Young Professionals Happy Hour


art imitating life
Ill think about it. I know a few of us were wanting something to do thurs since we are heading outta town friday.

I saw you were talking about ABC but I like to venture around :) I would rather sit and listen to a rockin band then in ABC.. ( No offence to ABC LOL)


art imitating life
Gallery isn't really interesting... Decent place? They have "live music" listed for Friday night as well but no announcement for who is playing.

Dunno, might check it out!

They have a myspace and there is a radio commercial for them out now. Its def a good place to go. You can sit on the water in the sand or sit at the tiki or inside with the bands. The food is :yum: too!!!


New Member
I'm game for what ever

Bacon, Im home for a second, just sent some pics out is all... start a thread for tomorrow and lets figure out the plan so we have one. Ill get back on around 2ish (hopefully).... Been talking to a few via, here, pm, myspace, and yahoo... CHAOS!!!! lets all get a plan... LATER :buddies: