Yo! Gay men!


b*tch rocket
Do you feel the members of somd, as well as the majority of citizens in Southern Md are homophopic? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
Quit hijacking my "tread" you homophobe!
Shoot, a gay guy could buy a Congressman for $145,000!!! BUY himself some same-sex marriage!!!

Gays, blacks, women, union people, poor people, etc. should really be thinking long and hard about what they're getting out of the Democratic party.

Anyway, back to the discussion.....


But wait, there's more...
alright you three ... don't get this thread deleted please. I gotta get a quick shower, grab a beer and some popcorn, then come watch the action. :rubbingmyhandstogether:

This already has the makings for 'tread of the night' :biggrin:

*edited to include Mainman


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by tatercake
This already has the makings for 'tread of the night'
I doubt it, since we only have maybe 2 gay people on this forum. Even Hessian hasn't been able to get 'em riled up lately.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I doubt it, since we only have maybe 2 gay people on this forum. Even Hessian hasn't been able to get 'em riled up lately.

:yeahthat: But dayum, we're loaded with lesbos. :shocking:


b*tch rocket
Did I ever mention that EVERY gay man I've ever known has wanted to do me? :diva: Not sure if that should be taken as a compliment or not. :twitch:


But wait, there's more...
Well, Christy and Vrai ... go check out my conspiracy ... I made you two famous (or tried to)! :diva:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Christy = Fag Hag

No friggin chit! I've had this argument with my gay friends trying to drag me out to the gay bar. Been there done that, and met some REAL fag hags, and they skeered me. :bawl:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by tatercake
definition please?

Straight women who surround themselves with gay men for various different reasons, most being ABSOLUTELY MENTAL!!!! Fag Hags like gay men because they are just soooo like girls, and they figure they can change them.

I met my gays at the playground growing up, and I don't abandon my friends, no matter what their sexual preference is, that is of course, unless they got a better Barbie than me for Christmas. hrmph. :duh:


Is'nt this, a moldy dead arguement? Move along Ladies... Move along! :barf:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Kain99
Is'nt this, a moldy dead arguement? Move along Ladies... Move along! :barf:

:biteme: Don't you have some straight man's life to ruin? :duh: Step off my tread woman!!!!!


Originally posted by Christy
:biteme: Don't you have some straight man's life to ruin? :duh: Step off my tread woman!!!!!
Actually, I am considering turning a new leaf! I think I'd be happier destroying women! What do ya think? :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Just watchin...

Now Now...I'm behaving myself like any decent forumite...

What is missing is...
A) Bragging that our bars/night clubs are better than anything up in DC.

B) Some whiny story about gays facing harassment in school, rental unit, or work...(pick any one and fill in the blanks)

C) A grumbling complaint that the government has nothing to do with marriage and last but NOT least...

D) Not all Lesbians look like Rosie.

I'm a Lusbian and proud of it!:confused: