Larry Gude
Strung Out
You left out a rather large part of my post 46 you just partially quoted:
"Christians that have no problem serving the homosexual community in Biblical customs - specifically weddings that is clearly laid out in the Bible as marriage between one man and one woman - will have to deal with themselves on how they did not follow the pattern God laid out, and deal with any kind of wordly fallout that may result from it. .
"I have no problem with you being gay as long as you do things the way I believe you should..."
By definition, this is a land of religious freedom. By definition that means ALL sorts of ceremonies will occur. Those of ones chosen faith. Those not so much. Mormonism ring any bells?
All you are doing is laying out a pretext, how others choose to live their lives, that has not one thing to do with yours, and searching for an 'ah ha!' to justify your own bias' while claiming to have none. "I don't mind gays at all. As long as I don't see 'em, hear 'em or have to sell them cake for their ceremony I disagree with..." Same thing gays do. Same thing Muslims do. Same thing atheists and agnostics do. It is beyond silly to assert that selling someone a cake harms your faith in any way. You're not being forced to officiate. You're not being forced to convert. You're not being forced to do anything other than what you choose to do; sell cakes for a living, and the community has the right to set certain conditions and terms such as health, safety and basic business practice.
I TOTALLY agree with the position, too much government intrusion, when it comes to forcing a business to provide contraception in their insurance offerings. I do not think the community can or should demand that. The is an affront to your faith AND it has practical impacts far, far beyond some sugar and flour.
At the end of the day, these sorts of debates are exactly, in my view, at the root of the decline of Christianity; acting like selective things are a violation of your rights to religious freedom. And it makes me sad.