Mass hysteria


Well-Known Member
Which you will then come up with a way to denounce since you are a mindless sheep.

I know this game too.:razz:

Explain to me how Trump enacting a policy in April then rescinding it in June would lead to praise from the left?

Everyone can see the transparent motivation of deeming People of color as less than.

Look it's already worked on you


Well-Known Member
You really seem to focus on raping women and children...A LOT!!! When I enter a country, I do it legally, so I dont have to worry about that stuff. Thats funny, seems to me old Hillary was calling for the same thing a few years ago. Are you running down there to the so called cages and offering to take a kid home?? Are you donating to feed and clothe them?? Whens the last time you helped a child in need in this country???

Do you not understand what Asylum is you moron?

It's when people are in such danger in their country they seek shelter in another country. it is different than immigration and different then vacation

When was the lat time you sought asylum in another country?

How can you be so angry and have such strong opinions when you don't even understand the basics of the issue?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Everyone can see the transparent motivation of deeming People of color as less than.

Please tell us! Why it is you think of people of color as "less than?"

Are you pining for the days when you could own them?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Do you not understand what Asylum is you moron?

and you can ask for asylum right in your own country at any U.S. consulate or at ANY port of entry into the U.S. at that very moment.

When you sneak across at some remote location... Your not looking for asylum. You're trying to circumvent the authorities.

So easy I can't imagine why you just can't seem to grasp that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Next time someone is trying to rape and murder you I hope you go to the right entrance and fill out the correct forms at the police station. Just hurry and make sure you do it before you get killed. If you go to the side door you get killed. Misspell your name you get raped.

Do you seriously not see how insane you sound when you spew nonsense like this?

You cannot possibly be mindless enough to think that some woman runs across several countries with a baby in her arms, being avidly pursued by rapists, until she arrives breathlessly at some border checkpoint right in the nick of time!!!!

That is too ridiculous to even entertain, and if you do believe that you need to be in a full-supervision home for the disturbed.

This is why I mostly keep you on ignore. You are a hyperbolic hysterical mess who adds absolutely nothing to the discussion except for maybe comic relief. If Trump really wanted to do something to make America great again, he'd fix it so you and your demented ilk get the mental help you so desperately need.


Well-Known Member
Explain to me how Trump enacting a policy in April then rescinding it in June would lead to praise from the left?

Everyone can see the transparent motivation of deeming People of color as less than.

Look it's already worked on you

I referred to your nonsensical rants about rape and murder. Please reply in a logical, chronological, order. TIA:razz:


Well-Known Member
Are you brain dead? or just admitting you are a racist?
So only Americans have the right to live?

Only Americans have the right to live under American law and you are now implying our government is killing these children.Your logic is highly illogical.:shutup:


Well-Known Member
Do you seriously not see how insane you sound when you spew nonsense like this?

You cannot possibly be mindless enough to think that some woman runs across several countries with a baby in her arms, being avidly pursued by rapists, until she arrives breathlessly at some border checkpoint right in the nick of time!!!!

That is too ridiculous to even entertain, and if you do believe that you need to be in a full-supervision home for the disturbed.

This is why I mostly keep you on ignore. You are a hyperbolic hysterical mess who adds absolutely nothing to the discussion except for maybe comic relief. If Trump really wanted to do something to make America great again, he'd fix it so you and your demented ilk get the mental help you so desperately need.

Stop being so hysterical!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
This is why I mostly keep you on ignore. You are a hyperbolic hysterical mess who adds absolutely nothing to the discussion except for maybe comic relief.

Maybe somebody accidentally set off the special Bat signal!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You cannot possibly be mindless enough to think that some woman runs across several countries with a baby in her arms, being avidly pursued by rapists, until she arrives breathlessly at some border checkpoint right in the nick of time!!!!

Don't ya just love those? :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Do you seriously not see how insane you sound when you spew nonsense like this?

You cannot possibly be mindless enough to think that some woman runs across several countries with a baby in her arms, being avidly pursued by rapists, until she arrives breathlessly at some border checkpoint right in the nick of time!!!!

That is too ridiculous to even entertain, and if you do believe that you need to be in a full-supervision home for the disturbed.

This is why I mostly keep you on ignore. You are a hyperbolic hysterical mess who adds absolutely nothing to the discussion except for maybe comic relief. If Trump really wanted to do something to make America great again, he'd fix it so you and your demented ilk get the mental help you so desperately need.

Do you seriously not see how insane you sound when you defend taking infants, children and disabled children from their parents and putting a number on them and throwing them in a cage?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Maybe somebody accidentally set off the special Bat signal!
