You SHOULD look like your avatar!!!!


New Member
uh oh - you'll get LOTS of attention now .... :popcorn:

Many moons ago back when online dating was young, I agreed to go see a movie with a young lass who had a very pretty picture. 'Athletic' build. :yay:

I found out then and there that people's actual appearance sometimes is inversely proportional to their claims, and that it seems, many other people, both male and female, had fallen victim to the incredible inflating internet date. :yay: Seems to be a common theme that the more attractive the avatar, the more a fantasy the avatar-ee is living on the web.

Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong IMHO with a few extra pounds, and I don't expect every women to grace the cover of Vogue, or man GQ, but in this case she lied when she used a screen name other than Shamu. Holy balls. Nice girl, but the lies about size just added to the 'Holy crap she's fat' effect. How can one have an athletic build but be so obese and out of shape that they break out in sweats and pants just extricating themselves from their car? A nice guy, I stayed through the movie. I didn't have a choice, really, as I was wearing a carnation so she knew I was there... Near the credits, I think she ate the carnation, at which point I ran for dear life.

Basically what I am saying is that someone says 'daisy dukes' and I'm lacing my proverbial running shoes. :yay: There are just some things which are too horrific to envision.

Very very few people on the web are what they portray themselves to be, and that is OK, as long as they don't mingle web and real life. :roflmao:
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Many moons ago back when online dating was young, I agreed to go see a movie with a young lass who had a very pretty picture. 'Athletic' build. :yay:

I found out then and there that people's actual appearance sometimes is inversely proportional to their claims, .....

I got caught by that too. IRL she was at least 50 pounds heavier and 10 years older than the pic she used, and she insisted it was 'current'...



I don't look like my av, I look like this.....


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Adopt me please !
I was at least honest enough to tell the person that the picture I sent them was OLD ....... I mean my son was in the picture and was a toddler, so it HAD to be at least 20 years old LOL !!! But I was hot - that's what mattered .... I'm just an older version of that hot chick now ... :whistle:

I got caught by that too. IRL she was at least 50 pounds heavier and 10 years older than the pic she used, and she insisted it was 'current'...



New Member
I was at least honest enough to tell the person that the picture I sent them was OLD ....... I mean my son was in the picture and was a toddler, so it HAD to be at least 20 years old LOL !!! But I was hot - that's what mattered .... I'm just an older version of that hot chick now ... :whistle:

You and GW? Really?



New Member
I know some people are that superficial...but this isn't a dating site...I'm happily engaged to be married, so I don't feel the need to post my picture on here. I'm not looking for anyone to flirt with me, have no desire to flirt with anyone, except my fiance.
And Toxick, I know you are just explaining where the OP was probably coming from...:buddies: It just annoys me when people "grade" based on looks.


Some of us are that superficial.

It doesn't change my opinion of your personality, but it makes a difference on how intense I'll flirt with you.

If you were gorgeous or ugly, I wouldn't like or dislike you more as a person. It all boils down to how hard I'm going to try and tap that. If you're ugly, I'll still talk and joke around with you - just like I joke and goof around with my good friend Enoch (and he's uglier than a bag full of a-holes). I just wouldn't up the charm in an attempt to spelunk through your guts.

Hey, it's human nature.

PS: Everything you just read is bull####. I don't think I'm particularly superficial, and no matter how hot you are (or how hot you think you are), I will not be trying to spelunk anything, as I'm happily married and have no desire to go spelunking elsewhere.

PPS: Actually one part of the above post is true - my friend Enoch really is uglier than a monkey's armpit. I don't know what happened to that boy.


Many moons ago back when online dating was young, I agreed to go see a movie with a young lass who had a very pretty picture. 'Athletic' build. :yay:

I found out then and there that people's actual appearance sometimes is inversely proportional to their claims, and that it seems, many other people, both male and female, had fallen victim to the incredible inflating internet date. :yay: Seems to be a common theme that the more attractive the avatar, the more a fantasy the avatar-ee is living on the web.

Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong IMHO with a few extra pounds, and I don't expect every women to grace the cover of Vogue, or man GQ, but in this case she lied when she used a screen name other than Shamu. Holy balls. Nice girl, but the lies about size just added to the 'Holy crap she's fat' effect. How can one have an athletic build but be so obese and out of shape that they break out in sweats and pants just extricating themselves from their car? A nice guy, I stayed through the movie. I didn't have a choice, really, as I was wearing a carnation so she knew I was there... Near the credits, I think she ate the carnation, at which point I ran for dear life.

Basically what I am saying is that someone says 'daisy dukes' and I'm lacing my proverbial running shoes. :yay: There are just some things which are too horrific to envision.

Very very few people on the web are what they portray themselves to be, and that is OK, as long as they don't mingle web and real life. :roflmao:

You found my new picture, didn't you?? :bawl:


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