Your dating this person....


Im On 1.
Toxick said:
That is kind of weird.

There are a few things that should be done in person.

In relationships, the two biggest are:

1) Saying I love you for the first time.
2) Breaking up.

I dunno - saying "I love you" is a big deal to me. And I wouldn't want to reply to the first time someone says it to me, by pressing reply and typing
I <3 u 2

I tried to break up with a guy through text....

I'll never do that sh!t again...

16 missed calls 6 voice mail messages 3 messages left at work and walked in with him sitting in the lobby of my job.....



All Up In Your Grill
Qurious said:
I tried to break up with a guy through text....

I'll never do that sh!t again...

16 missed calls 6 voice mail messages 3 messages left at work and walked in with him sitting in the lobby of my job.....


Why would you do something like that through texting? :bonk: Did you think he was just going to text back "K...ttyl" and let it go?


24/7 Single Dad
Qurious said:
I tried to break up with a guy through text....

I'll never do that sh!t again...

16 missed calls 6 voice mail messages 3 messages left at work and walked in with him sitting in the lobby of my job.....

Good for him. I hope he made a big scene and embarrassed the hell put of you


Cleopatra Jones
You're kidding right? I agree with Cowgirl and I'd call him out by sending one back that asked if he had sent the message to the correct person.

It was crazy but the bf told me after just a few weeks and did it in person. That's one of the things that I love about him; he's not affraid to be himself and always says what he thinks.


All Up In Your Grill
Qurious said:
Theraflu & Sudafed at the moment.

Well :smack: U need 2 up your dosage.

BTW - you should have texted him your siggy when you dumped him. It may have helped him to understand. :crazy: :lmao:


Well-Known Member
mainman said:
I think it was lame for a first declaration, I would want to be looking into her eyes when I said that...

Qurious, you have some ####ed up dysfunctional relationships....
:yeahthat: Maybe he was drunk dialing.


Qurious said:
after 4 months they send you a out of the blue text saying "i love you."

You don't respond.

You both meet up for another date....would u ask this person about the text message or relay your own feelings back by saying "i love you too"...

or would you just ignore it and wait for the person to tell you in person.


Do you like me? Check Yes, No or Maybe... :lmao: