Yeah Redskins!!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hey Larry,

Grab the microphone and come on down.

Hell, it’s the Redskins.
Hell, Misery.
Braves are a floor mat.
Wipe your feet on DC.



Material Girl
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Grab the microphone and come on down.

Hell, it’s the Redskins.
Hell, Misery.
Braves are a floor mat.
Wipe your feet on DC.




But on the positive side.... it looks like the Steelers are back! :howdy:


:tantrum AND it looks like my Fantasy Football team might not do much better then my Skins!!!! We'll see.... I'm still ahead and I have Jason Elam going tonight. :tap:

Would it be wrong if I started a Prayer Thread for my Fantasy Football team? :lmao:

I need another beer. :frown:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Ken King said:
Grab the microphone and come on down.

Hell, it’s the Redskins.
Hell, Misery.
Braves are a floor mat.
Wipe your feet on DC.


...sarcasm, eh?

Well, guess what? They're GOING to beat the Colts next week, guaranteed, and then we shall sing!


Ponytail said:
I was just going to ask Larry who he was sharing the crack pipe with. Now I know.

Its helping us get over yesterday's game :cool: Wanna hit? :cool:


Ponytail said:
Yea, sure. The Eagles fell on their azzes too. :lol:

I saw that, my roommate RiverRat is an avid Eagles fan... I thought for sure we'd break the remote yesterday... her game was a close one at the end as was my game :lol: I was hoping Saints would miss the field goal but they didn't :frown: Not a happy household last night. :lol: