Women vs. Men?

Better Drivers, Men or Women

  • Men

    Votes: 45 58.4%
  • Women

    Votes: 32 41.6%

  • Total voters


All Up In Your Grill
Pete said:
I'm an excellent driver

Yes you are, hunny. But you shouldn't have been doing 125mph in your truck. You were in Baltimore, not at Dover International Speedway. :poorbaby:


aka Mrs. Giant
Ask the insurance companies

"Many auto insurance industry experts would agree with the theory that males, especially young men, tend to drive more aggressively than women and display their aggression in a direct manner, rather than indirectly. Furthermore, as a rule of thumb, male drivers are more likely than women to break the law, and the male of the species tends to be more of a risk-taker."


Haven't read the thread yet - so I'm not totally sure - but I'd say that there are 3 more women in here than men. (Score is currently 18/21).

Personally, I think men and women both suck behind the wheel around here.

The men are frigging aggressive and will cut you off with gleeful malice and will shoot you the bird if you have the nerve to take offense.

The women are applying mascara and jaw-jacking on the frigging telephone and will cut you off out of stone-cold ignorance of your existence. At least they won't shoot you the bird, because chances are they still haven't seen you.

Smokers firing their butts at you is a unisex behavior, as is swerving while eating.

What drives me absolutely NUTS is when someone will be driving about 5 MPH faster than you.... Until they hit your blind spot... then they will match your speed exactly. I really hate it when they do this to a car in front of me, so I can't get around.

Stupidity should hurt.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who to call better or worse. Men have the potential to be better drivers than women. We care about, and pay attention to, things like the condition of the road, other traffic, tire pressure and wear, engine rpm's and coolant temperature. In short, we give a damn about driving.

And then we use all that knowledge to go as fast as possible without dieing or getting arrested. :whistle:


Highlander's MPD
Airgasm said:
Listened to an informal poll on the radio this morning on who were the better drivers; Women or Men?

This inspired me to put it out to all of you... What ya got?

This poll may not tell us who the better drivers are but it will tell us whether more menor women take SOMD polls.


I'm the Boss of Me
Well, take a cue from the insurance agencies. If men were really better drivers, the rates would be lower for us.

They're not, so women, as a group, are better drivers than men.


Lem Putt
forestal said:
Well, take a cue from the insurance agencies. If men were really better drivers, the rates would be lower for us.

They're not, so women, as a group, are better drivers than men.
Don't lump yourself in with the men. You may be genetically male, but you are not a man.


Well-Known Member
migtig said:
"Many auto insurance industry experts would agree with the theory that males, especially young men, tend to drive more aggressively than women and display their aggression in a direct manner, rather than indirectly. Furthermore, as a rule of thumb, male drivers are more likely than women to break the law, and the male of the species tends to be more of a risk-taker."
That report is from 1974 to 2003 and the last few paragraphs say it all:
""We're also seeing women driving more aggressively, picking up that bad habit from their male counterparts," points out Kummer, director of personal lines-auto for the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI),"
4 years later and the little girls have not only caught up but have surpassed the boys.

The difference in driving habits of girls in 1974 and 2007 is astounding.


I bowl overhand
cattitude said:
Okay. Based on my knowledge and belief, I think men drivers are the worst.
I agree, women drivers are better... until they pick up the cell phone.. or the lipstick... or the nail file..


New Member
aps45819 said:
I hate it when I accidently pull out :bawl:

Ewwww :ohwell:

""We're also seeing women driving more aggressively, picking up that bad habit from their male counterparts," points out Kummer, director of personal lines-auto for the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI),"

:killingme - yeah, we picked up that bad habit from men because we cannot think for ourselves. Stupid studies. :lmao:


New Member
Overall, men were involved in 5.1 crashes per million miles driven compared to 5.7 crashes for women, despite the fact that on average they drove 74 percent more miles per year than did women.

I think this says it all


CageKicker Extraordinaire
itsbob said:
I agree, women drivers are better... until they pick up the cell phone.. or the lipstick... or the nail file..

Pretty much. Guys tend to be the aggressive, but they've never made me take more evasive action than using my brakes. I've been run off the road and had to avoid being hit several times by some soccer mom in a mini-van that wasn't paying attention.

And, I've had just as many women that were not paying attention, as I have guys that were driving aggressively, cut me off and pull out in front of me when they shouldn't.
Chain729 said:
Pretty much. Guys tend to be the aggressive, but they've never made me take more evasive action than using my brakes. I've been run off the road and had to avoid being hit several times by some soccer mom in a mini-van that wasn't paying attention.
And, I've had just as many women that were not paying attention, as I have guys that were driving aggressively, cut me off and pull out in front of me when they shouldn't.
Exactly. If there weren't so many guys out there that are adept at evasive manuevers these women would be getting into a lot more wrecks.

jk :lmao:


BillnChristi said:
Overall, men were involved in 5.1 crashes per million miles driven compared to 5.7 crashes for women, despite the fact that on average they drove 74 percent more miles per year than did women.

I think this says it all

Not really.

The term "men" includes any swinging-richard that drives... including those 18-25.

I would bet that 75-85% of all crashes by men are the fault of these guys.

Men 18-25, along with a simple lack of experience:

o Think they are invincible
o Are trying to be super-macho for their friends.
o Are trying to be super-macho for the chicks
o Think they are invincible.
o Have the need.. the need for speed.
o Thrive on adrenalin.
o Think they are invincible.
o Don't always employ the wisdom of their years, such that it is.
o Are incapable of thinking with their big head.
o Did I mention they think they are invincible.

Now, mix that concoction together, and see if it bubbles.

Sometime this extends beyond 25 and into the 30's - but not usually. After they start draining their testosterone into a proper recepticle on a regular basis, things tend to calm down, and they actually watch the road, instead of scopin' poon, and venting aggression.


Well-Known Member
desertrat said:
Exactly. If there weren't so many guys out there that are adept at evasive manuevers these women would be getting into a lot more wrecks.

:fixed: (removed the j/k)