my war
How about trying that once yourself.....thinking.....I know it is a novel idea......![]()
No cake for you.
How about trying that once yourself.....thinking.....I know it is a novel idea......![]()
No cake for you.
Do you think it's possible of the 5,000 that Jesus fed, some might have been gay?
Here is a novel idea... Think for yourself!
Let me ask you this.....
If I feel that something is wrong.... say eating a slice of pizza.... and you think it's right..... Does that mean that I have to eat a slice of pizza to make you feel better? Hope not!
I believe the Bible? Do I think there is some symbolism in the Bible to make the moral of the story more visible? Sure.... where do you think Jesus learned the importance of the parable as a learning tool. I believe the Bible is about the one True God.... His Son... and their love for me....
If others don't care to believe the Bible, that's their opinion. Why can't they be tolerant of those of us who do believe in it.
It's not very nice to say I don't think for myself just because I have a different opinion. Kind of makes me feel bad for people who swallow any faddish idea that comes down the propaganda pike. At least the Love of the Lord goes back to the beginning of reason.
I usually stay out of this area as religious arguments to me at least are less productive than political ones. However seeing your example of asking for people who do not believe in the bible to be tolerant, while Christians are intolerant of someones personal preference is hypocritical at best. Is this not passing judgement, when you should love thy neighbor? What two people do between themselves has no effect on you, if you believe that gays marrying effects you directly, well then stop being intolerant.
I find it funny that people put so much thought into the bible when it is nothing more than stories that have been translated, re translated and copied into multiple editions over the last 2000 years. I see the bible as something to provide inspiration, while the ten commandments should be what you live by. Although using a book about pillaging, prostitution, murder and stealing is not really something anyone should base their life on.
Also no one knows what Jesus would think today, you can see it from their own point of view.
Now before you pass judgement on me, I was raised in a Lutheran household. I prefer not to designate myself to a specific following as I believe organized religion is a scam, my point of view. I am not gay, however I have gay relatives. I support them 100%.
None of them knew how to write so anything is possible.. but to answer your questions.. He welcomed sinners that were looking to repent and change their ways, he wasn't very receptive of sinners that were just going to continue to sin without repenting or trying to change.
So yes, Jesus probably would bake them a cake for their heterosexual wedding after they repented.. but probably wouldn't bake them a cake for their rectal wrecking recital.
I don't believe Jesus would celebrate a gay marriage any more than he would celebrate a successful bank robbery or a murder....
AND IMHO it's quite intolerant of some people to force Christians to accept it.
You have no clue what Jesus would do, so shut it!
Should a gay florist be allowed to deny service to a Christian couple? I know many of you will say 'yes!' but, do you really mean it? I mean, I never knew a gay person who would turn down a wedding based on what other people choose to believe but, just saying.
Other than that, Jesus fed the masses. He cured the sick. He treated the people as they were. Do we Christians honestly want our faith to be turned into one big joke where Christ is asking people, before he feeds them or treats them, "Hey, you're not, well, you know, you're not a turd burglar or carpet muncher are you???? You can be a drunk, adulterer, thief, take pops name in vain, total douche bag and get served but, we all have our limits, pal..." For ####s sake, I can see the cartoon. Jesus lays his hands on a leper and the guy says "thanks" with a lisp and Jesus jumps up "Ewwwwww!!!!! Homo cooties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The key words here are fed and cured. Jesus offers salvation and forgives sin. He ate with sinners, didn't exclude anyone....
He called a sin a sin though.... look at the woman at the well story.... He told that woman all about her husbands and offered living water [salvation]... Look at the woman He saved from the stoning.... He told her to go and sin no more.
I believe Jesus loves everyone and would welcome anyone into the Kingdom.... but people have to choose....
Jesus had a conversation with a man who followed the law but that man left because he just couldn't give everything up to follow Jesus....
Jesus wouldn't celebrate sin.
Should a gay florist be allowed to deny service to a Christian couple? I know many of you will say 'yes!' but, do you really mean it? I mean, I never knew a gay person who would turn down a wedding based on what other people choose to believe but, just saying.
Other than that, Jesus fed the masses. He cured the sick. He treated the people as they were. Do we Christians honestly want our faith to be turned into one big joke where Christ is asking people, before he feeds them or treats them, "Hey, you're not, well, you know, you're not a turd burglar or carpet muncher are you???? You can be a drunk, adulterer, thief, take pops name in vain, total douche bag and get served but, we all have our limits, pal..." For ####s sake, I can see the cartoon. Jesus lays his hands on a leper and the guy says "thanks" with a lisp and Jesus jumps up "Ewwwwww!!!!! Homo cooties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I’d say it and mean it. If you run a business, you should be allowed to allow or deny anyone you want based on any reason. Let the customers decide. If you practice discrimination/bigotry, I think you’ll go out of business pretty quickly.
The reason gays probably wouldn’t turn away someone is because they don’t believe their salvation is at risk for doing so. That’s not saying that I even remotely believe if a Christian baked a cake for a gay couple’s wedding their going to hell. This isn’t a religious thing for me… it’s a liberty thing; something I think Jesus would embrace.
I’d say it and mean it. If you run a business, you should be allowed to allow or deny anyone you want based on any reason. Let the customers decide. If you practice discrimination/bigotry, I think you’ll go out of business pretty quickly.
The reason gays probably wouldn’t turn away someone is because they don’t believe their salvation is at risk for doing so. That’s not saying that I even remotely believe if a Christian baked a cake for a gay couple’s wedding their going to hell. This isn’t a religious thing for me… it’s a liberty thing; something I think Jesus would embrace.
The key words here are fed and cured. Jesus offers salvation and forgives sin. He ate with sinners, didn't exclude anyone....
He called a sin a sin though.... look at the woman at the well story.... He told that woman all about her husbands and offered living water [salvation]... Look at the woman He saved from the stoning.... He told her to go and sin no more.
I believe Jesus loves everyone and would welcome anyone into the Kingdom.... but people have to choose....
Jesus had a conversation with a man who followed the law but that man left because he just couldn't give everything up to follow Jesus....
Jesus wouldn't celebrate sin.
I’d say it and mean it. If you run a business, you should be allowed to allow or deny anyone you want based on any reason. Let the customers decide. If you practice discrimination/bigotry, I think you’ll go out of business pretty quickly.
The reason gays probably wouldn’t turn away someone is because they don’t believe their salvation is at risk for doing so. That’s not saying that I even remotely believe if a Christian baked a cake for a gay couple’s wedding their going to hell. This isn’t a religious thing for me… it’s a liberty thing; something I think Jesus would embrace.
Then, you'd think the least followers could do would be to get along with folks, sell some flowers and wedding cakes and leave the judging to Him. These sorts of absurd absolute positions are not in keeping with His teachings, let alone His example, do not further the interests of Christianity and, in fact, marginalize it and harm it. This is to say nothing of harming ones own personal fortunes, potentially ending business's and the negative impact that would have on those of faith.
Born again Christians have great liberty, and will be supported eternally by Christ in the end.
Everyone must make their choice, make their bed and sleep in it. One either changes their ways (repents) and follow the teachings of the Lord (salvation), or they don't.
Individual choice of their eternal destination.
Not because one says so. Not because society or PC says so. But because God said so. When you are God, you set the rules.
We've been down this path. A community has the right to impose certain expectations on business's including safety standards, hours of operation, labor laws and so forth in exchange for the infrastructure of the community, utilities, roads, zoning and so forth whereby communities say 'here is how we do business'. It is not unreasonable to say "you can't refuse service based on skin color, religious belief or gender'.
Liberty isn't anarchy.