CPR required for Maryland students


Not White House Approved
For the record, my oldest graduated from SMCPS four years ago, my youngest is still in middle school. I learned CPR 29 years ago and have been certified until a few years ago (was a requirement for my rate). I had to use CPR twice, once in the Navy and once in my current job, neither person survived, the first one had drowned and there was no hope, the second had a massive heart attack, again, there was no hope. I don’t believe it should be mandatory, once you start making things mandatory where does it stop? Is the state going to make it mandatory that kids learn how to treat a sucking chest wound?

Also, every time I took the class to get recertified, it lasted at least three hours or more, what good is a 30 minute class going to do?

And to answer the comment about having to pay for sports, those aren’t mandatory the last I know, unless something has changed in the high schools in the past 4 years.

As far as my observation of today’s youth, go spend a day in Great Mills High School and see what you think of today’s future leaders. The last assembly I attended there (it was an awards ceremony), right before my oldest graduated, several students actually boo’ed the national anthem, several could not climb the stairs to the stage because there pants were down around their knees and quite a few looked like they either had just gotten out of bed or off from working the corner. Have things changed in the past four years there, I hope so but from what I’ve heard, not really.


Main Streeter
For the record, my oldest graduated from SMCPS four years ago, my youngest is still in middle school. I learned CPR 29 years ago and have been certified until a few years ago (was a requirement for my rate). I had to use CPR twice, once in the Navy and once in my current job, neither person survived, the first one had drowned and there was no hope, the second had a massive heart attack, again, there was no hope. I don’t believe it should be mandatory, once you start making things mandatory where does it stop? Is the state going to make it mandatory that kids learn how to treat a sucking chest wound?

See? Taking things to extremes. There's a big difference between learning CPR and knowing how to be a trauma surgeon (sucking chest wound).

And to answer the comment about having to pay for sports, those aren’t mandatory the last I know, unless something has changed in the high schools in the past 4 years.

No. There have been no changes as far as sports, band, etc. As has been mentioned already, there is no fee for the CPR course. It's already been incorporated into the PE/Health class curriculum.

As far as my observation of today’s youth, go spend a day in Great Mills High School and see what you think of today’s future leaders. The last assembly I attended there (it was an awards ceremony), right before my oldest graduated, several students actually boo’ed the national anthem, several could not climb the stairs to the stage because there pants were down around their knees and quite a few looked like they either had just gotten out of bed or off from working the corner. Have things changed in the past four years there, I hope so but from what I’ve heard, not really.

I've been going to events at GMHS for a number of years now and have never witnessed students booing the National Anthem. As far the attire, I have seen some of the same stuff, however, "several" students out 1800 students is not indicative of the entire student body.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I've been going to events at GMHS for a number of years now and have never witnessed students booing the National Anthem. As far the attire, I have seen some of the same stuff, however, "several" students out 1800 students is not indicative of the entire student body.

:yay: Exactly. My son's school has *some* of the same types of students - you can find them anywhere. Looks like OP is pretty much in the minority on this issue, anyway. There are certainly worse things in the school system to bitch about. :rolleyes:


Devil's Advocate

Well, as long as they're covered, I don't see anything wrong with it.

Those of you that are questioning the initiative because it's mandatory do realize that our entire curriculum is 'mandatory', right? If you're going to question a CPR course, why not also question why the MSDE feels it's necessary for every child (college bound or not) to pass an Algebra exam? Or why our vocational programs in SMCPS are getting to the point where the students that need/could benefit from the programs (i.e. students that have difficulty in traditional learning environments) are having difficulty accessing them because grades have become such a large part of the selection process?

Or, most importantly, why our school system is one of the most underfunded in the entire state and yet St. Mary's is one of the more wealthy counties. If you want something to be upset about, as a parent, I would be more upset about that than requiring a 30 minute CPR course. But that's just me.


New Member
I don't know anything about what they're teaching in high school but I can tell you that there are quite a few teenagers that volunteer with the local rescue squads and they do an excellent job.

And if anyone is interested, the training is free to the volunteer - which includes CPR certification.


Having Fun!
Well, as long as they're covered, I don't see anything wrong with it.

Those of you that are questioning the initiative because it's mandatory do realize that our entire curriculum is 'mandatory', right? If you're going to question a CPR course, why not also question why the MSDE feels it's necessary for every child (college bound or not) to pass an Algebra exam? Or why our vocational programs in SMCPS are getting to the point where the students that need/could benefit from the programs (i.e. students that have difficulty in traditional learning environments) are having difficulty accessing them because grades have become such a large part of the selection process?

