WOW. They need to calm down


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Typically when you "take your child to work" your day changes to accommodate the kid. Many companies actually make an event of it, with special activities and mentoring sessions. It's not merely about seeing what Mommy and Daddy do all day, but showing kids what happens in the workforce and giving them ideas of what they might want to do for a living when they grow up.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Typically when you "take your child to work" your day changes to accommodate the kid. Many companies actually make an event of it, with special activities and mentoring sessions. It's not merely about seeing what Mommy and Daddy do all day, but showing kids what happens in the workforce and giving them ideas of what they might want to do for a living when they grow up.

In other words, it's nothing like what it will actually be. :lol:


Why does there have to be a certain day to take your kid to work?

Yall got to remember in many cases the public schools are also teaching parents how to be just that... parents.

One would think it would be just normal parenting for an adult to have their kids participate maximum days possible at school.

But this is not the case in a small percent of each school population. This small percent in turn drags down the test scores for the entire school... thereby reducing funding for the school.... creating budget problems... which leads to less teachers being staffed... which creates higher student to teacher ratios... which further worsens the learning environment (and possibly raise city/county/state taxes on joe and jane citizen in the future)

so of course the schools are going to want max participation from everyone, because they can't afford not to.


This small percent in turn drags down the test scores for the entire school... thereby reducing funding for the school.... creating budget problems... which leads to less teachers being staffed... which creates higher student to teacher ratios... which further worsens the learning environment (and possibly raise city/county/state taxes on joe and jane citizen in the future)

Wow.... all that from taking your kid with you for one day.

I never considered the consequences :frown:


Well, now that you have, mister, what do you intend to do about it? :tap:

I'm going to keep them home on the days where the schools are having conferences on "Saying No To Meth and Quaaludes", "Uncle Johnny is not Allowed to Touch You There", "Obama Is Our Friend" and "Save The Planet You Polluting Maggots", and have a spelling, math and science cram-session.

Traditional education suddenly isn't so important when they're pushing their own pet-propaganda issues down my kids' throats.


Dream Stealer
Why does there have to be a certain day to take your kid to work?

Yall got to remember in many cases the public schools are also teaching parents how to be just that... parents.

One would think it would be just normal parenting for an adult to have their kids participate maximum days possible at school.

But this is not the case in a small percent of each school population. This small percent in turn drags down the test scores for the entire school... thereby reducing funding for the school.... creating budget problems... which leads to less teachers being staffed... which creates higher student to teacher ratios... which further worsens the learning environment (and possibly raise city/county/state taxes on joe and jane citizen in the future)

so of course the schools are going to want max participation from everyone, because they can't afford not to.

No. I am willing to bet that kid's who do things with their parents(like bring your spawn to work day) bring test scores UP..not down. The ones that bring the scores down are the same children no matter how many days they are or are not in school. Why do we equate days in school with how smart a kid is? it has wayyy more to do with parenting, involvement, and home life than it ever does days in school. that's exactly why DC spends more dollars per student than anywhere and still has tons of kids who can't read. Its the home, not the school.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why do we equate days in school with how smart a kid is?

We don't. Schools don't want kids to be smart. If they get smart, they won't vote for Socialist candidates for office, and then what happens to the unions to which all teachers belong? All schools want is for your kid to be able to pass a test. They can be dumb as a rock with no common sense to speak of and no cognitive thinking skills but, if they can pass that test and get indoctrinated into the globalwarming/gayrights/anticapitalism/encouragedsex/proterrorist mindset, the schools feel they've done their job.


No. I am willing to bet that kid's who do things with their parents(like bring your spawn to work day) bring test scores UP..not down. The ones that bring the scores down are the same children no matter how many days they are or are not in school. Why do we equate days in school with how smart a kid is? it has wayyy more to do with parenting, involvement, and home life than it ever does days in school. that's exactly why DC spends more dollars per student than anywhere and still has tons of kids who can't read. Its the home, not the school.

oh i agree with you about the kids who do things with their parents...

why does there even have to be a special day to bring your kid to work. It's your kid right?

if the public schools give even an inch on their attendence hype then the nogoodnicks will take a mile... its like the state police saying we wont pull you over for speeding on valentine's day but the rest of the year we will.

and i believe the reason why attendence is used as a measurement for test scores is because that is the only measurement they have to go by. you can't measure parenting skills, child involvment, or quality of life.


Obama destroyed America
I would think with all the snow days they missed they could have gone to work on any of those days.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Again, typically companies set aside the day for special activities. It's easier for them, obviously, to do this on one day for all rather than sporadic days for each employee.


Dream Stealer
personally, I HATE standardized tests..they do nothing but make teachers teach to a test. I remember having several full days of instruction on how to "beat" a multiple choice test. A whole day. I am currently learning geography on my own because we had one 8 week unit on it when I was in 7th grade and never again. But they felt it was fitting to teach "tricks" to beat a test. I wish they would do away with every single stupid idiotic test they force students to's all dumbed down multiple choice anyway and tells you nothing about what students learned other than "when in doubt skip it because you dont get as many points off for a skipped question as you do for a wrong question."

As for all of the "other" stuff...that just doesn't belong in schools. I am ok with a good biologically sound sex ed class..and frankly I am against abstinence only edu as ALL options should be discussed...but we don't need to discuss "diversity" "ethics" (in high school we actually had this ethics thing they did where every class was supossed to some how teach a certain "pillar" of ethics for each month) "equality" "nutrition" "test taking""bullying" "respect" (another stupid "program" in middle school) or any of the other billion things they try to squeeze in school that parents should be instilling in children. I realize some kids don't have good parents..but trust "ethics" program at school is not going to make them a good person if they aren't already. Because you cannot work AGAINST what's going on at home with a worksheet about respect. It just ain't happening.

Anyone see this?

That's all you need. forget the "respect" them.


Obama destroyed America
well hell, just like in college, u write how & what yr professor believes in, and use his/her verbage yr in like flint. doesn`t matter what u think.

like the damn text books, read 3 chapters, come exam time, bs, just answer what yr teachers` interpretation/opinions, etc..... are.

may work in some professions sure, but if your life depends upon it, u best have yr sh!t together, no time to think, wtf did that book say?????
Lemme guess, you went to UDA (University of Dumb Asses)


Lemme guess, you went to UDA (University of Dumb Asses)

I think he is writing on a cell phone (I hope so). But I understand what he is trying to say in his text lingo. Is that most college age people (talking the typical 18-22 people) are not stupid. If you are in the middle or right leaning and going to college. Most schools tend to be left leaning. So students usually figure out what their professor wants for that semester and caters to their left leaning ways. I have met students who did not figure that out and argue with professors about more middle, right leaning views and the professors (who are suppose to be unbias) ended up giving the student a hard time and usually a worse grade then they should have gotten because they admitted their viewpoints.


Dream Stealer
I think he is writing on a cell phone (I hope so). But I understand what he is trying to say in his text lingo. Is that most college age people (talking the typical 18-22 people) are not stupid. If you are in the middle or right leaning and going to college. Most schools tend to be left leaning. So students usually figure out what their professor wants for that semester and caters to their left leaning ways. I have met students who did not figure that out and argue with professors about more middle, right leaning views and the professors (who are suppose to be unbias) ended up giving the student a hard time and usually a worse grade then they should have gotten because they admitted their viewpoints.

I have always been quite conservative/libertarian. I went to a catholic college (even though I am not catholic) specifically so I would not have to deal witht he extreme leftist profs..guess what? They are there too:killingme Unfortunately I am not the kind of person that is comfortable with myself if I am lying about what I beleive in. So I argued. And I argued. I was actually a tiny bit famous in my psych dept for having a shouting match with a particular extreme left prof (becasue mr crazypants insulted my ann coulter..and THEN had the nerve to say that micheal moore was better and never lied. I lost it. The next class I brought in over 70 pages of outlined highlighted outright lies and references to back it up:killingme not all mine but gathered by me). But my grades have never suffered for it. I was graded fairly..every time. I think people bow too quickly..and that is what they want..but most people are fair.


I have always been quite conservative/libertarian. I went to a catholic college (even though I am not catholic) specifically so I would not have to deal witht he extreme leftist profs..guess what? They are there too:killingme Unfortunately I am not the kind of person that is comfortable with myself if I am lying about what I beleive in. So I argued. And I argued. I was actually a tiny bit famous in my psych dept for having a shouting match with a particular extreme left prof (becasue mr crazypants insulted my ann coulter..and THEN had the nerve to say that micheal moore was better and never lied. I lost it. The next class I brought in over 70 pages of outlined highlighted outright lies and references to back it up:killingme not all mine but gathered by me). But my grades have never suffered for it. I was graded fairly..every time. I think people bow too quickly..and that is what they want..but most people are fair.

I think that was awesome!! But I guess some professors at this school were not used to students challenging their viewpoints. Which is sad, as college is suppose to be a time were you can feel free to talk about different viewpoints.
I ended up finishing my degree at UMUC. Classes there "seemed" to be more to the point and less BS. The couple classes were view points were thrown in, people tended to repect them more than a tradional college of 18-22 year olds.


Well-Known Member
I still dont' get why people think college professors push their agenda. Maybe if you're in political science or something, but I NEVER had any professor talk about politics. I guess they were all too busy actually teaching the subject.


Dream Stealer
I still dont' get why people think college professors push their agenda. Maybe if you're in political science or something, but I NEVER had any professor talk about politics. I guess they were all too busy actually teaching the subject.

really? several of mine were quite political..i was in all pysch classes though..that may make a lends itself to politics more than say, engineering or science would.