
Larry Gude

Strung Out
My bad. I didn't realize you were using this forum as an attempt to reconcile with someone or show how in touch with feelings you are so you can hook up with someone else. Carry on.

Huh? News flash: I lost vrail a LONG time ago. That my brain stem has evolved to the point of at least understanding part of the reason why shouldn't spark so much fear in you freaking guys. It should motivate you.

Dumb asses. :evil:


Well-Known Member
When I read threads like this I am so thankful for Monello. And don't you all mens bother trying to call him names and belittle him because he chooses to be happy and have a good relationship - he's pretty secure.

Huh? News flash: I lost vrail a LONG time ago. That my brain stem has evolved to the point of at least understanding part of the reason why shouldn't spark so much fear in you freaking guys. It should motivate you.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Whatever happened to RIGHT and WRONG? This whole comment sounds like it came from a woman!

Whenever the man is wrong... the blame falls on the man. Whenever the woman is wrong.... then it becomes "Why do we have to assign blame to everything?"

Arguments exist because there is a disagreement. It doesn't matter who's view is right or wrong. It matters whether or not two people can come to a mutual agreement that satisfies both people involved.

And, more often than not, men boil it down, just as you did at first, to RIGHT and WRONG, which can generally be referred to as 'guy way' vs. what you concluded with, which is decidedly NOT right/wrong and very much accommodating or, 'girl way'.


Is Tox saying "I'll never understand women' or is he saying "I understand but, I don't agree'? He will have to answer that one.

For me, even if it is after the fact, I understand the viewpoint of the girl every single time. My issue, as a guy, is disagreeing with their view or reaction. When you stop disagreeing with how other people see things, especially women, and start accepting their views as just as valid as your own, as opposed to being 'wrong', then, you got a starting point for being able to disagree without being disagreeable.
Oh geez, all you've been trying to say is that women's opinions are valid and as soon as you accept that your discussion becomes different? Obviously their opinions are valid, regardless of whether or not you understand them or agree with them. That's easy. The hard part is understanding exactly where they're coming from when they're disagreeing with you and then coming to a good resolution. What you were saying made it sound like you understood exactly where they were coming from and knew the reasoning behind every single statement made. That part I disagreed with because sometimes their reasoning is emotional and doesn't have "logic" behind it, making it impossible to really understand the "reasoning" since there's no true "reason." That doesn't invalidate their opinion, it just makes it hard to figure out what to do about it :coffee:

When I read threads like this I am so thankful for Monello. And don't you all mens bother trying to call him names and belittle him because he chooses to be happy and have a good relationship - he's pretty secure.

PS, Larry is correct. You boys understand what women want, you just don't want them to want it because you don't want it. Toilet seats are an example. We want it down; you don't; so you pretend you don't understand why and you think we're stupid for wanting it down. But you indeed do understand why we want it, you just don't want us to want it because *you* don't want it.
Guys who refuse to keep the toilet seat down for women, then lift it when they pee, are two year olds that need potty training. Does that seriously happen or are you just giving a ridiculous example to demonstrate your point? Why would women date douchebags like that? Oh right, that takes us back to where this discussion started. :coffee:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What you were saying made it sound like you understood exactly where they were coming from and knew the reasoning behind every single statement made. That part I disagreed with because sometimes their reasoning is emotional and doesn't have "logic" behind it, making it impossible to really understand the "reasoning" since there's no true "reason." That doesn't invalidate their opinion, it just makes it hard to figure out what to do about it :coffee: :

Their reasoning is emotional and illogical FROM our view. I'm not talking about some sort of 'well, elephants SHOULD be able to fly' type thing. I'm talking about totally different approaches they sometimes, often, have that make no sense to us BECAUSE of how we are viewing it that, however, are perfectly good ideas or approaches if you step back and just listen.

I can't count how many times I approached something from 'guy way' and got totally annoyed that she couldn't see THE OBVIOUS when, later on, I would step back and say, "Oh, yeah, uh, well, that would have worked, too...". I, we, get caught up in our approach and, sometimes, we're the ones totally missing the point but, have a harder time seeing it because we tend to be linear. What they are saying makes NO sense and has NO reasoning behind it...from how we were approaching it.

PERFECT example; my ex is moving out today and is out at settlement. Bought a house. So, she wants to use my trailer and that's fine. This AM we discussed her using my truck and my linear view is that it is the more logical vehicle to use.

So, just now, she texts me "I'd be more comfortable using my truck than yours because of this and this..."

My response was "That doesn't have to be decided right now" and my thought is "Well, she feels bad about using my truck and I don't want her to. She'll see reason when she gets back and just use my truck."

Her response? "I just didn't want you going through the trouble of hooking your truck up to it yet."

Now, as a guy, it's 'why didn't you just say that in the first place?'. Right? Well, as a woman, they don't, typically, do direct approach. They're trying to be nice, to offer other reasons "I'm used to my truck" or what have you that might sound nicer or whatever.

I can extrapolate this out to any number of incidents with all the women in my life, sisters, mom, girlfriends, daughters, wives, etc. It simply boils down to guy way/girl way and it can be approach, perception of the issue, whatever.

One of the saddest days of my life was when my step son went off to boot camp. I had to sit there and watch someone I completely understood, with zero effort, and could communicate with with a grunt or nod, and watch understanding and familiarity go away. :bawl: :lol:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
When I read threads like this I am so thankful for Monello. And don't you all mens bother trying to call him names and belittle him because he chooses to be happy and have a good relationship -he's pretty secure.

PS, Larry is correct. You boys understand what women want, you just don't want them to want it because you don't want it. Toilet seats are an example. We want it down; you don't; so you pretend you don't understand why and you think we're stupid for wanting it down. But you indeed do understand why we want it, you just don't want us to want it because *you* don't want it.

:clap: :high5:

(....and still thanking my lucky stars for the guy I met 2-1/2 years ago!) :bann:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Huh? News flash: I lost vrail a LONG time ago. That my brain stem has evolved to the point of at least understanding part of the reason why shouldn't spark so much fear in you freaking guys. It should motivate you.

Dumb asses. :evil:

I will never understand you people if I live to be 200 years old.

Man, if you want to understand women you have to start by listening to every song Conway Twitty ever sung. Dude got women, I think he might actually have been one at some point. That's why dude had like 50 number one hits, women thought - finally there's a guy that gets me, he's talking right to me.

Now, what they need and how they think may forever seem nonsensical to us. But there's a system in place and we can acquire the intuitive tools to at least be able to predict it with a fair success rate (e.g. better than 50%).

Start here and, by a process not unlike osmosis, you'll be on the path to getting the gentler sex...

She Needs Someone to Hold Her (When She Cries)

And then listen to this one. I mean - dude saw right through her tight fittin’ jeans. It’s like he had a magic portal that allowed him to see into women’s souls.

Then try this one and this one. Listen to 10 a day and before you know it, you'll get women too. But the key is, you have to mix them up - don't listen to the same songs over and over or else you'll get too strong in some areas or man-woman interaction and remain weak in others.

I know from my own experience, whenever I've had trouble with girlfriends it's been because I hadn’t been listening to enough Conway. Dude is like a walkin' talkin' (ok, not so much these days), toe-tappin', poofy-hair havin' musical refresher course in how to relate to the ladies.

They did a study in the late nineties. They sent two random men into separate sound booths - one listened to Conway for a minute while the other listened to one of various random recordings of other guys talking. When they emerged from the booths a panel of women rated each of them on how suitable a mate, based just on their appearance, they seemed to be. The men that had listened to Conway had an average score 95% higher than that of the men that hadn't. Science my man, science.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Man, if you want to understand women you have to start by listening to every song Conway Twitty ever sung. Dude got women, I think he might actually have been one at some point. That's why dude had like 50 number one hits, women thought - finally there's a guy that gets me, he's talking right to me.

Now, what they need and how they think may forever seem nonsensical to us. But there's a system in place and we can acquire the intuitive tools to at least be able to predict it with a fair success rate (e.g. better than 50%).

Start here and, by a process not unlike osmosis, you'll be on the path to getting the gentler sex...

She Needs Someone to Hold Her (When She Cries)

And then listen to this one. I mean - dude saw right through her tight fittin’ jeans. It’s like he had a magic portal that allowed him to see into women’s souls.

Then try this one and this one. Listen to 10 a day and before you know it, you'll get women too. But the key is, you have to mix them up - don't listen to the same songs over and over or else you'll get too strong in some areas or man-woman interaction and remain weak in others.

I know from my own experience, whenever I've had trouble with girlfriends it's been because I hadn’t been listening to enough Conway. Dude is like a walkin' talkin' (ok, not so much these days), toe-tappin', poofy-hair havin' musical refresher course in how to relate to the ladies.

They did a study in the late nineties. They sent two random men into separate sound booths - one listened to Conway for a minute while the other listened to one of various random recordings of other guys talking. When they emerged from the booths a panel of women rated each of them on how suitable a mate, based just on their appearance, they seemed to be. The men that had listened to Conway had an average score 95% higher than that of the men that hadn't. Science my man, science.



New Member
A two year old having an opinion that he/she should eat nail polish remover for breakfast IS a VALID opinion too.......


The way that Larry is explaining it... EVERY opinion is valid. And notice the use of the word "opinion." EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion but you cannot logically relate that to a resolution to a problem or even use it in place of a right/wrong situation.

Ex. A man and woman are fighting about the electric bill. The man thinks that the bill is too high and the lights should be turned off more and the thermostat should be raised (summer). The woman thinks that the lights and thermostat are not the problem and that it is because of the man running and leaving on his power tools all the time.

BOTH of these are good and valid "opinions." However, the bottom line is that THE BILL NEEDS TO BE PAID and common ground needs to be found to save money next time.