Young Professionals Happy Hour


art imitating life
:lmao: I should've seen that one coming!

:howdy: So you're a big punk rock fan eh?

Gawd I hope not. :coughcough: :whistle:

I'm sure we can help! :yay:


:killingme :killingme :killingme

Oh god.. Your real name doesnt start with an S does it?


I so took that class once upon a long time ago. Do you feel in touch with yourself yet?

Not yet, but the night is still young... :whistle:

I never said I'm old! A friend of mine calls me old man, but she's still in college...nuff said.

:confused: I'm still in college... does that make you an old man and me a young girl? Or does that make you a young man and me an old woman? Or does it just not matter and I'm rambling for rambling's sake?


I'm Rick James #####!
Nope! From what I have heard women in their late 20s/early 30s are just entering their prime! Who-hoo!

Men however, are done :)

:sigh: It's true. We're all washed up by 30. No energy, libido is dead. Might as well bury us right after we blow the candles out at the party!!



It's only life....
Please prove to me that what I heard is wrong....I'm in the market for a late20's/30's man anyway.....if they're all done then it's gonna be a long life.