Yet another single vehicle accident in to a tree or in this case a "pole


Well-Known Member
Adjusted for population I'll bet there were just as many. The reason you didn't hear about them as often, or did after the fact, is likely because there weren't outlets that provided news/information almost in real time. not to mention social media. Look how often you see a thread here with a variation of "Accident on TJ Bridge".
Only if it was serious then it was a blurb in the weekly paper.


Well-Known Member
In my Jetta, even a std F150 can blind me without realizing it. Then you get the dumb****s with a lift kit and tires that stick out a foot past the fenders. They never think to have the headlights readjusted. It's one of those things you live with. Luckily I have remote mirrors and turn them outwards. Can't do anything about them flooding the cabin of the car except focus straight ahead.
Going with this kit.


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Well-Known Member
I thought I was going to lose control one night heading south on 249. Coming up the hill to Bob's Beer Cave, there's a Sheriff's car just past the crest with a car pulled over. He had on what I call "midnight sun" lights facing behind the patrol car. They were so bright I was blinded and drifted part way into the oncoming lane.
Well, he got to go home that night, no matter what, so all is well.


Well-Known Member
Only if it was serious then it was a blurb in the weekly paper.
My maternal grandfather made the paper, back before I was born. Seems as though the old scofflaw parked in a no-parking zone during off hours. I hope he learned his lesson.


Active Member
I almost got rear ended driving on 235 about a month ago. Some pickup I assume was screaming up the road north and had to hit the grass medium because I was driving 62 or so in the slow lane and another driver was going 64 or so in the fast lane. I heard the screeching of brakes behind me and looked in my rear view mirror to see the pickup going through the median/ditch between north and south bounds lanes and finally settle facing the traffic coming the other way just short of going into their lanes. Scary crap!


Well-Known Member
I firmly believe accidents such as described in this thread are 90% caused by texting
Very likely. But, hard to prove. Espeically if the person dies. Law Enforcement doesn't seem interested in examining cell phone records at that point. I understand why.


Well-Known Member
I think that may not be a joke.
Sometimes you have to make light of tragedy. In particular when those that can reduce the problem have been ignoring it. Or, they have been trying to do something about it and it has become so far out of control they are now unable to get a handle on it.


Well-Known Member
I'm more of a "vehicle into the building" watch and see type of person. Never ceases to amaze me how this happens. Not to mention, the latest incident was at my place of employment.
Over the years I have seen most of the reports of either a head in to a vehicle or in to a tree. There have been some reports of in to a building or a house. I did see one report of someone who went off the road, found a parked marked Sheriff's car in front of the officer's house and hit it.


Well-Known Member
Why did we have them back before texting?
Texting isn't the only form of distracted driving. For example, a fat guy was driving on 235 Northbound just past gate 1 of Pax. My wife had to stop for traffic. He rear ended her. He told her he took his eyes off the road just for a few seconds to reach for a potato chip in the bag sitting beside him. He admitted the wrong. Most do not. Northbound on 235 near Walmart, my friend in the passenger seat said look at the lady in the next lane beside us. - She was putting on make up as she blew past us. And the list goes on. If you take your eyes off the road to look at something in the field near you while the car is in motion and hit something, it is distracted driving. Happens quite a bit. The point is, there are many types of distracted driving. I just named a few. All of the above could get the same ticket. However, since cell phones, distracted driving has gone through the roof. And the numbers continue to skyrocket. Without enhanced enforcement efforts, the deaths and severe injuries from distracted driving will skyrocket with it. The police know it. But, they have only so many police officers. Many are leaving Maryland due to new laws making it difficult for police officers to do their job. The miserable pay that they make is no where near worth being a police officer. Not even close for what they have to put up with.


Active Member
I love how lots of folks drive down the road in their $xxxK car with all the technology in the world packed in it, yapping into their phone like a slice of pizza!


Well-Known Member
Texting isn't the only form of distracted driving. For example, a fat guy was driving on 235 Northbound just past gate 1 of Pax. My wife had to stop for traffic. He rear ended her. He told her he took his eyes off the road just for a few seconds to reach for a potato chip in the bag sitting beside him. He admitted the wrong. Most do not. Northbound on 235 near Walmart, my friend in the passenger seat said look at the lady in the next lane beside us. - She was putting on make up as she blew past us. And the list goes on. If you take your eyes off the road to look at something in the field near you while the car is in motion and hit something, it is distracted driving. Happens quite a bit. The point is, there are many types of distracted driving. I just named a few. All of the above could get the same ticket. However, since cell phones, distracted driving has gone through the roof. And the numbers continue to skyrocket. Without enhanced enforcement efforts, the deaths and severe injuries from distracted driving will skyrocket with it. The police know it. But, they have only so many police officers. Many are leaving Maryland due to new laws making it difficult for police officers to do their job. The miserable pay that they make is no where near worth being a police officer. Not even close for what they have to put up with.
At 55 MPH you are moving 88 feet per second


Power with Control
One of my faves, although its is rare is the person eating food that requires utensils to eat. Now that's masterclass stupid right there.


Well-Known Member
One of my faves, although its is rare is the person eating food that requires utensils to eat. Now that's masterclass stupid right there.
Drove up Rte 4 to DC for years before I started work in Pax, I can't tell you the number of times I've seen the makeup trick and also, a newspaper draped over the steering wheel for their reading pleasure as they drive to work.


Honorary SMIB
Drove up Rte 4 to DC for years before I started work in Pax, I can't tell you the number of times I've seen the makeup trick and also, a newspaper draped over the steering wheel for their reading pleasure as they drive to work.
I did the same route, saw a guy polishing his shoes one day. Saw more than one shaving. And a load of tobacco on fire.

Were you still going up there when someone landed their Cessna on the road and parked it off to the side by the new bridge?