Would someone mind explaining this...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And then...

This can't be. I mean, seriously. How do you go from that to that??????



Well-Known Member
Just like Rocky "V" and Godfather III, it never happened. Rocky never met Tommy Gunn. Francis Ford Coppola never had a daughter and named her Sofia. And when Jefferson Airplane broke up, they all went their separate ways and never sang again. As a matter of fact, Grace Slick joined a convent and became a nun. None of that other stuff EVER HAPPENED!!!! I swear.


Nothing to see here
Just like Rocky "V" and Godfather III, it never happened. Rocky never met Tommy Gunn. Francis Ford Coppola never had a daughter and named her Sofia. And when Jefferson Airplane broke up, they all went their separate ways and never sang again. As a matter of fact, Grace Slick joined a convent and became a nun. None of that other stuff EVER HAPPENED!!!! I swear.

And Lyle Lovett never married Julia Roberts.
Grace calls it (rightly) their Corporate Rock years. Thankfully she also had the sense to quit while she was still ahead and got out of the singing game before she became a laughingstock a'la Ozzy.


Nothing to see here
Grace calls it (rightly) their Corporate Rock years. Thankfully she also had the sense to quit while she was still ahead and got out of the singing game before she became a laughingstock a'la Ozzy.

Cool would be being in a room with Ozzy, Grace and Keith Richards and being able to follow the conversation.


Lem Putt
This can't be. I mean, seriously. How do you go from that to that??????


They both suck. What's there to explain? But they went from Jane to City - not the other way around.

They left anything decent in the early 70's.
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