I have no gripes with services being offered in Spanish, French, Czech etc.. It's up to the business as to whether they choose to do so.
I do have a problem with someone coming to this country to stay, i.e. American citizenship, and not intending to learn the language and adapt. I can't see myself moving to Germany, France, Japan or some other location and expecting them to cater to my native language but that's what you have here.
It seems to be a problem only with the Latin America migrations. In the past, Italians, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Arabs etc. learned english and adapted to the country. Why can't the Latinos?
As for shutting off the border... We should do what's nessesary to "Control" our borders and make people go through the process of immigration to get in. I would support the use of troops on the borders as well. Every other nation in the world controls it's borders... WHy the hell can't we?????