Yes, Jesus Would Bake A Cake for a Gay Person

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You left out a rather large part of my post 46 you just partially quoted:

"Christians that have no problem serving the homosexual community in Biblical customs - specifically weddings that is clearly laid out in the Bible as marriage between one man and one woman - will have to deal with themselves on how they did not follow the pattern God laid out, and deal with any kind of wordly fallout that may result from it. .

"I have no problem with you being gay as long as you do things the way I believe you should..."

By definition, this is a land of religious freedom. By definition that means ALL sorts of ceremonies will occur. Those of ones chosen faith. Those not so much. Mormonism ring any bells?

All you are doing is laying out a pretext, how others choose to live their lives, that has not one thing to do with yours, and searching for an 'ah ha!' to justify your own bias' while claiming to have none. "I don't mind gays at all. As long as I don't see 'em, hear 'em or have to sell them cake for their ceremony I disagree with..." Same thing gays do. Same thing Muslims do. Same thing atheists and agnostics do. It is beyond silly to assert that selling someone a cake harms your faith in any way. You're not being forced to officiate. You're not being forced to convert. You're not being forced to do anything other than what you choose to do; sell cakes for a living, and the community has the right to set certain conditions and terms such as health, safety and basic business practice.

I TOTALLY agree with the position, too much government intrusion, when it comes to forcing a business to provide contraception in their insurance offerings. I do not think the community can or should demand that. The is an affront to your faith AND it has practical impacts far, far beyond some sugar and flour.

At the end of the day, these sorts of debates are exactly, in my view, at the root of the decline of Christianity; acting like selective things are a violation of your rights to religious freedom. And it makes me sad.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The judgement seat of Christ, which we know is a feast for believers only, will give or withhold rewards in eternity. This issue could probably effect that standing, IMHO, based on Biblical scriptures. You don't know that. You believe that. And have every right to.

You really did not read, misread, or selectively cut & pasted my post. Purgatory? Trying to set Christianity as "some sort of silly set of beliefs that takes issues with who sells a cake to whom because it means you'll go to hell."? No. I am not the one crying foul that I have to sell a cake to some homo. I think it makes the faith silly to do so.

I think you just cannot deal with a God whose written Word differs from your personal feelings. I have said and will say again, I think Christianity is a net good to our society on many issues. Just not this one. You are trying to put God into a box where the sides will just hold in what you want to believe or the way you want it to be - like your consistent assertions that the village or the societal whole takes precedent over individual religious beliefs. The rest is just religious jibberish and poppycock. Not at all. Time was when the church WAS the community. All this is about is the faith maintaining a good place in the society. In this environment, already hostile to Christianity, it stinks that the good of the faith is marginalized by this sort of silliness. This, the 'God and his anti pregnancy rape gene', the abortion battles

My feelings: If a person announces they are a homosexual and wants to purchase the proverbial birthday cake for someone, I don't think any baker, Christian or not, would have a problem with that, because birthdays, graduation type cakes and celebrations do not have any type of religious belief system. And, of you believe in religious freedom then you MUST believe another persons idea of marriage is not your concern nor does your selling them a cake establish it as valid in your eyes. Or the Lords. He KNOWS it's just a damn cake and you mean no affront. IF those people are sinning, doing wrong, that is between He and them. It's not like your a drug dealer or running a bar or a house of prostitution or gambling; enticing people to sin.

However, for any kind of anything for a Biblical ritual or ceremony that goes against Biblical teachings in supporting practicing sin, no one should be compelled to meet those demands that violate their belief principles, by any village, society, or state. And no one should be made to suffer legal or intimidation practices/repercussions from any group or state for standing up to their beliefs.

Don't believe what I say about what the Bible preaches - check it out for yourself about what God says about homosexuality and how believers are to react to and associate with those that practice it. Romans 1:18-32 is a bedrock place to start in seeing what God has allowed mankind to degenerate into, not His will, but the desires of man to rule himself.

I UNDERSTAND the bibles position on this. I understand your interpretation of it. I do NOT understand the incessant elevation of homosexuality as First among equals in sin. It didn't even make the top 10.


Well-Known Member
I UNDERSTAND the bibles position on this. I understand your interpretation of it. I do NOT understand the incessant elevation of homosexuality as First among equals in sin. It didn't even make the top 10.

Didn't make the top 10?:roflmao: Too funny, and way wrong on this topic.

Try #7 - Thou shalt not commit adultery. Sex outside of marriage, and seeing how the Bible defines marriage as between a man and a woman (Gen 2:23-25 for context, explicitly 24, and Matt 19:4-5 reaffirmed it, from Jesus Himself), well, sorta shoots your last down pretty quick into a flaming wreck.

All sin is equal in the eyes of God. The smallest lie is no different than the cruelest act against someone else. One sin of any kind makes us fall short of Gods standard - which is perfection.

BTW, every sin imaginable is covered under the Big 10, just by implication into one or several of the commandments. Don't have to be a linguist to see that. Everything perverted and reprobate that mankind has come up with.

We will continue to agree to disagree.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
But, is it really much of an intrusion to say 'serve all'? Isn't it more of an intrusion to say 'you must meet these health standards, these building code standards' and so on and so on? By your reasoning, you're saying let them run a filthy place out of a clapboard building, drawing water from the creek if they so choose and let the market decide, correct? That's what I mean by liberty not being anarchy; rather basic rules that, in practice, really don't impede all that much but DO provide a basic promotion of the common welfare. Good Lord, Ronald Reagan signed into law Thou SHALT provide service and product even to those who can't pay with the Emergency Medical Treatment Act. That means black, white, male, female, criminal, leper, gay, straight, fat or ugly. Thou SHALL. And here we have people who actually are crying about 'having' to sell a cake to a couple of gay folks???

Like I say, the issue here, to me, is one of harming that which you (generic you) seek to protect.

Trotting out old st. Ron should be the same offense as drawing the Nazi comparison, but that's neither here nor there.

You're saying that it's right because it's not very much of an intrusion, I'm saying it's torturing the wording of the constitution to find a way to cover this. Once you begin deciding that you want a law, and then twisting the existing laws to shoehorn it in, you've given free reign to pass anything you like.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
"...When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. These two evils are of equal consequence, and it would be difficult for a person to choose between them."

Frédéric Bastiat
Just noticing how apropos this quote is to the discussion.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Trotting out old st. Ron should be the same offense as drawing the Nazi comparison, but that's neither here nor there.

You're saying that it's right because it's not very much of an intrusion, I'm saying it's torturing the wording of the constitution to find a way to cover this. Once you begin deciding that you want a law, and then twisting the existing laws to shoehorn it in, you've given free reign to pass anything you like.

Trotting out 'ol Ron, in terms of the ACA, is trotting out the most direct link to how we got here. A Republican signed into a law a requirement that one MUST serve and provide goods to ANYONE regardless of their ability to pay.

I am not saying it is 'right'. I am saying, once again, that liberty is not anarchy. The promotion of the general welfare can, and should, take on a few basic community rules. Health, safety, general business guidelines. A gay couple, like 'em or not, pay taxes and those taxes go to roads, sewer, power and other basic things, that allow a business to be IN a community and operate. Bringing before the people the issue of whether or not I MUST sell a cake to someone I suspect may be gay and how it may cause me to end up in hell, against like...well, like some Muslim refusing to cut the hair of a lesbian and not even because she is a lesbian but, because she is a woman. Absurd.


Well-Known Member
But, not His followers...?

Show me, please, where Christians, believers in the Bible, are sinning by not acquiescing to the condoning, promoting, giving aid and comfort, to the homosexual communi-tuh, are violating anyone's rights by sticking to Biblical principles? The homosexual rights end where Christian's rights begin, LG.

Please? Pretty please? Does the 1st Amendment mean nothing to you other than everyone must cave in to every demand by the homosexuals, at any time, at the expense of others religious beliefs and rights under the same 1st Amendment?

The 1st Amendment is still the law of the land, right?

Will you champion an Orthodox Jewish or Muslim establishment that refuse to serve the homosexual communi-tuh for a religious ceremony?

Your interpretation of the 1st Amendment flies in the face of what it says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of.

Doesn't matter how simple it would be to just give in to others demands, how "selfless" it would be to just "do the right thing" in societies eyes....

Society is not the Word of God. Society flies in the face against it. IMHO, that is why we are where we are today.

As long as others have to give into what you want......

The 1st says otherwise. The Word of God supports what it says - "the free exercise thereof".

Except now - there is nothing today to "free exercise" that does not go the homosexual way. You and the left will just not stand for it.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Show me, please, where Christians, believers in the Bible, are sinning by not acquiescing to the condoning, promoting, giving aid and comfort, to the homosexual communi-tuh, are violating anyone's rights by sticking to Biblical principles? The homosexual rights end where Christian's rights begin, LG.


You're not violating anyone's rights by helping a once great religion onto the ash heap of history.

"Wow. What are the Christians manning the barricades for? The right to practice their faith? To wear it's symbols? To speak, freely, of it's teachings? To believe as they see fit?"

"No. They don't wanna sell wedding cakes to homos. Think it will make them go to hell..."



Well-Known Member
You're not violating anyone's rights by helping a once great religion onto the ash heap of history.

"Wow. What are the Christians manning the barricades for? The right to practice their faith? To wear it's symbols? To speak, freely, of it's teachings? To believe as they see fit?"

"No. They don't wanna sell wedding cakes to homos. Think it will make them go to hell..."


Yeah. Uh, oh - for you. You have nothing to stand on. Simply put, your stand violates peoples rights - those that are against your side. That is where you are at this point. Your quoted statement says it all.

And says nothing to support your position. Typical homosexual hysteria against anything that stands against the practice. No patience, no logic, no belief system, no stance except that you don't like it.:lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah. Uh, oh - for you. You have nothing to stand on. Simply put, your stand violates peoples rights - those that are against your side. That is where you are at this point. Your quoted statement says it all.

And says nothing to support your position. Typical homosexual hysteria against anything that stands against the practice. No patience, no logic, no belief system, no stance except that you don't like it.:lmao:

Uh, yeah. Well, good luck.


Silly people Jesus wouldn't bake a cake, he was a carpenter and probably wasn't a very good baker.