Yes, Jesus Would Bake A Cake for a Gay Person


PREMO Member
Yes, Jesus Would Bake A Cake for a Gay Person

Other Christians, including a significant number of Catholic and Protestant preachers, believe that a gay marriage is a sinful corruption of a relationship God himself ordained. Because they try to glorify God through their work, they believe they cannot participate in a wedding service. Yes, because they believe they are glorifying God in their work and view it as a ministry, they view providing goods and services as a way to advance, even in a small way, God’s kingdom.

Herein lies the dispute of the day. The latter group does not stand in the way of the former group providing cakes, flowers, and pictures for a gay wedding. Some of the former, however, believe the government should compel the latter group to violate their conscience. They only see the transaction through the customer’s eyes as if the vendors are passive participants.

That’s the problem.

We are not talking about race. We are not talking about restaurants. We are talking about a specific ceremony people of faith believe God himself created and ordained. Should the state force people to violate their conscience in that regard?

It is not staggering that there are aggrieved gay rights activists who think the state should be able to force people to recognize as normal that which most Christians view as sinful. What is staggering is the number of Christians who apparently think the State has the right to decide and enforce this issue.

You might think Jesus would bake a cake for a gay wedding. I think you are wrong. I do not think Jesus Christ would participate in the ratification of a sin — and a marriage between two people of the same sex is a sin. Are you really going to tell the millions of Christians in the United States who think otherwise that not only are they wrong, but the state should be able to force your opinion of what Jesus would do on them? In your pride, you might think 2000 years of Christian orthodoxy and the majority of practicing Christians in the world today are wrong — but don’t think among people of practicing Christian faith you are in the majority.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Consult The Almighty Fossil here.


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New Member
The gov't cannot force a clergyman to marry somebody they do not wish to. To do so would require a Constitutional amendment or a repealing of the Establishment Clause in the Bill of Rights.


New Member
I don't believe Jesus would celebrate a gay marriage any more than he would celebrate a successful bank robbery or a murder....

AND IMHO it's quite intolerant of some people to force Christians to accept it.



my war
I don't believe Jesus would celebrate a gay marriage any more than he would celebrate a successful bank robbery or a murder....

AND IMHO it's quite intolerant of some people to force Christians to accept it.


You have no clue what Jesus would do, so shut it!


I don't believe Jesus would celebrate a gay marriage any more than he would celebrate a successful bank robbery or a murder....

AND IMHO it's quite intolerant of some people to force Christians to accept it.


Do you think it's possible of the 5,000 that Jesus fed, some might have been gay?


New Member
Do you think it's possible of the 5,000 that Jesus fed, some might have been gay?

Sure.... and all of them would have been sinners.....

I remember reading where Jesus was very disgusted with the humans. Does that help your argument?

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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You have no clue what Jesus would do, so shut it!

Why exactly do you think you have do you do this? It's not like you have any clue to the workings of the universe. Her opinion is at least as valid as yours.


Sure.... and all of them would have been sinners.....

I remember reading where Jesus was very disgusted with the humans. Does that help your argument?


That's the point... I don't think Jesus viewed any one person as more sinful than the other. You put your comment in the context of comparing gay people to murderers and bank robbers. I would think from the reference point of perfection (namely Jesus) everyone looks the same. That’s why he offered His love and salvation to everyone, not just those that sinned less (as we might view sin). And in order for Jesus to have offered this to everyone, he would have to view us all the same.


Well-Known Member
Jesus healed untold numbers of the sick, disabled, diseased. On at least a number of occasions, those that approached Him for healing in faith (Matt 9:22) were also healed of their sin, i.e. - saved.

Jesus wouldn't bake a cake for anyone. He would simply say something like "go, and sin no more (John 8:11), and then you can have your cake and eat it, too."

Salvation, and ultimately heaven, is that cake. Doesn't matter where it was baked, symbolically or not.

Jesus, does not condone, and cannot condone, and will not condone, any sin. Homosexuality is just another sin, really, even though the Bible calls it an abomination.


Jesus wouldn't bake a cake for anyone. He would simply say something like "go, and sin no more (John 8:11), and then you can have your cake and eat it, too."

I don’t think that’s what is meant. Would Jesus have served gay people; or would He have turned them away? Matthew was considered the worst of the worst and became a disciple. Paul? He butchered Christians.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think that’s what is meant. Would Jesus have served gay people; or would He have turned them away? Matthew was considered the worst of the worst and became a disciple. Paul? He butchered Christians.

I meant what I said. Jesus will turn no one away, until they perish physically in an unsaved state. That is their decision while they still breathed.

Jesus served his sinful, and I believe, conceited and ignorant disciples by washing their feet just hours before He was crucified, even though He had told them numerous times of his imminent death. They still did not get it.

Shortly before that, Mary, sister of Martha, anointed His feet with the most expensive ointments available - everything she could possibly pay for, while the disciples murmured about her foolishness, about using that money to "feed the poor".

She got it. Many women "got it". A whole lot of men didn't, and still do not today.

Jesus was here, and will spiritually, serve anybody with His Word, but will not condone actions to be used for works against His will. That bill will come due.

Unfortunately for humankind, we are, especially today, turned over to our reprobate minds. Be assured that Jesus does not condone sin of any kind. We have to go on past history and writings.

Don't try and put God in a box.:buddies:


New Member
That's the point... I don't think Jesus viewed any one person as more sinful than the other. You put your comment in the context of comparing gay people to murderers and bank robbers. I would think from the reference point of perfection (namely Jesus) everyone looks the same. That’s why he offered His love and salvation to everyone, not just those that sinned less (as we might view sin). And in order for Jesus to have offered this to everyone, he would have to view us all the same.

It's not a matter of how "we" might view sin.... It's how Jesus the Son and His Father Who is in Heaven view sin.... the problem with this awful generation and all the generations before it... is the "we" and "me".... instead of the Lord!



my war
It's not a matter of how "we" might view sin.... It's how Jesus the Son and His Father Who is in Heaven view sin.... the problem with this awful generation and all the generations before it... is the "we" and "me".... instead of the Lord!


Here is a novel idea... Think for yourself!