You decide my Fate

worker or bum

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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

anyway, a friend that works for a county government agency has asked me to apply for a job at a help desk where he works. basically, if I apply, I get it.

should I go for it and build up a government retirement on top of what I have already set aside, or should I just continue living in a modest manner until I either die from natural causes (pronounced pan poisoning) Or get run over by a truck while crossing the road on my walker.
:coffee: This is some thing that I find irritating.

Many retirees go get other low paying jobs just for some thing to do.

But there are other young people that need those jobs and they pay well for younger people starting out,

but the older persons that do not need the job and already have a retirement check comes to take the job away from the eligible working class.

What is the point of working till retirement when they do not intend to retire?

Is not life more then working for a worldly master?

Can not the retirees find something else to do? besides taking jobs while real workers need those jobs?

If one retires then go and retire. Get a life outside of a job.:bigwhoop:


:coffee: This is some thing that I find irritating.

Many retirees go get other low paying jobs just for some thing to do.

But there are other young people that need those jobs and they pay well for younger people starting out,

but the older persons that do not need the job and already have a retirement check comes to take the job away from the eligible working class.

What is the point of working till retirement when they do not intend to retire?

Is not life more then working for a worldly master?

Can not the retirees find something else to do? besides taking jobs while real workers need those jobs?

If one retires then go and retire. Get a life outside of a job.:bigwhoop:

Are you unemployed?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Are you unemployed?
:diva: Well surely you already know that I have some severe injuries that make so I can not do a job and so yes I am unemployed as I get disability through the Social Security Act.

Of course I believe I can do the job of US Congressman for 5th District.

Even then I will still be disabled and I do expect to get a secretary to assist me.:whistle:


Highlander's MPD
IVe been the boss for so long now that Im tired of it. I want to be the flunky.

but I have to tell you, You have finally after all this time made me laugh at one of your posts.

I can just picture the two of us, older type "gentlemen" drunk, crusing in the bronco, broke, trying to pick up the young babes..

Here's an idea. You said you want to be the flunkie, right. Maybe you can be JPC's campaign manager. You'll definitely flunk that one, no matter how hard you try and it will get you out of the house.

Oh, and I just noticed JPC is looking for a secretary, too. There's your answer.


Well-Known Member
This is some thing that I find irritating. Many retirees go get other low paying jobs just for some thing to do. But there are other young people that need those jobs and they pay well for younger people starting out, but the older persons that do not need the job and already have a retirement check comes to take the job away from the eligible working class.
Perhaps if we didn't have so many illegal aliens taking the jobs the youth would do, we could not have a problem with retirees taking some jobs for extra income and stability.


Lobster Land
On Dec 20th I will be celebrating my 12th year of being unemployed. I've dabbled in some volunteer work until they've turned into jobs but they kept me busy/entertained for a while. I live a meager life but as long as I can pay the bills and afford the internet I'm happy. Being retired does not mean that one just sits at home 24/7.


In My Opinion
:diva: Well surely you already know that I have some severe injuries that make so I can not do a job and so yes I am unemployed as I get disability through the Social Security Act.

Of course I believe I can do the job of US Congressman for 5th District.

Even then I will still be disabled and I do expect to get a secretary to assist me.:whistle:
Your disabilities are not such that would prohibit you from working.
you choose only to consider the type of work that would be difficult in your condition.

I had an uncle that had suffered from polio as a child, he could only walk with his crutches. over time the constant grabbing of his crutches caused his hands to deforme. He worked up until the legal retirement age. I trust you must be worse off than that?

another person I know suffered a broken back in an accident back in the 70s. he never again regained the use of his legs and was in a wheelchair from that day on. He made a living as an auto mechanic. I have actually seen him replace a transmission by himself.

In 93 I broke my back and required surgery to repair the damage. I continued working after that.
then in 95 I cut off two fingers, they sewed them back on. I continued working after that.
05 a minor issue with the heart requiring a stent. still working
06, second surgery on my back resulting in a loss of nerves to the left foot. Now I cant lift the foot, and the foot cant lift high enough for a prosthetic to be fashioned to keep it from dropping. I still worked.

You dont work because you dont want to. basically, you are lazy. To me this is a major concern when you are looking to do a job as an elected official

I can at this point go without working with little problem or chance in lifestyle, but here is my major problem.

should I do that, I would not be able to afford my daughters college without scholarships. Until things like that happen, your best bet is to prepare for the instance that the do not.

Parents lead by example, and as such can expect a certain outcome from their children based on that example set.

I have my ways, you had yours.

by the way, hows that child result thing working out for you? got a lot to be proud of?


In My Opinion
Here's an idea. You said you want to be the flunkie, right. Maybe you can be JPC's campaign manager. You'll definitely flunk that one, no matter how hard you try and it will get you out of the house.

Oh, and I just noticed JPC is looking for a secretary, too. There's your answer.

Mental note.
send pan lady down to adjust thought process in Dorks mind.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

I have my ways, you had yours.
:whistle: Well it hurts me that you feel that way.

You being injured while you are the boss is not the same as an injured employee.

So I repent and take back what I said before,

and now I do agree that you need to go get a job and find out what being a "flunky" means.

"Flunky" is what this bcp calls working people so I used his term - not mine.

Go get a job bcp and work for a living and then come back and talk to me.:diva:


Well-Known Member
Go get a job bcp and work for a living and then come back and talk to me.
:faint: Did you even read the post?

This isn't like a pot calling a kettle black. This is (since I know you love car analogies so much) like a junked out 1971 VW Beetle with no engine, sitting on blocks calling a 2007 Ferrari slow.


In My Opinion
Go get a job bcp and work for a living and then come back and talk to me.:diva:
Im sorry, did you actually suggest that somebody work for a living,,, then come back and talk to you?

are you serious? wouldnt that kinda be like you suggesting somebody stick around and raise their child to be a productive in society and not a non productive prison bound bum?

and just to set it straight, non of my injuries were done while working at a paying job ok? I just play hard at times.


In My Opinion
At any rate, it looks like the majority think the same way I do.
right now it is 34 work to 20 not work. Drunk optional.

Im taking all the advice here and going to go ahead and take that spot he referred to.

Pay is less than I have worked for since,, well,, since a real long time but Its more about raising your children by example.
One of those examples is that the parents need to show the kids that work is a requirement for contributing to society in a positive way.
The kids need to see the parents going to and coming from somewhere.

The upside to this is that it will come in real handy with college expenses, and will allow me to purchase her a nice new car to go back and forth in.
she wants a corvette,,, can you get those with a four cylinder? LOL
Im thinking more in the lines of a HumVee.

Honestly, if I would have opened this tonight and you all would have suggested the drunk bum, first off, I would have been surprised, and secondly, I would have gone on down and bought a case and thought some more on the issue.

Thanks for the push.


Supper's Ready
Wanted to, but I didn't vote, bcp. Humorously, I'd have gone for the "go get to work, you lazy bastard" option :lmao: But seriously, wish you had an option for "work by doing something you enjoy doing". It isn't work when you like it, it's fun.

Your decision to stop running your own business (to me) was a huge one, and I totally respect and agree with your logic on why. Big difference in running your own business and working for someone else.

Finding something you'd enjoy as a hobby is the answer I see. Screw the pay, unless you need it. You'll come home in your element everyday, there's something to be said about that. Fulfillment.

I'm sure it would be a successful story.


Happy Camper
At any rate, it looks like the majority think the same way I do.
right now it is 34 work to 20 not work. Drunk optional.

There is nothing that says you can't work and be a drunk! As long as you don't try to do both at the same time, I don't see a problem!! Go on down and buy that case (just in case). :lmao:


IVe been the boss for so long now that Im tired of it. I want to be the flunky.

but I have to tell you, You have finally after all this time made me laugh at one of your posts.

I can just picture the two of us, older type "gentlemen" drunk, cursing in the bronco, broke, trying to pick up the young babes..


I thought you sold that rust bucket :lmao: