Flynn makes a deal


Well-Known Member
You do realize that what you are saying is akin to someone justifying attempted murder by asking to be shown a corpse.

Even if Russia did nothing, the act of trying to coordinate with a foreign government to influence our election is the problem.

And, there is zero evidence that anyone coordinated with a foreign government to influence our election. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
It's a provision they put in the order that activates a Special Prosecutor. It's the only thing that has proven fruitful in all the earlier Democrat-stop-the-Republicans SPs.

It just seems to me to be something I've seen before in courts - people agree to plead guilty - because they can't afford to continue to maintain their innocence.
Constant legal proceedings just drain their entire fortune into nothing and they just don't have anything left or want to risk it all continuing to do what they're doing.
You'll notice a distinctive pattern in these kinds of investigations - they don't typically go after the people with deep pockets.


Well-Known Member
It just seems to me to be something I've seen before in courts - people agree to plead guilty - because they can't afford to continue to maintain their innocence.
Constant legal proceedings just drain their entire fortune into nothing and they just don't have anything left or want to risk it all continuing to do what they're doing.
You'll notice a distinctive pattern in these kinds of investigations - they don't typically go after the people with deep pockets.

That's exactly how they broke Palin and made her quit being governor. Alaska doesn't allow for state funds to protect the governor from lawsuits, so they simply initiated a huge number of baseless lawsuits against her - none of which amounted to even the smallest thing - until she quit, then they finally stopped.


PREMO Member
And, there is zero evidence that anyone coordinated with a foreign government to influence our election. :shrug:

Sappy and his ilk simply cannot grasp or accept that. Heads would explode.

nope ... but MR keeps implying 'something' with

'why did he lie'

well I don't know ... but as REPORTED, the meetings took place AFTER THE ELECTION ..

So NO Collusion / NO Russian Interference - other than a broad spectrum Facebook ads most of which saw less then 100 hits
[except for the BLM Ad which seemed very popular and got 200k IIRC]

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I didn't realize the you had concluded the investigation.

Thanks for the update. You should tell Mueller he can stop now

He should, no collusion, no interference, no conspiracy.....just two liars and two tax!!!!!!!

.....and one of the liars caught by tapping his phone during the transition that OBAMA said was not happening


Well-Known Member
He should, no collusion, no interference, no conspiracy.....just two liars and two tax!!!!!!!

.....and one of the liars caught by tapping his phone during the transition that OBAMA said was not happening

You do realize Obama didn't tap the phones himself don't you?

You do realize Flynn has agreed to cooperate meaning he is most likely ratting on someone higher up and the investigation is not completed yet.

You do realize Trump just admitted to Obstruction of Justice on Twitter. Which his lawyers no claiming it is impossible so if Mueller brings the charges the groundwork has been laid.


PREMO Member
You do realize Obama didn't tap the phones himself don't you?

you do realize OBAMA Was the President at the time

You do realize Flynn has agreed to cooperate meaning he is most likely ratting on someone higher up and the investigation is not completed yet.

yeah ok, show where the actions of the transition team were illegal ? I'll wait

You do realize Trump just admitted to Obstruction of Justice on Twitter. Which his lawyers no claiming it is impossible so if Mueller brings the charges the groundwork has been laid.

You Wish .......


Well-Known Member
You do realize Obama didn't tap the phones himself don't you?

And Charles Manson never laid a finger on Sharon Tate or any of the other victims. He had staff.
That's a lame argument. If he gave the word, he was responsible.

You do realize Flynn has agreed to cooperate meaning

meaning everything after is pure conjecture - and - highly unlikely.

What is MORE probable is what the Flynn family is saying - we can't take it anymore.
Just curse God and die. Get it over with. Fighting it is just not worth it.

You do realize Trump just admitted to

Yeah, keep at that. It's not going anywhere, even if you think he did. Because he did not.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize the you had concluded the investigation.

Thanks for the update. You should tell Mueller he can stop now

He could have stopped a long time ago.

I know president Obama told me that our election was not and couldn't be hacked, I have not heard a single person say anything about inaccurate information spread about anyone by the Russians.

If you know of proof, please share

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
You do realize Obama didn't tap the phones himself don't you?

You do realize Flynn has agreed to cooperate meaning he is most likely ratting on someone higher up and the investigation is not completed yet.h

You do realize Trump just admitted to Obstruction of Justice on Twitter. Which his lawyers no claiming it is impossible so if Mueller brings the charges the groundwork has been laid.

You give me a headache.....the Obama administration tapped the phones F..head

Following Obama’s orders


God bless the USA
I would vote yes!

BTW, Obama doesn't have the technical ability to tie his own shoes, much less tap a phone.

:yay: You made me laugh! I thought of Obama phones! :lol:

But, Obama does have the tech ability to travel overseas and undermine the current prez. He is more disgusting than I thought, and that is saying a lot. I, actually, thought he meant his words about hope for change, not realizing what he really meant. I didn’t vote for him, but had a lot of faith. Oh, well. :boo:

What is it with these Dems that cannot get over it when they lose? My answer is that they fight patriots that will not give up. After all, that is how America got started in the first place. Trying to erase history is a futile effort because there are many that know it, and will continue to fight the good fight.
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Well-Known Member
:yay: You made me laugh! I thought of Obama phones! :lol:

But, Obama does have the tech ability to travel overseas and undermine the current prez. He is more disgusting than I thought, and that is saying a lot. I, actually, thought he meant his words about hope for change, not realizing what he really meant. I didn’t vote for him, but had a lot of faith. Oh, well. :boo:

What is it with these Dems that cannot get over it when they lose? My answer is that they fight patriots that will not give up. After all, that is how America got started in the first place. Trying to erase history is a futile effort because there are many that know it, and will continue to fight the good fight.

Some liberals are saying that Obama has every right to travel to the countries Trump just left and speak to those leaders there.
I suppose he does, but we don't know his reasons or what he is saying to these people.

What gives me pause to suspect him of treason is his whole attitude since leaving the WH.
I have reasons.
First instead of moving out of the WH and going home ( I guess he has a home somewhere) he chose to stay close to the power.
I don't know of any President that stayed in Washington after leaving office. Most are happy to get away.
Second he rejuvenated OFA. his agency started to fight the present administration
Third his agenda during his whole term was IMO an effort to make this country weak and defenseless.