we did kill cannibals sure, but they were the vast minority .... mostly it was just regular old natives.
Can you show me a source for this? I've provided my sources that the first two tribes weren't even here in the first place, and the third was a tiny off-shoot of a larger tribe that still exists in Texas.
why on earth are you trying to justify what happened?
By "justify", do you mean condemn? Like when I said it was pretty lousy and crappy the treatement they got?
seriously, it pretty obvious to see the numbers and the area once occupied (100%) vs. now (probably less than .1%)
Context! 100% of a few thousand, vs 0.1% of 300,000,000+. They weren't extermintated, they were overrun with a whole different population that ADDED to the whole number. They were bred with, diluting their (and the other culture's) heritage.
Imagine taking a huge tank, and putting 1 gallon of saltwater in it. 100% saltwater in the tank. Now, add 300,000 gallons of milk. The saltwater is now an extremely small portion of the whole. Was the saltwater eliminated? No, it was diluted with milk. Was there wholesale genocide? No, the culture was overrun. Is that fair and right? No, but so what?
I've never seen anyone who proclaims himself christian act so hard to justify the largest genocide the world has ever seen (aside from when god killed everyone).
Your perception does not equal reality in this case.