WOW. They need to calm down


Well-Known Member
really? several of mine were quite political..i was in all pysch classes though..that may make a lends itself to politics more than say, engineering or science would.

I had several non-science classes (soc, psych, communications, Feminist Theory (had to take it, it was the only class open that would count as an elective), literature, etc) and none of them ever tried to push agenda. I did have a science based major though.


I still dont' get why people think college professors push their agenda. Maybe if you're in political science or something, but I NEVER had any professor talk about politics. I guess they were all too busy actually teaching the subject.

Trust me, I have been in classes were the professors inject their views into the class (English, Humanities mainly). There is nothing wrong with injecting views if it has something to do with the class and it stays on point. But some have gone onto whole tangets on whatever the subject it. Like I mentioned before UMUC I really did not have that problem. The couple times it did happen, it stayed on topic. Another school I went to in MD when I was 18-20 (typical college age) trust me it happened ALOT, hence the reason I did not finish at that school (plus it was not a good school or I did not think so).


I would think with all the snow days they missed they could have gone to work on any of those days.

You see? This... THIS is what happens when you allow people to THINK.
When the people are allowed to THINK, they will call you out when you make stupid goddam comments.

This kind of thing is totally double-plus-ungood.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I had a friend back in the day who would keep her daughter home frequently because they'd overslept and she didn't want to drive her to school. The kid was held back twice (!) because she was so far behind her classmates.

So I understand why schools want to take a hard line on attendance, but it would be great if they'd take individuals into consideration.


I think that's what happened with my kids' situation. The schools know when people are doing things like letting kids slack off. And they know I'm going to make my kids do the work they bring home, etc.

I would not take my kids out of school for a 5 day vacation, but this is something unavoidable since we have no relatives to pawn them off on while I'm gone! :lol:


I totally sold out in an HR class and wrote a lib sucking paper on "Diversity" just to be sure and get a good grade from the uber leftist professor.


Obama destroyed America
I still dont' get why people think college professors push their agenda. Maybe if you're in political science or something, but I NEVER had any professor talk about politics. I guess they were all too busy actually teaching the subject.
Maybe BC you agree with their agenda and didn't even notice? Just sayin... :whistle: :love:


Obama destroyed America
You see? This... THIS is what happens when you allow people to THINK.
When the people are allowed to THINK, they will call you out when you make stupid goddam comments.

This kind of thing is totally double-plus-ungood.


New Member
Don't really care what the school says, but my employer expects me to do what he wants when I'm in the office.
Babysitting isn't on his list

+1 to that. Whenever I went to my parents' place of work, I either helped in any small way possible or stayed out of the way and perfectly quiet. I made sure I had something to keep me entertained because I knew (more really THOUGHT because it hardly ever happened) it'd be a slap or something if I interrupted them constantly during their workday.

**EDIT: And having held a professional position now in some cases I find it rather obnoxious when parents DO bring their kids to work. More often than not it's perfectly fine and it depends largely upon your duties but bringing a loud, crying child into an office when you have a roommate is totally unacceptable in my book (and I've seen it done).

The VAST majority of the kids in this nation are public school educated.

More moms work now than ever before meaning day care and kids looking after themselves until mom or dad gets home.

Anyone wanna argue that, overall, the young adults we churn out these days are doing just fine?

Nope. I'm one of them and I'm fairly bitter about my generation... not for the regular adolescent nonsense, but more for the culturally-induced delusions they have about relationships, money, work, and life in general. I could list you a bunch of REALLY depressing things I've heard people say around school, but the internet could do that for you too - it's all true.


New Member
I think take your child to work day is awesome. It shows the child how hard the parent works. It could inspire them to do better in school.