Words From Tucker


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Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein Discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dark Globalist Agenda​

January 6, 2024 | Sundance | 59 Comments

In his latest episode, Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss the long-term agenda of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Essentially, the WHO agenda ties into the larger “Western” control operation which encompasses finance and banking control (Central Bank Digital Currency) to connect with the WHO control agenda. As Weinstein talks about travel and commerce being controlled by the WHO, under the auspices of “global health initiatives” or “public health emergency,” there is an element being built in parallel which connects how citizens will be permitted to spend money.

In the bigger picture, the Western global alliance is working systematically to control the behavior of all humans under the guise of “health.” The key and operative word is “control.” Outside the Western global alliance, in what I have called the ‘grey zone’, there is a battle waging against the control mechanisms. This, in combination with the social foundation of freedom, is why various states like Russia have been deemed enemies of the West.


PREMO Member

Tucker Carlson Interviews Catturd, the Man Who Made Adam Kinzinger Cry

Catturd, or @catturd2, has become a significant presence on social media, attracting a large following for his critiques of “woke liberals” and his takes on current events. His interactions with high-profile figures, including Elon Musk and former President Donald Trump, have only amplified his influence.

In 2022, Catturd posted this meme on the war in Ukraine, adding, “It’s dumb that I’m laughing way too hard at this.”


The tweet triggered outgoing Congressman Adam Kinzinger – who then threatened violence against the online cartoon cat.

Adam Kinzinger: Literal evil. If I met you in person it would not end well… for you. Sicko. Trolls who have never done a thing in their life pretend to be patriots and laugh at real warriors.


That was quite the overreaction to an online meme.

Catturd did not let this go unnoticed.

Catturd responded: Sitting congressman threatens violence against a U.S. citizen over laughing at a meme they found funny. I can’t stop laughing at this infant.



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‘Not A Friendly Migration’: Bret Weinstein Details Trip To Darien Gap With Tucker, Warns About Alleged Chinese Camp

“But what I was going to tell you about the fact that this migration doesn’t appear to me to be just one thing is that we went to another camp called San Vicente, and everything in San Vicente is different than it was at Canaan Membrillo. San Vicente, first of all, it’s not a town. This is a camp that is built as a transit camp. It’s built of containers and various objects to house people. And it is almost entirely Chinese,” Weinstein stated.

“Chinese? That’s a long way from China,” Carlson jumped in.

“It sure is, and what’s more, in this camp, the rule that you’re able to go in and walk around and talk to people is not in evidence. The SENAFRONT, the Panamanian border control, actually forbid us to go into the camp. So we had to stay on the outside of it. We were also forbidden to photograph it. So what photographs we have were taken covertly,” Weinstein stated.

“Wait, may I ask – so is it the government of China, do you believe, that’s funding this?” Carlson questioned.

Weinstein continued to claim that the Chinese migrants had been the “opposite of forthcoming,” stating that, unlike the San Vicente camp, they had “no interest in talking to outsiders.” The biologist also described the atmosphere of the camp, noting how there allegedly were an “overwhelming” amount of Chinese military-age men.


Well-Known Member
After seeing Catturd on Tucker's show..will just say, wish he never. Liked thinking he was a cat...if that makes sense ...


PREMO Member
🔥 Tucker made his first public comments at a big summit in Abu Dhabi yesterday, and they are worth listen:


CLIP: Tucker Carlson gives interview at the World Government Summit in Abu Dhabi (26:29)

Of everything, I found the interviewer’s questions especially telling. Pay close attention to how he worded his questions. The part making the social media rounds starts right at 5:00, where Tucker describes being “radicalized” by visiting Moscow, and marveling at how clean the Russian city was, how safe it felt, and how beautiful was the architecture — compared to America’s big cities, which are all collapsing under self-demolition and murderous moped gangs.

The bottom line from this interview appears to be that Tucker is saying things that need to be said, bless him. Is it too soon to see these discussions as evidence the tide of the world’s sanity might slowly be ebbing back in?



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Tucker Carlson HUMILIATES WOKE 'Journalist' After She To SMEAR Him As Racist For Telling The TRUTH!​
