Your thoughts on this guy?


"Fill your hands you SOB!
He used to be on the local radio...I always listened to his show. My opinion....I like his ideas and totally agree with his 9 steps. But....he will be bashed and crucified because his ideas are so radical.

There are those out there that will put down his ideas, spouting about how this country was founded by immigrants and we shouldn't kick them out. They will be so busy tooting the liberal horn that they fail to see that he is against ILLEGAL immigrants.

If anyone took the time to really sit down, read, and analyze what the founding fathers wrote into the Constitution, they will see that they wanted a SMALL federal government with most of the powers given to the states. The feds would only be intrusive enough to make sure of equity between the states.

Now, we have a HUGE federal government that forks out money left & right with entitlement programs and hogs most of the power AWAY from the states.

He has my backing 100%!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

John Z

if you will
OK, I'll step forward with a wishy-washy response. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like some of his ideas. But I think his stance is too extreme and conservative for me.


Football season!
I am just relieved that this guy didn't live here YEARS ago.. Imagine if the native americans had wanted to get rid off all of these damn illegal foreigners! We would be toast!

My question is.. If we know there are illegals here, and we know about them, why haven't they already been shown the door?


The List

Not extreme at all :confused:

1. Make tax cuts permanent.
2. Close the borders now.
3. Deport all illegal immigrants now.
4. Eliminate bilingual education in all states.
5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
6. Eliminate as many entitlement programs as possible.
7. Reduce the number of Federal Employees.
8. Oil Drilling on U.S. Soil.
9. Tort Reform "STOP LAWYERS".

He's a realist, no namby pamby B.S. I like him!


Originally posted by SmallTown
Eliminate bilingual education in all states


Funny you should ask this.... In the past I thought the exact same way you are.

What's the big deal about having Spanish as our second language - who cares???

That's the real issue even though it was left unsaid...

Anyway to make a really long story short, Biscuit and I recently went rounds about this subject, here's the fear.

America is one Nation Under God - We are unified by similar ideas, dreams and goals. When you make it easy not to learn the language our Nation ends up with further separation.

Have you been to Miami recently? The way I understand it... America is quickly becoming several tiny separate Nations in one - Kinda like Canada.

Not a good thing when you really think about it.


Football season!
Considering this country was "discovered" by different types of people, I don't see anything wrong with the diversity..

If we want to get rid of everything "non-English", we'll have to rename most of the cities and counties in Florida, get rid of "rio" in front of the river names out west, and of course many of the names of cities out west. So what if Miami is "little cuba".. I think it adds character.. I know the world would would be a better place if we were all cloned as 7th district people, but we aren't. :biggrin:

After all, we ARE a very large country.. Having everyone the same would be VERY boring..

yakky doodle

New Member
7. Reduce the number of Federal Employees.
:scowl: don't know about that one :biggrin: why though? didn't see any justification in my quick scan of the info.

but I agree with alot of the other stuff.

This country predominantly speaks English; not spanish, arabic or portuguese. English should be taught in our schools and REQUIRED for citizenship. Schools offer foriegn languages (i.e., French, Spanish, Italian) if you are looking for "culture."

There is nothing worse than trying to take care of some sort of business (whether is calling your bank, ordering a burger from McD's, or trying to find a bathroom in the mall) and having a language barrier b/c Julio is too lazy to learn the language of the land (but managed to fill out that green card form just fine :ohwell:)

I agree with these:
1. Make tax cuts permanent.
2. Close the borders now.
3. Deport all illegal immigrants now.
5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
6. Eliminate as many entitlement programs as possible.
8. Oil Drilling on U.S. Soil.
9. Tort Reform "STOP LAWYERS".


Be about it
I agree with what you've said, Yakky and Kain. The Federal Employee bit might have some pull in certain areas, though - there are lots of Gov't workers that may have a hard time justifying their job when put to the test.

I think he's got the right idea, though. A lot of the problems we have in America today, including terrorism, could be solved by closer watches on the borders and citizenship laws.

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by laureng
The Federal Employee bit might have some pull in certain areas, though - there are lots of Gov't workers that may have a hard time justifying their job when put to the test.

:yikes: guess I should surf the forum a little less, huh? :duh:


Originally posted by yakky doodle
[BThis country predominantly speaks English; not spanish, arabic or portuguese. English should be taught in our schools and REQUIRED for citizenship. Schools offer foriegn languages (i.e., French, Spanish, Italian) if you are looking for "culture."
Looking for culture? hmm... Not that I disagree with you on that point.
What about the dual citizens? i.e. Hawaiian(polynesian) speak their language and learn english for the sake of U.S.A. Mahalo
Puerto Rican speak spanish and have to learn english for the sake of U.S.A. Once a person is born in puerto rico, he/she is automatically an U.S. citizen AND Puerto Rican .. like it or not. :bubble:
Samoan speak their own language but have to learn english for the sake of U.S.A.
Not sure about U.S. Virgin Islands.
I understand if you are thinking about only those in the 48-states.
I 've met a Puerto Rican guy who works at the Pentagon and he admit that spanish is his first language. hmm... We can't discriminate against him based on ethnic since he's already an U.S. citizen and he's not an immigrant. See my point?
(special cases here I know I know!)


New Member
Originally posted by yakky doodle
:scowl: don't know about that one :biggrin: why though? didn't see any justification in my quick scan of the info.

Hmmm, no clue. Maybe because they are paying 5 Snivel Service peeps mucho bucks to do the job of one person (so the other 4 can surf the SOMD forum) :biggrin:

(I'm just playing, no hate mail please) :lmao:

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by tater
Hmmm, I figured this would cause more of a stir than this. Disappointing :biggrin:

chit chat would have been a more visible place for it. perhaps begging and pleading and pouting to admin will get it relocated there :wink:

yakky doodle

New Member
I see what you are saying Searide; I'm not suggesting they abandon their language altogether. If they want to speak it while having dinner, in their homes, or (as they do now) while doing my nails, that's fine. What I'm saying is that it shouldn't be expected for an entire country (MAJORITY) to conform and settle for less-than-suitable service, or have my child suffer in school while the non-English speaking students await their translator or while I have to have someone repeat something 15 times and finally give up in frustration.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Considering this country was "discovered" by different types of people, I don't see anything wrong with the diversity..

If we want to get rid of everything "non-English", we'll have to rename most of the cities and counties in Florida, get rid of "rio" in front of the river names out west, and of course many of the names of cities out west. So what if Miami is "little cuba".. I think it adds character.. I know the world would would be a better place if we were all cloned as 7th district people, but we aren't. :biggrin:

After all, we ARE a very large country.. Having everyone the same would be VERY boring..
Yes, I think Miami is like "little cuba" AND "little hiatian" AND "little domician" AND "little El Salvadora" AND "little jamacia" .. and so forth.

yes, this country was "discovered" by different types of people LONG time ago legally or NOT.
Now, this country are being "invaded" by different types of people NOW illegally.

I agree w/ you on about having everyone the same would be fr1gg1n boring!

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by tater
Hmmm, no clue. Maybe because they are paying 5 Snivel Service peeps mucho bucks to do the job of one person (so the other 4 can surf the SOMD forum)

Green-Eyed Monster! :razz:


Close the borders now
I am not sure about this one..
I know there are some U.S. citizens who lives in Canada (cheaper living cost) and commutes to their jobs in U.S. Same goes for Canada citizens living in Canada and commutes to U.S. to work.
Part of me says Hell yeah on close the Mexico/US border. Part of me says not the Canada/US borders. oh well .. :ohwell: