Zell Miller


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
And what of his military service, or the lack of it? Where does a man old enough to have served in Vietnam get off calling anyone a liar (like he has with the Swiftboat Vets) when he chose not to serve at all, not even in the Guard?
Ahem! I beg you sir, please refer back to a post of mine, one or two back, where I allude to the slimy sleazy practices of the Democratic Party, and how they lie, obfuscate, yell louder than their opponents, and generally BS their way out of most issues that they themselves are knee deep in - the cow manure they ever so strongly reek of. :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
penncam said:
Ahem! I beg you sir, please refer back to a post of mine, one or two back, where I allude to the slimy sleazy practices of the Democratic Party, and how they lie, obfuscate, yell louder than their opponents, and generally BS their way out of most issues that they themselves are knee deep in - the cow manure they ever so strongly reek of. :lmao:
Right back at you Lee Harvey (before you blow a gasket, that is a joke). I don't see where you have made any such quest to find out about what John Edwards was doing when he could have come forward and served at a time when our nation needed the support. Now he wants to become the primary successor should JFK obtain the office and I want to know what makes him anymore or as equally qualified to take that position if prior military service is to be a factor.

JFK and J "Effen" Edwards have chosen this tact of strategy and it seems they need to explain why that which is good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the gander.

I heard on the news earlier where old Slick Willie called JFK from the hospital and told him to basically shut up about Vietnam. Even Willie knows it is a loser's argument.


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
I heard on the news earlier where old Slick Willie called JFK from the hospital and told him to basically shut up about Vietnam. Even Willie knows it is a loser's argument.
:killingme And he should know, the same "gentleman" who made no bones about his "loathe" for the military institution.

OK, let me see what I can find doing a search for John Edwards and how/what his story went, as far as his eligibility and escape from the VietNam conflict.

Probably a student and/or medical deferment, but I don't know that yet.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Not much to find out. His lottery number was 165 (or there about), they were still taking guys in the draft, his number just didn't come up, but if you are running on a platform that prior war experience is a necessity then how can he even be considered as minimally qualified for the number two post? He certainly didn’t volunteer for it yet he lambastes others for what they have done. What is it with this double-standard is what I want to know?


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
Not much to find out. His lottery number was 165 (or there about), they were still taking guys in the draft, his number just didn't come up, but if you are running on a platform that prior war experience is a necessity then how can he even be considered as minimally qualified for the number two post? He certainly didn’t volunteer for it yet he lambastes others for what they have done. What is it with this double-standard is what I want to know?
OK, here's a little something to tittilate your senses!


Dancing Up A Storm
Try this on for size! From the article, an interview with Katie Couric, of all people!! :killingme

In April, NBC "Today Show" host Katie Couric asked him where he was during Vietnam. The exchange went like this:

COURIC: Your military service, before we go?

EDWARDS: I - I did not serve in the military.

COURIC: You had a high lottery number, is that right?

EDWARDS: I did, and I came after - after the time that they were actually drafting from the lottery, Katie. I'm 50 years old. And because at the time I came along and graduated from high school and then - and then went to college, I was not drafted. [END OF EXCERPT]

A high lottery number? Not exactly. Pulling number 178 in the February 1972 Selective Service lottery drawing, Edwards' number was lower than more than half of those picked.

And what about the claim that he "came after the time that they were actually drafting from the lottery."

That's not strictly true either. The year Edwards became eligible for the draft, the military drafted 49,514 men, according to Selective Service records - tapping draftees who had lottery numbers as high as 95. The draft was abolished in July 1973.

But even that year, 646 young men born the same year as Edwards were inducted into the military.

His draft availability aside, Edwards could have enlisted in the military, following the example of the men he now calls liars. Or sign up for the National Guard, the way George Bush did.

John Edwards, however, did neither, enlisting instead in Clemson University, where, according to spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri, "He had a little fun . . . drinking beer with buddies . . . smoking marijuana a few times."

"His campaign would not provide more specifics other than to say Edwards' occasional marijuana use continued through law school but stopped after that," the Charlotte Observer reported in July.

To at least one Democratic consultant, the failure to serve in Vietnam constitutes a betrayal of America.

"He betrayed them when he didn't fight in Vietnam," Democratic strategist Maryanne Marsh said Monday night on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes." "When he had a chance to serve his country, he didn't."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
You might not want to seem redundant but you are. I read it first from the link you posted, then from what you cut and pasted, then from the repeat, and it says they tapped up to #95. This means that they didn't tap up to his number. In 1973 they tapped a few more but again didn't get to that number. This all means that he wasn’t drafted and didn’t have to go or enlist.

It only becomes a point of contention when he starts bashing others for the choices they made and when his team is drawing attention to the importance it holds for people seeking the highest office.


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
You might not want to seem redundant but you are. I read it first from the link you posted, then from what you cut and pasted, then from the repeat, and it says they tapped up to #95. This means that they didn't tap up to his number. In 1973 they tapped a few more but again didn't get to that number. This all means that he wasn’t drafted and didn’t have to go or enlist.

It only becomes a point of contention when he starts bashing others for the choices they made and when his team is drawing attention to the importance it holds for people seeking the highest office.
Oh, alright, you fiesty munchkin! I wasn't sure how fast your unspectacled eyeballs were taking in print today, so I thought I'd make it easier for you in your advanced age! :neener: :banana: :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
penncam said:
Oh, alright, you fiesty munchkin! I wasn't sure how fast your unspectacled eyeballs were taking in print today, so I thought I'd make it easier for you in your advanced age! :neener: :banana: :lmao:
Maybe if you didn't suffer from CRS you wouldn't have to be so redundant.

Oh yeah, CRS = Can't Remember Sh!t


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
Maybe if you didn't suffer from CRS you wouldn't have to be so redundant.

Oh yeah, CRS = Can't Remember Sh!t
You may be right, but I still know how to pull your chain!

You sure you don't need glasses, or are you being stubborn again? :whistle: