackasses?

It's not just the Eagles, and it's not just football.... It seems to me that people who root for any sports team based in PA are just the most obnoxious ass-clowns on the face of the ####in' planet.

This article is icing.

Ya think PA may have more jackasses fans or not per capita than the other 49?


Obama destroyed America
You don't know what your talking about.
I would say he does and you don't.

Things got so bad in Philly that the team outfitted their detention area with a muni court presided over by the Hon. Seamus McCaffrey. Hooligans brought before McCaffrey were tried on the spot. Those found guilty were stripped of their season tickets (if they held them), fined $400 and thrown in the stadium jail until the end of the game. Franklin Financial Field, the Eagles' new digs, also boasts a lock-up. But fan unruliness has subsided and Judge McCaffery has since moved on. Stadium Justice


I eat red meat
I would say he does and you don't.
From your link
About half of all NFL arenas are now prison-equipped. In-house jails come standard at the stadiums managed by SMG, one of the world's largest public facilities management companies.
It seems Philly is the only one with the municipal court on premises.