I didn't mean to sound sarcastic about the "deuce", but let me tell you a story:
I was an Air Force Intercept Technician( assisted an Intercept Controller, playing live "war games" w/fighters) at the time in, oh, say 1970 at Hancock Field AFB, Syracuse NY. One of our fighter squadrons had F-102s as their Air Defense assets, came out of Boston, if I recall correctly..
It was a very serious situation, where a trainer airplane, usually a T-33 Lockheed Racer, or a B-57 Canberra, would tow this huge canvas "sock" (TARGET) behind it on supposedly a mile-long or so cable, and the F-102 pilots would line up in a row, 2 or 3 fighters, and try to shoot holes in the canvas target with their FFAR weapons.
As I said, a very serious mission here; you had to get permission to fire these 2.75 FFAR rockets at the target from two levels of command, run through a detailed checklist prior to that, and make darn sure the pilots had their best course "lined up" on the target.
Well, I know it's a long story, but we'd accomplish this mission, and then sit in with our controller, and monitor the Post Mission briefing, where we'd talk about what went right or what didn't go so well, and where we could do better, etc.
To hear the target pilot describing the results, well it normally scared the bejesus out of him, watching behind his airplane where the rockets were going, as it was quite a show. Most of the time they went straight; other times they did not.
Now, the fighter pilots told much the same story of the results of the mission, but I do recall now and then, that at least one pilot said the rockets leaving his F-102 "looked like a bunch of pizzed off bees jetting out of a beehive, and not neccesarily in a straight line!"
That's pretty telling, coming from a fighter pilot, if you know what I mean.