Or, most importantly, why our school system is one of the most underfunded in the entire state and yet St. Mary's is one of the more wealthy counties. If you want something to be upset about, as a parent, I would be more upset about that than requiring a 30 minute CPR course. But that's just me.

Actually, I DO question why all students must pass an algebra test. I question why MSDE has adopted an unproven,untried curriculum like Common Core. I question why MSDE has taken over the financial responsibility for the PARCC testing Consortium and why every single student (including special ed kids) must participate in computerized testing. I question where the money is coming from to pay for that testing and where the money is going to (a very small select group of businessmen/corporations responsible for this curriculum/testing mess in the first place). I question a heck of a lot of things that are currently being done by MSDE.

Including CPR in the Health/PE curriculum should be a no-brainer. The Heimlich should also be included and having a nurse demo the epi-pen would also help to save a few lives in this era of rampant allergies due to how we've been treating our food supply and our bodies. They are worthwhile skills and would not add much time to what is already in the curriculum. It makes sense to do this.

Making it a "Mandatory Graduation Requirement" is over-kill. In addition to the credit requirements, the testing requirements, the Service Learning requirement, and the newly added Financial Literacy requirement, we're looking at adding one more? Are we going to enumerate every single skill-set that we expect our students to have? Seriously? If so, where is the Driver's Ed requirement? More kids get killed in cars than die because of lack of CPR! Is Drug Education a Mandatory requirement? How many die from a drug overdose? What about a Safe Sex requirement? How about Digital Literacy? Yes, all of those things are important for our kids to know how to do, but they aren't Graduation Requirements! What was so different about CPR? Think about it!

And while you're all thinking about it, think about exactly how much control you want your state to have over what your child learns in school. This is only the beginning...
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Active Member
:yay: Exactly. My son's school has *some* of the same types of students - you can find them anywhere. Looks like OP is pretty much in the minority on this issue, anyway. There are certainly worse things in the school system to bitch about. :rolleyes:

I agree with having the cpr classes. I see nothing wrong with it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I agree with having the cpr classes. I see nothing wrong with it.

Oops! My apologies. Following the posts from yesterday throughout the day,(not very well, obviously!) I attributed the beginning/posting of the thread to GW8345. My mistake.

Seems GW8345 is in the minority and could find worse things in the school system to bitch about.


Devil's Advocate
Actually, I DO question why all students must pass an algebra test. I question why MSDE has adopted an unproven,untried curriculum like Common Core. I question why MSDE has taken over the financial responsibility for the PARCC testing Consortium and why every single student (including special ed kids) must participate in computerized testing. I question where the money is coming from to pay for that testing and where the money is going to (a very small select group of businessmen/corporations responsible for this curriculum/testing mess in the first place). I question a heck of a lot of things that are currently being done by MSDE.

Including CPR in the Health/PE curriculum should be a no-brainer. The Heimlich should also be included and having a nurse demo the epi-pen would also help to save a few lives in this era of rampant allergies due to how we've been treating our food supply and our bodies. They are worthwhile skills and would not add much time to what is already in the curriculum. It makes sense to do this.

Making it a "Mandatory Graduation Requirement" is over-kill. In addition to the credit requirements, the testing requirements, the Service Learning requirement, and the newly added Financial Literacy requirement, we're looking at adding one more? Are we going to enumerate every single skill-set that we expect our students to have? Seriously? If so, where is the Driver's Ed requirement? More kids get killed in cars than die because of lack of CPR! Is Drug Education a Mandatory requirement? How many die from a drug overdose? What about a Safe Sex requirement? How about Digital Literacy? Yes, all of those things are important for our kids to know how to do, but they aren't Graduation Requirements! What was so different about CPR? Think about it!

And while you're all thinking about it, think about exactly how much control you want your state to have over what your child learns in school. This is only the beginning...

Twin, I've read your various posts on the CC and I know you're a well informed parent. I was speaking more to the parents on these forums who will take the time to 'oppose' things like this on these forums but don't bother to attend budget hearings and who continue to vote for the individuals in our local and state governments who put our students in these positions. I would implore all of them to make their opposition to/support for educational initiatives known during election periods by getting out and voting for people that will make informed decisions about education at the local and state levels. As far as the county commissioners go for St. Mary's, there are a few that have repeatedly shown themselves to be less than concerned with education and yet they continue to be elected. The same goes for our representation in Annapolis. If people were truly concerned, they'd be contacting their representative, not posting on a local forum. Just my two cents.


mama to two
glitch, twin is a teacher in somd, as well as a parent. She has always had the best perspective, as well as, the best informative commentary on education that I have ever seen on this forum.


Not White House Approved
Oops! My apologies. Following the posts from yesterday throughout the day,(not very well, obviously!) I attributed the beginning/posting of the thread to GW8345. My mistake.

Seems GW8345 is in the minority and could find worse things in the school system to bitch about.
What, am I limited to issues I don't agree with? Didn't know I had to prioritize them and only allowed to voice an opinion on the top five.

Please remember that the next time you post a bitch of your own.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
What, am I limited to issues I don't agree with? Didn't know I had to prioritize them and only allowed to voice an opinion on the top five.

Please remember that the next time you post a bitch of your own.

Please. :wah:

No one is limiting your issues to bitch upon. I was commenting on your being in the minority - on both the issue of having CPR taught in the schools and the state of the teenagers in the tri-county area.

Bitch on dude. :larry:


Not White House Approved
Please. :wah:

No one is limiting your issues to bitch upon. I was commenting on your being in the minority - on both the issue of having CPR taught in the schools and the state of the teenagers in the tri-county area.

Bitch on dude. :larry:
You were also commenting on that I should be bitching about something that you (and others) deem more important, not just that I was in the minority.

You might want to go back and read your posts.


mama to two
:banghead: Debating is not bitching. There are always at least two sides to an issue. Why don't some people get that?


Not White House Approved
:banghead: Debating is not bitching. There are always at least two sides to an issue. Why don't some people get that?
Because they feel everyone has to agree with them.........................and the world revolves around them.


Surely you jest ...
Including CPR in the Health/PE curriculum should be a no-brainer. The Heimlich should also be included and having a nurse demo the epi-pen would also help to save a few lives in this era of rampant allergies due to how we've been treating our food supply and our bodies. They are worthwhile skills and would not add much time to what is already in the curriculum. It makes sense to do this.

Thank you for your thoughts on this, off the board several have disagreed with my opinion about the need to know these things.

Making it a "Mandatory Graduation Requirement" is over-kill. In addition to the credit requirements, the testing requirements, the Service Learning requirement, and the newly added Financial Literacy requirement, we're looking at adding one more? Are we going to enumerate every single skill-set that we expect our students to have? Seriously? If so, where is the Driver's Ed requirement? More kids get killed in cars than die because of lack of CPR! Is Drug Education a Mandatory requirement? How many die from a drug overdose? What about a Safe Sex requirement? How about Digital Literacy? Yes, all of those things are important for our kids to know how to do, but they aren't Graduation Requirements! What was so different about CPR? Think about it!


Great points and we should all give them the thought they deserve.

And while you're all thinking about it, think about exactly how much control you want your state to have over what your child learns in school. This is only the beginning...



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You were also commenting on that I should be bitching about something that you (and others) deem more important, not just that I was in the minority.

You might want to go back and read your posts.

Uh, I paraphrased my post - but nitpick if you wish. I am aware of the comments I made regarding your posts.

Bottom line is I posted an opinion. Just like YOU posted an opinion. It's called a discussion forum. You're allowed to bitch, moan and opine on anything you wish, and vice versa. You provided opinions on the sorry state of teenagers in the area. Several of us challenged you on that. As the parent of a very fine teenager, and as a chaperone for several hundred teenagers over the past 4 years, I can tell you that you are talking about a very small minority. Hopefully, the caliber of teens your younger student is interacting with is better than the teenagers you described earlier.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
:banghead: Debating is not bitching. There are always at least two sides to an issue. Why don't some people get that?

You're right. Debating is not the same as bitching. He was bitching in his first opinion post on the subject. Debating started after other posters disagreed with his opinion(s).


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Because they feel everyone has to agree with them.........................and the world revolves around them.

You should speak for yourself. No one thinks the world revolves around them except for you. You're the one here with the minority opinion that the CPR training in the schools is a bad idea (for your various reasons) and that the teenagers of today have the inability to absorb proper training for CPR. When posters challenged you, you got all bent out of shape and start lashing out at them. :shrug: