Would God Ever Damn America?


New Member
Founded on? Really? THAT's why the Puritans came here?

Let me introduce you to a history book someday!

I'd wager thats how the established church at the time saw it.

I guess that depends on the "roots" you speak of. Certainly, the American Indians were war-like with one another often enough, but they were also quite kind and generous pretty often, too.

Or, do you mean when the Europeans arrived, and tried to meld in with the American Indians, but that didn't work? That was a really piss-poor immigration policy on their part (sorry), and they lost. To describe it as "systematically killing the natives while stealing their land" shows no concept of the times, unless you believe that we had mapped out the country before ever knowing how far west it went, planned out the killing of American Indians we didn't even know yet existed, and had it all figured out before it ever happened. Not quite how it went down, but I believe that's how you kids are taught in today's schools.

tried to meld in?

It wasn't their place to "meld in" as they were already there.

when I say systematically, I refer to the fact that as we spread out we killed them as they got in our way.

Face it, this country was "founded" on murder and theft and genocide.


Well-Known Member

and thousands of others felt that the only restitution for a national crime is a national punishment...
Thus Slavery, tolerated too long, and NOT addressed by our founders led to our bloodiest war.

We have already paid a great cost for Abortion...yet there may be still more pain to bear.

Under the guise of openess & Tolerance we sanction wicked behavior and even protect it by law.

We ignore the wisdom of our founders despite having thousands of quotes, lessons, and movies at our finger tips.

We squander billions of dollars on gambling, lotteries, drugs...

We let multiple offenders go free and never repay those who have suffered loss.

We allow atheists and foreign idol worshippers to twist the minds of our kids in public schools under the sickness of multiculturalism. Punishing patriotism and praising oppressive regimes.

We make the poor remain dependant by feeding, housing, clothing them with no redeeming effort on their part, no work-building-pride.

We continue to ravage our precious land with development instead of stewardship.

We allow for families to divorce easily instead of perservering as our grandparents did.
THERE is a natural cost for each of these behaviors...and we have been paying every day---we are yet living under Grace for a little while longer. God's patience is not limitless....to survive, we must remember like Joash how to repent.


Harley Rider
You really believe that your religion, being in the minority on this planet, and being one of the youngest religions on this planet, is the right, and ONLY one??
YOU believe there is only one God, that doesn't make it true to anyone but you, and those closeminded people that think like you.
Open your eyes to the rest of the world, and be humbled.
YES Bob. Jesus was only one person and there were only 12 Apostles to start with. How many does it take?
We can all be wrong but we can't all be right. Think about it and open your eyes to Christianity. Why would the only God allow any belief system to be valid after all that Jesus went through? Satan is the one who invented all the other belief systems so that folks like you could have your choice. Whatever makes you feel good is fine with God right? GEEEZZZZ Bob.


Harley Rider
Question--at the Charlotte Hall Food Lion I always see this SUV that makes me shake my head over its fanatically religious stickers. I cannot even call it Christain as most Christians I know are not full of so much hate as that person seems to be IMO.
So they have this one bumper sticker that says "allah is NOT my god".
That makes absolutely NO sense to me since aren't they the same god? Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't allah just the muslim word for god?
Hello & welcome puggymom, you're obviously new here. This has been discussed to the max here but I'll answer your last question. Yes, allah is the muslim word for god but No, it is not the God of Christianity. God is defined in the Bible as Jehovah. He is One God and yet He is revealed to us as The Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. 3 beings and yet one and the same God. Allah is not that.:howdy:


b*tch rocket
Yes, allah is the muslim word for god but No, it is not the God of Christianity. God is defined in the Bible as Jehovah. He is One God and yet He is revealed to us as The Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. 3 beings and yet one and the same God. Allah is not that.:howdy:

I beg to differ. Muslims, Jews, and Christians all worship the same God. We all share the same initial foundation. The Muslims went in a different direction from the Jews when Muhammed showed up and the Christians went in their own direction when Jesus showed up. You can wag your finger and state that this isn't the case until your finger falls off, but it doesn't change the fact that those three religions started as one.


Active Member
Hello & welcome puggymom, you're obviously new here. This has been discussed to the max here but I'll answer your last question. Yes, allah is the muslim word for god but No, it is not the God of Christianity. God is defined in the Bible as Jehovah. He is One God and yet He is revealed to us as The Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. 3 beings and yet one and the same God. Allah is not that.:howdy:
Yes I am new here. I just kind of lurk in this section since what I believe does not really fall into any specific category. I do find religion to be very interesting though.

Thanks for the welcome!!:howdy:


You really believe that your religion, being in the minority on this planet, and being one of the youngest religions on this planet, is the right, and ONLY one??

YOU believe there is only one God, that doesn't make it true to anyone but you, and those closeminded people that think like you.

Open your eyes to the rest of the world, and be humbled.

I find this mentality really ironic. You demand Christians open their eyes and minds to the rest of the world yet yours is closed to the idea of God, Jesus and Christianity. I look at this world everyday and am humbled that I was born human and through all this garbage being propagated was able to find God, who gives me peace.

Yes, my belief in God makes it true to me and everyone else that thinks like me. I'm no more closed-minded to the other side than you are to a belief in God. Pot calling the kettle black; that's all that is.

You're stupid for believing

No, you're stupid for not believing

No you are

No you are


The real close-mindedness in the whole discussion is reducing the whole debate to finger-pointing rather than exchanging ideas and respecting each other for their position.


Harley Rider
I beg to differ. Muslims, Jews, and Christians all worship the same God. We all share the same initial foundation. The Muslims went in a different direction from the Jews when Muhammed showed up and the Christians went in their own direction when Jesus showed up. You can wag your finger and state that this isn't the case until your finger falls off, but it doesn't change the fact that those three religions started as one.
You can differ and be wrong if you so choose Christy. Jesus spent the last 3 years of His ministry chastizing the Jews for their refusal to accept Him as the fullfillment of the OT prophesies (the Messiah). Why would He waste His time if they could simply believe as the OT people did? Please read more on this and you might see what the Bible really says. I'll give you this to start with: 1 Corinthians 1 v 18-25.


Well-Known Member
I'd wager thats how the established church at the time saw it.
Which one, the one that the Puritans were leaving, or the one they were establishing here to get away from the one they were leaving? Do you really think they got together and said "hey, let's go kill a group of people to make a new home for ourselves?
tried to meld in?

It wasn't their place to "meld in" as they were already there.
So, how are immigrants supposed to handle the culture they're moving to?
when I say systematically, I refer to the fact that as we spread out we killed them as they got in our way.

Face it, this country was "founded" on murder and theft and genocide.
Face it, NO.

While the way we handled the American Indian was wrong, that act was not the "founding" fact of our nation. We did the same thing then we did in WWI and WWII, and virtually every other declared war ever - we fought with people who had claims to the land, we won, we claimed the land. That they were technologically and socially less advanced and unable to win the war is not our fault, it just helped us win the war. We did it with France, Mexico, Spain, and uh, England!!! That's not theft or genocide, that's political reality.


New Member
Which one, the one that the Puritans were leaving, or the one they were establishing here to get away from the one they were leaving? Do you really think they got together and said "hey, let's go kill a group of people to make a new home for ourselves?

I don't think they got together and said it (but who knows). Either way, it doesn't matter, they did do it.

So, how are immigrants supposed to handle the culture they're moving to?

Well, I'd say just about anything is better than killing all of them and taking their land ....

Face it, NO.

Face it, YES.

While the way we handled the American Indian was wrong, that act was not the "founding" fact of our nation. We did the same thing then we did in WWI and WWII, and virtually every other declared war ever - we fought with people who had claims to the land, we won, we claimed the land. That they were technologically and socially less advanced and unable to win the war is not our fault, it just helped us win the war. We did it with France, Mexico, Spain, and uh, England!!! That's not theft or genocide, that's political reality.

