Your thoughts on this guy?

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I dunno Yak.. Back home there were 3 mexican restaurants where the only English you heard from anyone was from the patrons.. They have been in business for well over 20 years each without speaking a word in their stores..

it was a cover for drugs then :biggrin:

I don't buy it; sorry. :bs: I don't agree/believe that (unless they were in some area that was predominantly populated by mexicans/spanish-speaking individuals and we know you wouldn't live in that type of neighborhood unless it has pottery barn) they never, ever, ever spoke a word of english. :really:


Football season!
Originally posted by penncam
:rolleyes: Smalltown, I do not know which thread you are refering to, however it's not in this one, I just checked 'em all!
Personally, I don't give a whit about what was said before, is it relevant to this subject? If so lets see it, we'll take a look at it.
You know guys and gals, we haven't had a terrorist act here in theis country since 9/11? How much longer can we hope to continue to be this fortunate? Intel people are out there doing their jobs, very well from what I hear, but if we keep letting illegals into the country, how much do we think the odds go up for another attack?

Tater!! You Rascal, you were hoping to get some blood boiling here, weren't you?

:mad: :cheers: :mad: penn

It goes along with the fact of people not wanting to be accepting.. And you call me small minded :bubble:

And you brought up the dual language ATM machines.. How many terrorists on 9/11 were spanish??? I bet those darn ATM machines are how they were able to learn our language and fit in so well!

I have nothing againt keeping out the illegal immigrants from any nation.. And getting rid of the ones that are already here (illegally).. But this BS about not wanting to see anything spanish.. Wow, that just amazes me.. Like I Said, don't travel to the west or to Florida.. You'll start having seizures when you start seeing the names of the rivers, cities, counties, etc.. Like it or not, these other languages are a strong part of our heritage..

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I have nothing againt keeping out the illegal immigrants from any nation.. And getting rid of the ones that are already here (illegally).. But this BS about not wanting to see anything spanish.. Wow, that just amazes me.. Like I Said, don't travel to the west or to Florida.. You'll start having seizures when you start seeing the names of the rivers, cities, counties, etc.. Like it or not, these other languages are a strong part of our heritage..

I thought the original discussion was about the predominant language in this country; not side uses (i.e., signs, rivers, etc.). I never said I didn't want to see a single word of spanish or french or whatever; I said we need to have people who conduct business in this country and who teach our children speaking the primary language. PERIOD!


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle
it was a cover for drugs then :biggrin:

I don't buy it; sorry. :bs: I don't agree/believe that (unless they were in some area that was predominantly populated by mexicans/spanish-speaking individuals and we know you wouldn't live in that type of neighborhood unless it has pottery barn) they never, ever, ever spoke a word of english. :really:

Did your parents leave you at the door of a pottery barn when you were a baby?? You sure bring it up a lot.

No.. No drugs that I am aware of.. Wasn't a bunch of mexican/spanish people there, but some..


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle
I thought the original discussion was about the predominant language in this country; not side uses (i.e., signs, rivers, etc.). I never said I didn't want to see a single word of spanish or french or whatever; I said we need to have people who conduct business in this country and who teach our children speaking the primary language. PERIOD!

Mohammad Atta spoke English, was he ok to be here?

And.. When I took spanish in college from a native english speaker, that was wrong too???


Originally posted by SmallTown
Like it or not, these other languages are a strong part of our heritage..

Your right about that but we are not discussing heritage here.

We are discussing the problems that can and will eventually come by allowing imigrants to refuse the use of the English language.

You really need to get out more Smalltown. It is virtually impossible to communicate in South Florida now.... There's something very wrong with that! :frown:


Dancing Up A Storm
What?? sputter, cough!

Originally posted by yakky doodle
I don't buy it; sorry. :bs: I don't agree/believe that (unless they were in some area that was predominantly populated by mexicans/spanish-speaking individuals and we know you wouldn't live in that type of neighborhood unless it has pottery barn) they never, ever, ever spoke a word of english. :really:
:biggrin: Wait a minute here! Smalltown, did I miss something here, or is "back home for you" West Virginia? So you say a Mexican Restaurant could exist for 20 years in W. Va., for that long without anyone on the premises speaking any english?

I might have asked you before, but in case I did not: What planet are you really from?

:biggrin: Yakky, it's as I suspected: He IS delusional!



Originally posted by SmallTown
Mohammad Atta spoke English, was he ok to be here?

I just realized how drastically you are missing the point! :rolleyes:

None of us are saying that legal imigrants should not be here. We are saying that they should speak English.

When people visit your home they are expected to follow your rules right?

You don't allow visitors to follow their own whims in your living room do you?
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Football season!
Originally posted by Kain99
Your right about that but we are not discussing heritage here.

We are discussing the problems that can and will eventually come by allowing imigrants to refuse the use of the English language.

You really need to get out more Smalltown. It is virtually impossible to communicate in South Florida now.... There's something very wrong with that! :frown:

You guys are so funny, telling ME to get out more.. Maybe if some people here ever made it past waldorf sometime in their life, they would see things differently..

Ahh, reason #129384 why I am glad to be leaving this huge melting pot of an area we call southern maryland


Football season!
Originally posted by Kain99

None of us are saying that legal imigrants should not be here. We are saying that they should speak English.

But then you people were saying we should shut off the borders to prevent terrorism..

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Did your parents leave you at the door of a pottery barn when you were a baby?? You sure bring it up a lot.

I bring it up about as often as you slam southern maryland or the people in it so that you realize just how annoying you are with your posts about us. :bubble:

Originally posted by SmallTown
Mohammad Atta spoke English, was he ok to be here?

And.. When I took spanish in college from a native english speaker, that was wrong too???

You are a democrat, aren't you? ((shaking my head in utter disbelief))

I don't know the particulars of Atta's passport/clearance into the country, but obviously he shouldn't have been here -- he was planning and carrying out crimes and terrorist activities. :duh:

I never said alternative languages shouldn't be taught in schools. I said the PRIMARY LANGUAGE SHOULD BE ENGLISH -- IF YOU READ MY POST.

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
But then you people were saying we should shut off the borders to prevent terrorism..

when the INS/Border Patrol does a better job doing their job, I don't have a problem with it; but they don't! It's not just to prevent terrorists; it's to also keep from having even more of our tax dollars placed into the open hands of someone who's only "hard work" to earn it was crossing a desert and not getting shot!


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle
I bring it up about as often as you slam southern maryland or the people in it so that you realize just how annoying you are with your posts about us. :bubble:

I haven't slammed this place in quite some time.. but you still keep rambling about pottery barn.. Tell ya what, when I move I'll have you and your family come up and we'll take you to a pottery barn.. Facing your problem is the best way to deal with it :smile:


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle
when the INS/Border Patrol does a better job doing their job, I don't have a problem with it; but they don't! It's not just to prevent terrorists; it's to also keep from having even more of our tax dollars placed into the open hands of someone who's only "hard work" to earn it was crossing a desert and not getting shot!

So, you feel that if the INS does a better job keeping out the terrorists, then penncam won't have a problem anymore with spanish at the ATM machine?


Football season!
Funny.. penn complained about the ATM being dual language, yet didn't say a peep about the foreign language on his money he spends.. First he gets spanish off the ATM, then off to stand in line next to the freak who wants the word GOD taken off the money.. You can't have a foreign language on our money!!! :roflmao: :roflmao:

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
You guys are so funny, telling ME to get out more.. Maybe if some people here ever made it past waldorf sometime in their life, they would see things differently..

Ahh, reason #129384 why I am glad to be leaving this huge melting pot of an area we call southern maryland

Your comments reflect the ignorance of transient trash. You ASSUME (note the first three letters of that word) that all of us are born, raised, bred in SoMD. Well, you know what they say about people who ASSume. :rolleyes:

I was not born in Maryland; I moved here in 2000 when I accepted a job offer. Prior to that, I had lived in Delaware, Arizona, Texas, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. I have also been to Nevada, Italy, Mexico and the Azores. Is Maryland the bestest best out of all of them? Heck now. Is it the worst? Heck no! I will say that the TRASHIEST place I've ever seen was Mexico. Women nursing naked infants in the dirt streets; animal and human feces in the alleyways; dirty people PERIOD. It's amazing how much clearer and cleaner things get when you cross back over the border into GOD LOVING, ENGLISH SPEAKING AMERICA!

So, SmallTown, for someone who hates this area so much, you sure are sticking around for a long time. Clue: don't think St. Mary's wants you here either. And nice reference to "melting pot" when we were just talking about appreciating people's differences. :rolleyes:
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I have no gripes with services being offered in Spanish, French, Czech etc.. It's up to the business as to whether they choose to do so.

I do have a problem with someone coming to this country to stay, i.e. American citizenship, and not intending to learn the language and adapt. I can't see myself moving to Germany, France, Japan or some other location and expecting them to cater to my native language but that's what you have here.

It seems to be a problem only with the Latin America migrations. In the past, Italians, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Arabs etc. learned english and adapted to the country. Why can't the Latinos?

As for shutting off the border... We should do what's nessesary to "Control" our borders and make people go through the process of immigration to get in. I would support the use of troops on the borders as well. Every other nation in the world controls it's borders... WHy the hell can't we?????

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I haven't slammed this place in quite some time.. but you still keep rambling about pottery barn.. Tell ya what, when I move I'll have you and your family come up and we'll take you to a pottery barn.. Facing your problem is the best way to deal with it :smile:

I'm just making up for lost time. i'm not the one complaining here about any problems I have with where I live :rolleyes: I think a lot of us are just wishing you'd deal with your "problem" and move to NoVa already because quite frankly, I'm tired of the SmallTown Broken Record!


New Member
Originally posted by yakky doodle
I will say that the TRASHIEST place I've ever seen was Mexico.

Geez, and that that was your first pick for a cruise destination too. I tried to tell ya :rolleyes: