

What would you like to know? I will be happy to explain.
That won't help. Often the answer is "just because" or it's some sort of crazy thing, which leaves us even more confused than not having the explanation. :biggrin:

Well, I certainly wouldn't recommend asking her. You should just KNOWWW :drama:
Case in point. :coffee:


And I will never understand men. I asked my husband to look at a specific website for the release date of something. He looks at an entirely different website with the wrong release date. :ohwell:
Because we suck at following directions. :ohwell:

Women are easy to understand. The problem, as guys, is accepting it. We insist on seeing things through our eyes.

Thus the confusion.
This is the biggest crock of #### I've ever read. Whose dog house are you trying to get out of?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is the biggest crock of #### I've ever read. Whose dog house are you trying to get out of?

Let me axe you a question; of all the times you've gotten in hot water, once it was over, did you come to understand her view, how she was looking at whatever the disagreement was over? That's not to say 'understand WHY' she had her position but, to simple say "OK, now I get it. She was looking at it, no matter how much I don't see it or disagree with it, as thus and such'. It is to say, merely, the obvious; Of course you came to understand her view; she was looking at it like THIS. Her view was THIS.

So, from there, then what?

Just what I said. It started all over again, at least in your mind because why? Because you disagree with or refuse to accept her view. To over simplify, it's like preference; it's hard to 'understand' why anyone would like vanilla over chocolate. That's what Tox is saying. What I am saying is that men look at most things like chocolate is the obvious choice and women, not so much. So, my point isn't as to the actual preference, how on earth anyone could see vanilla as the thing but, to accept that they DO and move forward from there.

There is not one, NOT one argument or disagreement I've had with a woman where I didn't, at some point later on, get their view. Not once. The issue then becomes either you accept and understand that women just look at stuff differently and go from there or you get hung up on the fact that they DO look at things differently and shouldn't as per a guys understanding of how things ought to be.


Well-Known Member
Let me axe you a question; of all the times you've gotten in hot water, once it was over, did you come to understand her view, how she was looking at whatever the disagreement was over? That's not to say 'understand WHY' she had her position but, to simple say "OK, now I get it. She was looking at it, no matter how much I don't see it or disagree with it, as thus and such'. It is to say, merely, the obvious; Of course you came to understand her view; she was looking at it like THIS. Her view was THIS.

So, from there, then what?

Just what I said. It started all over again, at least in your mind because why? Because you disagree with or refuse to accept her view. To over simplify, it's like preference; it's hard to 'understand' why anyone would like vanilla over chocolate. That's what Tox is saying. What I am saying is that men look at most things like chocolate is the obvious choice and women, not so much. So, my point isn't as to the actual preference, how on earth anyone could see vanilla as the thing but, to accept that they DO and move forward from there.

There is not one, NOT one argument or disagreement I've had with a woman where I didn't, at some point later on, get their view. Not once. The issue then becomes either you accept and understand that women just look at stuff differently and go from there or you get hung up on the fact that they DO look at things differently and shouldn't as per a guys understanding of how things ought to be.

That's deep... deep as the Patuxent...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is the biggest crock of #### I've ever read. Whose dog house are you trying to get out of?

And, FWIW, I'm way past dog house stage. Again. I didn't say I've got it figured out how to make it work in an acceptable fashion for both parties, simply that I understand after the fact. One day, I may learn to accept fire is hot before I go about trying to prove, once again, that it shouldn't be.


Well-Known Member



Let me axe you a question; of all the times you've gotten in hot water, once it was over, did you come to understand her view, how she was looking at whatever the disagreement was over? That's not to say 'understand WHY' she had her position but, to simple say "OK, now I get it. She was looking at it, no matter how much I don't see it or disagree with it, as thus and such'. It is to say, merely, the obvious; Of course you came to understand her view; she was looking at it like THIS. Her view was THIS.

So, from there, then what?

Just what I said. It started all over again, at least in your mind because why? Because you disagree with or refuse to accept her view. To over simplify, it's like preference; it's hard to 'understand' why anyone would like vanilla over chocolate. That's what Tox is saying. What I am saying is that men look at most things like chocolate is the obvious choice and women, not so much. So, my point isn't as to the actual preference, how on earth anyone could see vanilla as the thing but, to accept that they DO and move forward from there.

There is not one, NOT one argument or disagreement I've had with a woman where I didn't, at some point later on, get their view. Not once. The issue then becomes either you accept and understand that women just look at stuff differently and go from there or you get hung up on the fact that they DO look at things differently and shouldn't as per a guys understanding of how things ought to be.

My bad. I didn't realize you were using this forum as an attempt to reconcile with someone or show how in touch with feelings you are so you can hook up with someone else. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
And, FWIW, I'm way past dog house stage. Again. I didn't say I've got it figured out how to make it work in an acceptable fashion for both parties, simply that I understand after the fact. One day, I may learn to accept fire is hot before I go about trying to prove, once again, that it shouldn't be.

where is the like button?! It does no good for anyone for you to say you "understand" the woman's view point and then go about trying to argue why the point shouldn't be true


New Member
There is not one, NOT one argument or disagreement I've had with a woman where I didn't, at some point later on, get their view. Not once. The issue then becomes either you accept and understand that women just look at stuff differently and go from there or you get hung up on the fact that they DO look at things differently and shouldn't as per a guys understanding of how things ought to be.


Whatever happened to RIGHT and WRONG? This whole comment sounds like it came from a woman!

Whenever the man is wrong... the blame falls on the man. Whenever the woman is wrong.... then it becomes "Why do we have to assign blame to everything?"

Arguments exist because there is a disagreement. It doesn't matter who's view is right or wrong. It matters whether or not two people can come to a mutual agreement that satisfies both people involved.


Well-Known Member

Whatever happened to right and wrong? This whole comment sounds like it came from a woman!

Whenever the man is wrong... The blame falls on the man. Whenever the woman is wrong.... Then it becomes "why do we have to assign blame to everything?"

arguments exist because there is a disagreement. It doesn't matter who's view is right or wrong. It matters whether or not two people can come to a mutual agreement that satisfies both people involved.



New Member
It does no good for anyone for you to say you "understand" the woman's view point and then go about trying to argue why the point shouldn't be true

So essentially you are saying....

WOMEN'S POINT = TRUE. Every time?

I dont think so!

Not saying that women are always wrong. Just saying that the mentality displayed here is FAR from accurate!


Let me axe you a question; of all the times you've gotten in hot water, once it was over, did you come to understand her view, how she was looking at whatever the disagreement was over? That's not to say 'understand WHY' she had her position but, to simple say "OK, now I get it. She was looking at it, no matter how much I don't see it or disagree with it, as thus and such'. It is to say, merely, the obvious; Of course you came to understand her view; she was looking at it like THIS. Her view was THIS.

So, from there, then what?

I had to requote this, because the answer to "so from there, then what" must be back to where you started, axing me a question. That was a circular clusterfck of nonsense.

You're saying that you understand, but don't understand why, but then you understand, but then you're not supposed to understand, but you figured it out. That's how women talk to men to confuse them into just submitting to their will. That doesn't work on women. In fact, I think it pisses them off that you're trying their tactic against them. That's double dog house. :nono:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I had to requote this, because the answer to "so from there, then what" must be back to where you started, axing me a question. That was a circular clusterfck of nonsense.

You're saying that you understand, but don't understand why, but then you understand, but then you're not supposed to understand, but you figured it out. That's how women talk to men to confuse them into just submitting to their will. That doesn't work on women. In fact, I think it pisses them off that you're trying their tactic against them. That's double dog house. :nono:

Is Tox saying "I'll never understand women' or is he saying "I understand but, I don't agree'? He will have to answer that one.

For me, even if it is after the fact, I understand the viewpoint of the girl every single time. My issue, as a guy, is disagreeing with their view or reaction. When you stop disagreeing with how other people see things, especially women, and start accepting their views as just as valid as your own, as opposed to being 'wrong', then, you got a starting point for being able to disagree without being disagreeable.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I read threads like this I am so thankful for Monello. And don't you all mens bother trying to call him names and belittle him because he chooses to be happy and have a good relationship - he's pretty secure.

PS, Larry is correct. You boys understand what women want, you just don't want them to want it because you don't want it. Toilet seats are an example. We want it down; you don't; so you pretend you don't understand why and you think we're stupid for wanting it down. But you indeed do understand why we want it, you just don't want us to want it because *you* don't want it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So essentially you are saying....

WOMEN'S POINT = TRUE. Every time?

I dont think so!

Not saying that women are always wrong. Just saying that the mentality displayed here is FAR from accurate!

No and hell no.

Womans point = valid, ie, with reason, with purpose, as they see it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
When I read threads like this I am so thankful for Monello. And don't you all mens bother trying to call him names and belittle him because he chooses to be happy and have a good relationship - he's pretty secure.

PS, Larry is correct. You boys understand what women want, you just don't want them to want it because you don't want it. Toilet seats are an example. We want it down; you don't; so you pretend you don't understand why and you think we're stupid for wanting it down. But you indeed do understand why we want it, you just don't want us to want it because *you* don't want it.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huggy: