Would God Ever Damn America?


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Many religious leaders prophesy divine retribution for America's bad behavior. I wonder what we would be punished for."

"Would God ever damn America? Is there anything we have done or could do as a nation that might court such severe judgment from the Almighty, or is there a peculiar American exemption from God's wrath? The prediction of God's damnation for bad behavior is made in both black and white churches.

One authority on such matters, the Rev. Pat Robertson, didn't think the latter when he blamed the ravaging effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Lord's retribution against those who "shed innocent blood." Robertson's reference to legalized abortion cited a passage from Leviticus that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright also might have been thinking of when he sermonized: "The government ... wants us to sing 'God Bless America?' No, no, no ... God damn America! That's in the Bible for killing innocent people," a reference to African-Americans sacrificed on ghetto streets.

While the "innocents" about whom they spoke are different, the scriptural reference seems to be the same. As Robertson put it, in a statement preserved in a video clip posted on the Internet by Media Matters: "I was reading yesterday ... about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood ... 'The land will vomit you out,'" which he related to attacks "either by terrorists or now by natural disaster."

Robertson, a firm ally of Republican administrations, has not always been warm to the presumed GOP presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, although the two recently mended their strained relationship. However, in this season of pastor-baiting, McCain has his own problem, having expressed his thrill in receiving "the endorsement of Pastor John Hagee."

Would God Ever Damn America?


New Member
"Many religious leaders prophesy divine retribution for America's bad behavior. I wonder what we would be punished for."

Well personally I think Pat Robertson went around the bend along time ago, he's famous for making wacko comments. So putting him in the same company as Shirley Phelps of the Westbro Baptist Church (Lunatics) isnt such a big stretch.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/NKDTCgqYK1Y&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/NKDTCgqYK1Y&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

To answer the question though we went from a nation that Honored God were we saw his name at the forfront of our legal system and our national identy. To a clone of England, that cant get rid of him soon enough and is trying to errase his name out of exsistance.You can thank Secular Humanism and the ACLU for that! We've turned our back on God rejected him and his law. We kill innocent babies and throw them, and other Body parts in dumsters and theres not even a law against that!
If that isnt gross enough you can see pictures!

Digital Journal - Parts of Aborted Fetuses Found In a Dumpster Outside Abortion Clinic

At some point we will pay for that sin, but I tend to think it will be individually rather than corporately as a nation, as these are just signs of the times and its going to get A lot worse and never better. I dont forsee any true Christian revial again for this nation.


New Member
"Many religious leaders prophesy divine retribution for America's bad behavior. I wonder what we would be punished for."

Hmmm... let's see:

1. Social Unbelief: Theory of Evolution;

2. Social Resistance: Taking prayer out of the classroom and prohibiting the teaching of Creationism in public schools;

3. Social Pressure to remove references to God in any public gathering;

4. Religious "Political correctness" to deny God's Plan of Salvation through the atoning blood of Christ as mentioned in (John 14:6) and claim that all religions lead to God.

...just to name a few.

It has already been prohesied that this would happen:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
(2 Timothy 3:1-3)

But God still offers people the opportunity to be blessed by Him:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Will America turn to God for guidance or continue to turn God away?


New Member
"Many religious leaders prophesy divine retribution for America's bad behavior. I wonder what we would be punished for."

"Would God ever damn America? Is there anything we have done or could do as a nation that might court such severe judgment from the Almighty, or is there a peculiar American exemption from God's wrath?

Would God Ever Damn America?

Billy Graham is quoted as saying that if GOD does not judge America soon, He should apologize to Sodom and Gommorrah. Strong words, but aren't we just as bad as those pagan nations? There is no divine shield protecting the US. Why would there be?


New Member
You can thank Secular Humanism and the ACLU for that!

No, you can thank CHRISTIANS for that. Where were we when they wanted to take prayer out of our schools? Sitting on our collective butts. Where were we when they legalized abortion? Same place. We sit on the sidelines because as Christians we are supposed to be quiet and dignified. HOGWASH. When Jesus saw the moneychangers on the temlpe steps, he got angry. He didn't then hit his knees and pray. He acted. And that is why we are wgere we are. We don't act. We should be as intolerant of sin as He is.


Harley Rider
Strong words, but aren't we just as bad as those pagan nations? There is no divine shield protecting the US. Why would there be?
Oh, but there is. We still have the protection of God because of Psalm 33 v 12-22, but we are falling fast from His favor and we WILL BE subject to His wrath if we don't bring this country back to it's roots and put an end to liberalism and it's hedonistic ways.


New Member
we WILL BE subject to His wrath if we don't bring this country back to it's roots and put an end to liberalism and it's hedonistic ways.


kind of like how england labeled us when we broke off.

this country was founded on liberal hedonistic ways .... oh, that and killing natives.

If this country were to go 'back to it's roots', we'd have to invade another country and systematically kill its natives while stealing their land .... while proclaiming that we were 'christian'.


I bowl overhand
Please clarify..

Who's God is supposed to be damning America?

'Our' God? Muslim God? Oriental God??


I bowl overhand
Warning, warning: from the department of redundancy department; this is repeated message. I repeat, this is a repeat:

You really believe that your religion, being in the minority on this planet, and being one of the youngest religions on this planet, is the right, and ONLY one??

YOU believe there is only one God, that doesn't make it true to anyone but you, and those closeminded people that think like you.

Open your eyes to the rest of the world, and be humbled.


Active Member
Question--at the Charlotte Hall Food Lion I always see this SUV that makes me shake my head over its fanatically religious stickers. I cannot even call it Christain as most Christians I know are not full of so much hate as that person seems to be IMO.
So they have this one bumper sticker that says "allah is NOT my god".
That makes absolutely NO sense to me since aren't they the same god? Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't allah just the muslim word for god?


Well-Known Member
this country was founded on liberal hedonistic ways .... oh, that and killing natives.
Founded on? Really? THAT's why the Puritans came here?

Let me introduce you to a history book someday! :lol:
If this country were to go 'back to it's roots', we'd have to invade another country and systematically kill its natives while stealing their land .... while proclaiming that we were 'christian'.
I guess that depends on the "roots" you speak of. Certainly, the American Indians were war-like with one another often enough, but they were also quite kind and generous pretty often, too.

Or, do you mean when the Europeans arrived, and tried to meld in with the American Indians, but that didn't work? That was a really piss-poor immigration policy on their part (sorry), and they lost. To describe it as "systematically killing the natives while stealing their land" shows no concept of the times, unless you believe that we had mapped out the country before ever knowing how far west it went, planned out the killing of American Indians we didn't even know yet existed, and had it all figured out before it ever happened. Not quite how it went down, but I believe that's how you kids are taught in today's schools.


Well-Known Member
You really believe that your religion, being in the minority on this planet, and being one of the youngest religions on this planet, is the right, and ONLY one??

YOU believe there is only one God, that doesn't make it true to anyone but you, and those closeminded people that think like you.

Open your eyes to the rest of the world, and be humbled.
Why would someone follow a religion they didn't think was the right one? Of course each religion thinks it's the right one, regardless of how many other people on the planet agree, and regardless of the age of the religion. Like having faith there is no God, or faith God is that spaghetti thing you guys talk about - if that's what you believe of COURSE you think it's right! (kinda goes with the definition of "believe")


You really believe that your religion, being in the minority on this planet, and being one of the youngest religions on this planet, is the right, and ONLY one??

I do.

Otherwise, I wouldn't believe in it; I'd believe another one that I believe is true.

YOU believe there is only one God, that doesn't make it true to anyone but you, and those closeminded people that think like you.

Unless it actually is true. Then it becomes true to anyone and everyone whether they like it or not.

That's the nature of truth.