Worst Redskin QB ever!

Worst ever!

  • Jeff George

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Gus Frerotte

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Heath Shuler

    Votes: 26 49.1%
  • Patrick Ramsey

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • Jay Schroeder

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Jason Campbell

    Votes: 10 18.9%

  • Total voters


No Longer the Kid
For me, its like he has no clue the defender is right next to him and if he does it doesn't seem as though he tries to protect the ball well. :shrug:

If you ask the greats.. Aikman, Elway, Farve, Young, Montana, its something you learn with expierence, and being blind sided/lit up from behind enough times...

Give him time, he is my age ain't he (Im 23), the boy is going to be good, just give him time...

We (the redskins) haven't had a lot of success lately, and we have had 785 QB's, lets do what most other teams in the NFL do, and say "THIS IS OUR MAN, now, we build AROUND HIM"

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Doug Williams? :confused: Can you say Super Bowl? Billy Kilmer? "Furnace Face" was a LEADER. Both of these guys were great athletes as well. Though neither will be in the hall of fame, I believe both were good enough to avoid scrutiny as the worst skins quaterback....not as long as Heath Shuler and George Izo were skins QBs! :lol:



My Sweetest Boy
Doug Williams? :confused: Can you say Super Bowl? Billy Kilmer? "Furnace Face" was a LEADER. Both of these guys were great athletes as well. Though neither will be in the hall of fame, I believe both were good enough to avoid scrutiny as the worst skins quaterback....not as long as Heath Shuler and George Izo were skins QBs! :lol:

I think Doug Williams had one quarter of being an awesome quarterback...at least while in Washington. I didn't dislike him, I just think he was okay. But I'm very thankful for that awesome quarter...we still watch it. :lol:


Football addict
For me, its like he has no clue the defender is right next to him and if he does it doesn't seem as though he tries to protect the ball well. :shrug:
Can't do much with a line that gives you two seconds to get rid of the ball. Would you rather him throw it up just to get rid of it only to be intercepted anyway?:pete:


Can't do much with a line that gives you two seconds to get rid of the ball. Would you rather him throw it up just to get rid of it only to be intercepted anyway?:pete:

:pete: There's been mistakes when he does actually have time as well. :pete: Its not just the past 3 or 4 games he's made mistakes :shrug: I don't think he's entirely terrible. I did with Burnnel though - no one else saw that either :lmao: This kid just needs more time but some things do concern me, if he only has two seconds he should learn how to protect the ball better :shrug:
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Football addict
:[ete: There's been mistakes when he does actually have time as well. :pete:l Its not just the past 3 or 4 games he's made mistakes :shrug: I don't think he's entirely terrible. I did with Burnnel though :lol:
...and all other qb's have made none. I see.


Football addict
It all starts in the trenches!!!

Just wanted to compare our present situation to other teams who are going through the same type of injury bug on their o-line. Need some of your help. In looking around yesterday I have found 3 other teams who have had to face the same type of adversity and how they are doing in overcoming it.

#1 - St Louis - Lost 3 linemen. Current record 0-8. Bulger is a better QB than JC (right now). Their receiving corps is light years ahead of ours. Yet we sit at 4-3. Maybe it has something to do with our coaching?

#2 - Atlanta - Lost 3 Linemen. Current record 1-7. Now its hard not to look at the loss of Vick as having some of the blame. But one needs to look no farther than the production of Dunn and Norwood to see that their offense is ailing. I for one am quite happy I am not a falcons faithful, been a tough season for those guys.

#3 - Baltimore - Lost 2 Linement Current record 4-2. I find it quite amusing that people in B More are not screaming for Billicks head. In some circles he has been praised for his ability to squeak out a couple of wins and stay above 500. I think presently we resemble the Ravens the most (minus McNair waiting in the wings)

Why is the critisism so much louder in DC? Win now microwave burrito mentality? Did people really think we were going to go undefeated this season with basically a rookie QB? Do people just think we should be able to plug in 3rd stringers and have business run as usual?

We are 4-3. we are basically tied for a wildcard spot right now. Can we not see that Gibbs and Co. have done a great job to win what games we can during this Offensive Line injury fest?

Does anyone else know of any other team that is going through what we have on our offensive line and is succeeding?
EXTREMESKINS.com - O Line Status vs. Vanilla Offense

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The Rams don't have our D. Nor does Atl. Baltimore did win a Superbowl in 2000 with Billick and compare the Ravens record to ours since then. They have been a good bit better team than us. Same with the Rams as the Warner years were not too long ago and Atlanta was in the Superbowl not to long ago. Plus St. Louis got the Rams in exchange for the Cardinals! :lmao:


New Member
LOL, this poll is horrid. Jason Campbell is on it shows it credibility. Yeah, ball security can be a problem when you got a DE coming on your blind side all the time,