Words From Tucker


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Tucker Says Capitol Police Chief Told Him Jan. 6 Crowd Was ‘Filled’ With Feds

Carlson sat down with actor Russell Brand on Friday and said he was “appalled” by the violence and vandalism seen on Jan. 6. He said the reason he “got involved in commenting on it” was because “the lying about it was immediate: ‘This was a racist, white-supremacist insurrection.'”

“I interviewed the chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on Fox, by the way — I was fired before it could air, I’m gonna interview him again,” Carlson said. “But Steven Sund was the totally non-political, worked for Nancy Pelosi, I mean, this was not some right-wing activist. He was the chief of Capitol Police on January 6, and he said, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents.’ What? ‘Yes.’ Well he would know, of course, because he was in charge of security at the site.”

“So, the more time has passed … it becomes really obvious that core claims they made about January 6 were lies,” Carlson continued. “The amount of lying around January 6, and it was obvious in the tapes that I showed, is really distressing.”

Defendant Dominic Pezzola’s lawyer, Roger Roots, argued there were “at least 40” undercover informants at the riot. Roots alleged there were eight FBI human sources embedded among the Proud Boys on Jan. 6, along with 13 undercover plain-clothes DC Metro Police agents. FBI whistleblower George Hill alleged during a February interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that the field office in Washington may have had “undercover officers” and “confidential human sources” inside the Capitol on Jan. 6.


PREMO Member
Isn't he that misogynist that the left hates.

There is an old saying that 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend.' And that saying is just plain wrong in many cases. Yes, the enemy of your enemy might make a useful ally. For instance, in World War II, we famously allied with Stalin to help defeat Hitler. But Stalin and the communist regime he headed were not our friends, and while we don’t mind that our leaders made nice with Stalin—we did need his help in the fight against Hitler—we hope they were never foolish enough to forget that they were playing footsie with a mortal enemy. And, in all frankness, we don’t need Andrew Tate as an ally against anything.

No, true conservatives don’t defend guys who admit they act like pimps.

We’ll accept that Tate is innocent in the eyes of the criminal law until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt—even if we don’t know if Romania takes the same attitude. In terms of deciding what kind of person Tate is and whether we should support him, Tate has hung himself with his own words, as far as we are concerned.

One commenter on the YouTube video we shared above says…

I cannot believe I just watched that man confess on video so extensively. I've never seen anyone in their right mind snitch on themselves like that



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Pence Slams Tucker Carlson’s ‘Small View’ of the U.S. in Contentious Interview

“As president of the United States we’re going to restore law and order in our cities, we’re going to secure our border, we’re going to get this economy moving again, and we’re going to make sure that we have men and women on our courts at every level that will stand for the right to life and defend all the God given liberties enshrined in our constitution,” he said.

He added: “Anybody that says that we can’t be the leader of the free world and solve our problems at home has a pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth. We can do both. And as president of the United States we will secure our border we will support our military we will revive our economy and stand by our values and we will also lead the world for freedom under my administration.”

Carlson has been a vocal skeptic of the United States’s support for Ukraine.

Pence, by contrast, has warned he has “no doubt” that if Vladimir Putin were to overrun Ukraine that “in a short period of time [the] Russian military is going to cross the border of a NATO country that our armed forces will have to go and defend.”

“I never want to see American armed forces in Ukraine,” he said. “I want to give the Ukrainian military what they need to fight and repel the Russian invasion.”

Pence is one of several Republican presidential candidates who will participate in interviews with Carlson at the FAMiLY Leadership Summit, including Senator Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, Florida governor Ron DeSantis, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, and former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson.


PREMO Member

Tucker Carlson talks about drinking four vodkas for breakfast, his unlikely friendship with Hunter Biden, and what he REALLY thinks of Joe and Jill

  • In a new biography, Tucker Carlson describes the depths of his alcoholism
  • The former Fox News host discusses his closeness with Hunter Biden but slammed his destructive behavior
  • Carlson refers to First Lady Jill Biden as 'small-minded and dumb,' calls the president 'stupid' and the family 'not liberal'

Tucker Carlson slammed Hunter Biden for 'degrading' himself with sex and drugs - and also took a vicious pot shot at Jill Biden, while discussing his own past alcoholism.

The former Fox News host pulled no punches in Chadwick Moore's new biography, Tucker, set to be released on August 1, which sees the fired Fox News star interviewed about his life and views.

Carlson said: 'Look at Hunter, no matter what you now think of him or the family as public figures, the guy really hurt his daughters and his wonderful wife, totally wrecked her life, humiliated his father, whom he really loves.

'That's real. And his dad really loves him. He hurt all these people, hurt himself, degraded himself.'

Turning his ire on Hunter's stepmom Jill Biden, Carlson continued: 'Jill Biden - excuse me, Dr. Jill - was a nasty person. Famously small-minded and dumb.

'If Dr. Jill didn't want to go on foreign trips, Kathleen would go, just to be a good daughter-in-law. The family was very clannish that way, which I admired. I like clannishness. They would think as a group.'

And there were barbs for the president himself, with Carlson attacking both Biden's views and appearance.

He said: 'Not that there was every much depth to Joe Biden. He was famously stupid. Everyone always said he was stupid, and he'd say anything. So that hasn't changed - he was always skin-deep, fake, and shallow, with the hair plugs, and face lifts, and the pat-you-on-the-back stuff. But he was always very friendly.'


