Working mothers


If someone wants to be a stay at home mother, all the more power to them. I love my child more than anything in this world, but I don't have the patience to be a stay at home mother because I would get horribly bored without external stimulation.

I was back to work 3 weeks after my son was born because I needed the money to support my child. For women who choose to work (out of desire or necessity) it's about the QUALITY of the time spent with our children, not the QUANTITY.

well said
it's about the QUALITY of the time spent with our children, not the QUANTITY.

Yeah, Nomo's boys put in a full 9 hour day so they don't have much time to spend with the mom in the evenings. But I know for a fact she's all about making it quality time as she spends that time watching them bead jewelry that she later sells on eBay. She even offers constructiive criticism on things such as length and color combinations.


Salt Life
Dur...shouldn't you entertain the thought of giving the poor man a baby first before you entertain the thought of living off of him. :duh:

I've never denied him a baby. He can have all the babies he wants. None of them are coming out of me though. :smile:


Well-Known Member
I've been a SAHM, I've been a working mom. Both are hard jobs and the work is never done. If you're home all day, you clean all day and at the end of the day it still looks like you've been sitting on the couch eating bon-bons all day because they mess up as quickly as you clean up. If you work all day, you come home you still have to work to keep the house picked up, cook dinner and take care of the kids and you're work is never done. Admit it ladies, we got screwed when god gave us that rib, he just needed someone to cook, clean and take care of the kids and the house for him! :killingme No seriously, both are hard jobs. If I could have it my way, I'd work part time and stay home with the kids the other part and have the best of both worlds.


Sweet and Innocent
I've been a SAHM, I've been a working mom. Both are hard jobs and the work is never done. If you're home all day, you clean all day and at the end of the day it still looks like you've been sitting on the couch eating bon-bons all day because they mess up as quickly as you clean up. If you work all day, you come home you still have to work to keep the house picked up, cook dinner and take care of the kids and you're work is never done. Admit it ladies, we got screwed when god gave us that rib, he just needed someone to cook, clean and take care of the kids and the house for him! :killingme No seriously, both are hard jobs. If I could have it my way, I'd work part time and stay home with the kids the other part and have the best of both worlds.

AMEN!!!! Well said!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :buddies:


Well-Known Member
I am lucky in that I do work part-time. I get lost of time with my kid, but I also get adult interaction and some money. I must say though that in comparison, my days at home are the most tiring. Entertaining children is hard work!


Soul Probe
I've been a SAHM, I've been a working mom. Both are hard jobs and the work is never done. If you're home all day, you clean all day and at the end of the day it still looks like you've been sitting on the couch eating bon-bons all day because they mess up as quickly as you clean up. If you work all day, you come home you still have to work to keep the house picked up, cook dinner and take care of the kids and you're work is never done. Admit it ladies, we got screwed when god gave us that rib, he just needed someone to cook, clean and take care of the kids and the house for him! :killingme No seriously, both are hard jobs. If I could have it my way, I'd work part time and stay home with the kids the other part and have the best of both worlds.

Then there's the other option, which is what I do, working a full-time job out of my home. I was a SAHM. Now I'm a WAHM. I have the pleasure of intellectual stimulation and $ from work while still being at home with my kids. :yay:


New Member
Then you shouldn't have had them!!! If you don't want to be around them that long, why would you expect anyone else to want to? That's what's wrong with our country, our priorities are backwards. I truly hope your kids never see what you posted. It's sad.

Really? Are you serious? I'm a SAHM, and my children have seen me at my worst because of the stress that comes along with being a SAHM. IMO, kids of working mothers probably see alot more smiling out of their moms because they haven't been with them all day.
Just because you're not a SAHM, doesn't mean you love you children any less.


New Member
You're the one who is of little intelligence. No where in your post did you state that you would get bored. You just stated that there was no way in hell you would do it. Go back and read what you typed. After reading your post it's probably a good thing you're not the one home raising your kids!

get over yourself! geez! i do believe there was a bit of humor in the words she said. Any mother that has had very busy active children can say things like that with a giggle in their voice. It does not in anyway mean they do not love them. but it helps to release some of the tensions of mother hood if you can laugh about harmless things. or make harmless statements.


Then there's the other option, which is what I do, working a full-time job out of my home. I was a SAHM. Now I'm a WAHM. I have the pleasure of intellectual stimulation and $ from work while still being at home with my kids. :yay:

Medical transcription, right? I've been trying to get through the gruelling online training course forever so I can work from home and bring in some money. :doh:

I agree with you - wahm seems to be the best of both worlds.


I had a longer than usual maternity leave because my pregnancy was high risk, and caused several unexpected complications after my son's birth, so I had to take extra time to stay at home and rest and be with him. I loved our time together, but about two weeks into it and I was begging people to get me out of the damn house. I give a lot of stay at home mom's respect, when they're staying home for to be with their kids, but I couldn't do it.

That being said... Women who stay home simply because they don't want to work and use their kids as an excuse to do so drive me nuts.When nothing gets done around the house and the kids get either ignored or left with friends or family members so that the mom can sit at her pc or watch TV all day, that just irks me. Even though I hate being a stay at home mom myself, when I am home for whatever reason, unless I'm risking making the baby sick, he's the center of my attention, and I try to get as much done around the house as possible.


New Member
Wow, some seriously heated discussions with this thread but managed to get off point from the topic...Some people tend to jump the gun and are spring loaded to overreact... Be proud of the decisions you make to raise your children "the best way" you know how and continue in striving to better them further... As a mother of a 6 yro and being active duty AF along with my husband who is also active duty AF, there are times when I wished I could have stayed home and raised my daughter, home school her, etc... there are so many events to do with children during the day (when I am at work) that I wish I could take her to all of them, but we have to work to support our family. In addition, going to school and working on my degree, to be able to support my daughter better, giving her the opportunities I never had...Like paying for college, etc. If I didn't have to worry about money, I'd be home in a heartbeat, but also an active member of the community and she'd be there with me, helping out too... most people think stay at home mom, ugh...I'd be bored, I'd go crazy, but no matter what you do, it is what you make of it. I had a difficult time returning back to work after my daughter was born...and even for the first year...worrying if I was going to be deployed and miss everything. I got to see most of her milestones, except her first steps...I was retraining at tech. school when that happened....but my husband and I made the best of it by sending me videos of her walking...sad but happy.


New Member
When should mothers that have stayed home to raise their kids return to work?

Is it fair to get some kids to school age but not all of them before returning to work?

How hard is it for the husband to get use to his wife not always home?

Is it harder for the mother or the husband?

I'm a little late but I still want to respond because raising children is the most important job you will have as a mom or a dad. My children are 26 and 23. I worked part-time while they were growing up. It was good to work part-time because I was able to maintain and keep current with my professional skills. Yet, if I had it to do again, I would have stayed at home with them until each of them started school. Then, I would have worked my hours around their school day... or lets say this better, my husband and I would have worked our hours around their school day. He's always been in the same boat helping raise our children. We both regret allowing our children to stay home by themselves in middle school and high school. The crap that is on TV, the internet, friends that sneaked over, etc. It was not a good idea at all.

Listen, our children grow up at the speed of light. We do not have second chances in raising them and teaching them life's important lessons. We do not have second chances on lost time, either. Children are SO wonderful. Even now, our family is very close. Make your decision based on what you and your husband want as the best for your children. You both will make sacrifices but they never really feel like sacrifices. You'll make a good decision from the sound of your questions.