It was the founding act of the nation .... face it, the first thing we did when we got here was accept their generosity and knowledge, and then killed them and stole their land (as obviously evidenced by the lack of native americans walking around (and don't even bother saying reservations, because everyone knows that's b.s.)).

Also, we don't currently occupy Germany or Russia or Spain or England, so I'm not sure I see what your point is. Also, wars already started on others soil where we go to assist are radically different from simply waltzing in a country and killing EVERYONE.

As for Mexico, we didn't so much steal from them as we stole from them after they had committed their particular genocide. The land wasn't theirs to begin with (but that still isn't really much justification).

In short, genocide is hardly something you should be trying to justify.

WWJD baby.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they got together and said it (but who knows). Either way, it doesn't matter, they did do it.
Whether some warring nations had some of its warriors killed is not the question. You claimed it was the foundation for why people came here. That couldn't be further from the truth.
Well, I'd say just about anything is better than killing all of them and taking their land ....
All of them? There are none left? Or, do you mean defeating those nations in war and conquering their land, like most every nation has done?
It was the founding act of the nation .... face it, the first thing we did when we got here was accept their generosity and knowledge, and then killed them and stole their land (as obviously evidenced by the lack of native americans walking around (and don't even bother saying reservations, because everyone knows that's b.s.)).
The founding act of the nation was leaving an oppressive religious atmosphere to establish a different oppressive religious atmosphere here. Then, when we conflicted with those that already occupied the land, we settled the differences in the manner that was the norm at the time.

As for no American Indians being around now, that's just dumb. They still exist, or we wouldn't have them to talk about. Is it crappy they got shoved on reservations? Of course, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. They are soveriegn nations still, with the land we left them (just like Mexico). Except, of course, they have all of the advantages of being American citizens, too.
Also, we don't currently occupy Germany or Russia or Spain or England, so I'm not sure I see what your point is. Also, wars already started on others soil where we go to assist are radically different from simply waltzing in a country and killing EVERYONE.
The American Revolution started on English soil, and ended on American soil. The wars against the several different American Indian nations started on Indian soil, and ended on American soil. It just works that way. We don't still occupy Spain, but we occupy many areas that were Spain's, but they're now ours. And French soil that's now ours. And, English. And, American Indian.
As for Mexico, we didn't so much steal from them as we stole from them after they had committed their particular genocide. The land wasn't theirs to begin with (but that still isn't really much justification).

In short, genocide is hardly something you should be trying to justify.

WWJD baby.
I'm not justifying genocide. I'm attempting to correct your perception to reality.


Well-Known Member
yeah .... using war to justify genocide .... and hey, most every nation has done it.

so what?
It wasn't genocide.
That's the "so what" to it.

It's certainly okay for you to feel it was wrong, I feel the same way. The United States government treated the American Indians like crap. But, that doesn't make it genocide.


New Member
It wasn't genocide.
That's the "so what" to it.

It's certainly okay for you to feel it was wrong, I feel the same way. The United States government treated the American Indians like crap. But, that doesn't make it genocide.


"the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group."

find me the Purupuru, Quaqua, or Pulacuam reservations.

just because they only killed 99.9% of the natives doesn't mean it wasn't genocide. Would you be happier with the term if the remaining .01% had been killed?


Well-Known Member

"the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group."

find me the Purupuru, Quaqua, or Pulacuam reservations.

just because they only killed 99.9% of the natives doesn't mean it wasn't genocide. Would you be happier with the term if the remaining .01% had been killed?
Here are the Purupuru and the Quaqua (I couldn't find any evidence they'd ever been in North America). The best I could find about teh Pulacuam is that they were a canabalistic subtribe of Tonkawan tribe. If they were genocided out (as of the last census, there were about 50), I'm not sorry.


New Member
eh either way

so there are a couple

what nice people we were .... least we let a couple live =)

regardless, it was (and still is) genocide.


New Member
You're pretty god damn stupid.

I guess the forums are moderated at all anymore?
Excuse me sir, but I real dont care for your foul language or your blasphmey.
I suggest you take a break from the forum, till you can once more conduct yourself as an adult!