PREMO Member

In upcoming biography, Tucker Carlson unloads on Mike Pence, describing former VP as 'creepy as hell' and a 'sinister figure' who purposely sabotaged Trump presidency

In discussing his tenure at CNN, Carlson recalled that Mike Pence was one of the most frequent guests booked on his program. Pence, who was a young, ambitious congressman at the time, was “creepy as hell” even then, Carlson says.

“I’ve been around him a lot, and always felt that he was a totally sinister figure, craven and dishonest,” he tells author Chadwick Moore. “Everything about Pence is false.”

Carlson tells the author that he believes Pence purposely sabotaged the Trump Administration over the entire course of his tenure. He believes that the Pence insubordination campaign went into overdrive during the covid hysteria era, when he stood up the infamous White House Coronavirus Task Force, and delivered unprecedented power to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

While noting that this does not absolve President Trump from ultimate responsibility for his actions, Carlson perceives Pence’s role as someone deployed into the administration to “undermine Trump and to keep an eye on him.”


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Sund’s first point is that long practice has been that, when there’s word of an event that will be held at the Capitol, the various intelligence agencies coordinate with the Capitol Police to discuss any information they have about potential threats. That was the case “for previous MAGA rallies.” Interestingly, Sund notes that the MAGA rallies had “limited skirmishes.” The skirmishes that required actual attention were fights between Antifa and BLM.

However, this time was different. Sund claims “we now know FBI, DHS was swimming in that intelligence” about potential violence at the Capitol and “military seemed to have some concerning intelligence as well.” Yet, no one told him anything. Nobody gave him documents or gave him information over the phone. He was in an information vacuum. “None of the intelligence that was coming up talking about the storming of the Capitol, killing members of Congress, or killing my police officers was ever discussed…”

Now, let me digress into a bit of paranoid conspiracy of my own: None of it was discussed because none of it existed. Nobody was “swimming in that intelligence.” Why do I say that? Because not a single person showed up to the Capitol armed. If there was serious talk of killing people, someone should have had a weapon.

Also, the crowd got restive only when the police fired flash bangs into the peaceful crowd without first warning them to disperse. This incited panic and, significantly, motion that took on a life of its own. And operatives who have never been arrested removed signs and fencing warning people away from prohibited areas. They also climbed up scaffolding to direct people into the Capitol and smashed in windows to effectuate entry. (See here and here for videos.)

What happened on January 6 wasn’t an organic event originating with Trump supporters. It was an event that the Deep State created to destroy Trump and his supporters once and for all. That’s why I believe the threats were manufactured later.

And if you want more evidence that this was a government operation, Sund also describes how Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell delayed for 71 minutes, despite Sund’s increasingly frantic 32 phone calls, before sending him reinforcements. Meanwhile, the General in charge of the National Guard delayed even longer because of “optics.” Eventually, when he finally authorized the National Guard, the guardsmen, who were located near the Capitol, were instead first routed to the armory and then sent back to the Capitol at 6:00 p.m., when everything had ended, for… a photo opportunity because of the good optics.

By the next day, Sund was fired. Then, when he tried to testify before Congress, he was told that they were only accepting testimony from people currently employed by the Capitol Police. Sund also said that Rep. Benny Thompson (D-Miss.), who chaired the hearings, said that any inquiry into Nancy Pelosi’s conduct was “off-limits, so they wouldn’t get any of her records, her phone records.”

And if you doubt the anti-Trump animus behind it all, Sund reminds Tucker of the fact that, when BLM attacked the White House, the DC police were stopped from assisting the battered Secret Service agents mounting a defense. All charges against the people who attacked the White House were later dropped.

I really can’t do justice to the interview, but I hope I’ve piqued your interest in watching it. I've pasted below several snippets in case you don't have time to watch the whole thing:

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Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump Cover a Lot of Ground During Wide-Ranging Interview

The interview started with Trump explaining that he felt no need to attend the debate due to his significant lead in the polls. He added there were people there who, in his opinion, did not belong there, mentioning Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie by name. He said Christie had asked him for a job in his administration, but Trump said no as he felt he could not trust him. Not mentioned was Ron DeSantis, although at the beginning of his explanation of why he was skipping the debate, he name-checked him with a "Ron DeSanctimonious" comment. Trump also put down FOX News and its former reporter, Chris Wallace, much to Carlson's amusement.

Carlson's next subject was Jeffrey Epstein. He asked Trump twice if he thought Epstein committed suicide or if someone murdered him. Both times, Trump declined to say one way or another, replying that it was possible murder was the case, but there was no way to be sure. Trump added that Bill Barr, who was Attorney General for a time under Trump, failed to properly investigate Epstein's death much as he failed to properly investigate voter fraud charges in the 2020 presidential election.

Carlson asked Trump if he feared for his life, given how the order of activity against him has gone from protests to impeachment to indictments. Trump did not answer the question directly. He referred to the people leading the charge against him as "sick" and "animals," yet immediately added he believed most Democrats are good people and his goal, if elected in 2024, is to be the President of all people. Trump also referred to the tremendous spirit he felt among his supporters in 2020.


the poor dad
Another great interview by Tucker. If you don’t have time to watch the full interview, I suggest you go to the 28:15 mark and watch the last question Tucker has for the Hungarian Prime Minister about elections. Orban’s response is very insightful.



Well-Known Member
Another great interview by Tucker. If you don’t have time to watch the full interview, I suggest you go to the 28:15 mark and watch the last question Tucker has for the Hungarian Prime Minister about elections. Orban’s response is very insightful.

I realize Tucker really wanted to get to the question about Trump/arresting political opponents, but I really feel like he missed the obvious follow-on question about how the PM believed the Ukraine war should have been handled given he said money/weapons support was the wrong approach.