Yo! Gay men!


Active Member
re: Rosie's Place

Rosie's is that nasty strip club on Great Mills Road. And as far as Christians or others go, I completely accept their beliefs, I just get disgusted with the ones that try to get me to convert, or believe, or throw in my face selected verses is all. I may not believe, but I still accompany my mom at times when she goes to church. I have no problem with that, and I know a lot of hymns. My hope is that we as people eventually respect each other based on their own qualities, and not what they believe.


Re: The Church part II

Not to pick nits, but I just wanted to point out:

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
But as a learned person, I do keep an open mind for everything and everyone.

And then:

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
therefore no matter what you say, it wont make a difference to me.

Just wanted to point out that open mind there.

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
I cannot go to heaven or hell because I do not believe in such places

I do not believe in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Therefore I cannot go there.