Working mothers


Dr. Mat
When should mothers that have stayed home to raise their kids return to work?

Is it fair to get some kids to school age but not all of them before returning to work?

How hard is it for the husband to get use to his wife not always home?

Is it harder for the mother or the husband?


I would suggest not becoming a working is not easy and as the kids get older they become involved in will stay busy...volunteer at your child's school, or your church, etc...that will keep you busy and if you are careful, not too overwhelmed.

If I could do it over again I would prefer to be a stay at home son spends many summer days home alone because I must work....I enjoy my job but regret how it effects the rest of my family and I would much rather volunteer to do more youth ministry type of things if I had the time...

Hubby and I are working on ways to down size, even plan to put our house on the market so I can chose to stop working a full time job in the future.


Too many people look down on stay at home moms.......I give them praise....

When I worked in day care I can remember many mom's picking up their children and looking very tired, grouchy and fussing at their children. "Hurry-up I gotta go fix dinner and then run to...(where ever)" Seemed they were always in a hurry and never looked too happy about it.....
It is hard..I know..I am one...a working mom...I am greatful that when I did work in day care my children where with me all day....


Too many people look down on stay at home moms.......I give them praise....

When I worked in day care I can remember many mom's picking up their children and looking very tired, grouchy and fussing at their children. "Hurry-up I gotta go fix dinner and then run to...(where ever)" Seemed they were always in a hurry and never looked too happy about it.....
It is hard..I know..I am one...a working mom...I am greatful that when I did work in day care my children where with me all day....

I don't look down on them. I couldn't do what they do.


When I am able to stop working I want to do more volunteer work in Youth Ministry..
It will keep me very busy and it is what I love to do......The paycheck is the Joy that comes from doing what I love to do....

I want to spend more time with my grandson too...maybe keep him a couple days a week to help my daughter out...


I don't look down on them. I couldn't do what they do.

I hope you did not think I meant you when I said is just that if a mom really wants to be with her children, and can support their needs..I think they should not be looked down on....

I have a couple of girl friends that have 4 or more children each, they work part time jobs and are very involved in community work through their churches, or children's school....very busy ladies, and they love what they do..


I hope you did not think I meant you when I said is just that if a mom really wants to be with her children, and can support their needs..I think they should not be looked down on....

I have a couple of girl friends that have 4 or more children each, they work part time jobs and are very involved in community work through their churches, or children's school....very busy ladies, and they love what they do..

I didn't :buddies:


Sweet and Innocent
No I don't look down on SAHM's at all. I think it is great but at the same time I do not want to be home all day.

I know you don't look down on SAHM's at all. To tell you a truth, I rather to be working than being stay at home. At least with work, you can have adult conversation, meet new people, etc.

I love my kids and all, but just like all of other SAHM's, we need BREAKS!!!!!


New Member
I love my kids but there is no way in hell I could be a stay at home mom.

Then you shouldn't have had them!!! If you don't want to be around them that long, why would you expect anyone else to want to? That's what's wrong with our country, our priorities are backwards. I truly hope your kids never see what you posted. It's sad.


Ooooh puuuleeeze... you got it cushy! You don't have to listen to the bickering, teasing and fighting. :lol:

:lol: That's true! I'm beginning to think she has it pretty easy! JK StrawberryGal. :huggy:


Then you shouldn't have had them!!! If you don't want to be around them that long, why would you expect anyone else to want to? That's what's wrong with our country, our priorities are backwards. I truly hope your kids never see what you posted. It's sad.

You're a dumba$$ I said I would get bored staying home.


I know you don't look down on SAHM's at all. To tell you a truth, I rather to be working than being stay at home. At least with work, you can have adult conversation, meet new people, etc.

I love my kids and all, but just like all of other SAHM's, we need BREAKS!!!!!

Once your kids are in school you could maybe volunteer at the school a couple of hours each can meet the teachers, school staff, etc...I think it is really good for our children when we become involved in their schools, sports, etc, and you get to meet other parents/adults...
Also, check into see if a church in your area has anything for stay at home mom's. They sometimes do and have child care while you take part in the ministry...Most the time it is during the day so you can be home with the family in the evening.
I am a part of a ministry and we plan to provide child care at the meetings in the future so more of the ladies with children can get involved....