Young Professionals Happy Hour


New Member
30 is now 1 year and 352 days away...I think I will start a daily countdown. I think they have those counters for myspace.....that will be a sad day. Who will take me out to get drunk?:buddies:

You must have just had a birthday, so happy belated birthday!:yahoo: Mine was a few weeks ago so I'll get there a few weeks before you. :sad:
As far as calling Dream McDreamy we can't do that... I love GA too much to associate it with him!:lmao:


New Member
:howdy: So, I guess I finally found a thread for meeting people. I am recently single and ever since my significant other moved out, I am stuck in Calvert, and I don't know anyone. Hopefully, I can get to know some of you on the forums and attend one of your get togethers sometime. I am more of a reader than a poster, but I am going to try and post more often now that I found this thread. :buddies:

hi welcome:howdy:


Do I smell Burning Rubber
SHES SOO SWEET! I have been trying to get her on here for a while.. I think shes scared of being corrupted and then turned evil like everyone else on here

well...ahem I think she's already corrupted and evil. She'd fit right in.:whistle:


They're out to get us
There seemed to be plenty of low 30s intermixed with the 20-something crowd. I'm starting to feel young around here :yahoo: