New Theater Coming Across from Wildewood?


not impressed
That's all I ever read from your posts.. a bunch of blah blah blah, name calling, "I know more than you fool" and your typical... making asinine statements...

יהוה ! get over yourself sometime soon! You obviously know absolutely nothing on how a BRAC is determined and processed, so why don't you ask, listen or research instead of posting a bunch of baloney. Like a few others on here... you know it all! Being anonymous doesn't make you that much brighter or better! Climb down from your high horses! Of course you could call your forum lil gansta's over to defend your babble like usual...

One thing I'll quickly correct... a BRAC does not mean the whole Base. It could be command, directorates or activity/units! It's happened many times! There was no logic for a few activities to BRAC at Dalghren, who were under NAVSEA command.. but they are sitting in Florida today! And NAVAIR is on the radar, despite anything that you believe! Maybe you should consult someone that is familiar with the BRAC process!



It's a Jeep thang!
Now, if PAX would go on the BRAC list, that will change. Steny won't be around forever and anyone who really expects his replacement (who will be from Prince George's) to have the juice to protect PAX is smoking some serious dope.


You drank the friggan kool aid havent you. Steny is NOT responsbile for PAX not being on the BRAC list. There is a process and it does NOT include congressional influence. PAX survives because of the unique mission it has and the fact that other places were "BRAC'd" here. Any base that has 5-7 Admirals on it most likely will not face a closure. PAX survives because the "PENTAGON" wants it to.

What Steny is responsbile for is not representing THE MAJORITY of his constituents in St. Marys, having his ass up Pelosi's ass, carrying the DEM flag attacking instead of working with the other members of Congress.

I am tired of this Steny is the savior of St Marys. He could care less what we think. I saw in the news how several congressman held "town hall meetings" while on their most recent break, did Steny? He held ONE "select crowd" meeting during the furlough. Other than that, the only time you hear from him is to attack the Republicans because Nancy told him to.

Yes, you pushed a button....smiling


Most BRACs are minor realignments that impact mostly MILPERS and they are easy to relocate. They happen all the time. For CIV/CTR, they may offer people the chance to transfer, but they usually end up needing to find at least a handful of new people. Sure, there's no reason why they couldn't BRAC a few pieces of Pax River, but that's far different than shutting most of it down (which was indicated when I responded). I offer sound logic as to why doing that wouldn't make sense, and point out other places where it makes more sense. Then DooDoo comes in, as usual, and assumes that everyone else is acting like a "tough guy" for asserting an opinion, and calls out other people for namecalling, but is the first one to actually sling names. :rolleyes: Cram it up your ass, DooDoo.

I made statements that I based on logic. All your argument claims is "you clearly know nothing about BRAC, they don't use logic." If that's the only argument then just move on. I'm sure there are plenty of good reasons that a minor Dahlgren BRAC would send things to Florida. You may not know what those reasons were, but I'm sure there was sound reasoning. You don't just uproot a bunch of civilians for no reason.

That being said, if there was a major BRAC at Pax that uprooted a few thousand civilians, if not the entire civilian population, it wouldn't make any sense. I'm not saying that what's done at Pax River CANNOT be duplicated anywhere. What I'm saying is that unless they combined USAF/USN capabilities onto a single base, there's nowhere else in the Navy that a bunch of the work at Pax is currently being done, so you'd need to move most of the people too, which would be difficult. You can't anticipate everyone will come (and if it's a long distance, even less), meaning it would require a great amount of new hiring and training, which is something that DoD simply can't afford right now. There'd also be no good reason to start splitting up the different facilities again...they shut most everything down and sent everyone to Pax in order to consolidate. It would make more sense to close up shop down here and move everyone elsewhere.

So I guess I'm asking for a sound reason why Pax would receive a significant BRAC. I provided other locations where it made sense to go as far as eliminate the base. I'm still not seeing a good reason for Pax, other than "Steny won't be here to defend it." That's part of the process, I'm sure, but that only goes so far. So other than "BRAC-ing is illogical" and "Steny can't save Pax forever," I'm asking for a reason why it would happen here. I'd be curious to know.



You drank the friggan kool aid havent you. Steny is NOT responsbile for PAX not being on the BRAC list. There is a process and it does NOT include congressional influence. PAX survives because of the unique mission it has and the fact that other places were "BRAC'd" here. Any base that has 5-7 Admirals on it most likely will not face a closure. PAX survives because the "PENTAGON" wants it to.

What Steny is responsbile for is not representing THE MAJORITY of his constituents in St. Marys, having his ass up Pelosi's ass, carrying the DEM flag attacking instead of working with the other members of Congress.

I am tired of this Steny is the savior of St Marys. He could care less what we think. I saw in the news how several congressman held "town hall meetings" while on their most recent break, did Steny? He held ONE "select crowd" meeting during the furlough. Other than that, the only time you hear from him is to attack the Republicans because Nancy told him to.

Yes, you pushed a button....smiling


DooDoo told me that when I said that stuff, it was because I don't know anything about why they BRAC. So you must not either. So I'm going to handle this for DooDoo and call you a mean internet bully who is a stupid fool. Now go away and let the smart people talk! :sarcasm:

Although I think Steny may get some extra funding for the base, he doesn't save it from BRAC.


Not White House Approved
To all those who think/believe Steny Hoyer is the protector/savior of Pax River please explain the following;

- Presidential Helo Program cnx’ed and putting hundreds out of work, what did Steny do to stop that?
- Steny’s support for sequestration, causing financial hardship for thousands of Pax workers.
- Steny supported military pay freeze, while voting himself a pay raise.
- Steny supports Obamacare, which will raise Pax River workers health insurance drastically and cause some to lose their existing coverage.

Steny is out for himself and no one else, he has already proven that he will do what he wants and does not care about his constituents. All he cares about is helping keep liberals in office and keeping himself in office by giving away our hard earn money to those who are too lazy to work, basically, buying votes to keep his arse in office.


It's a Jeep thang!
To all those who think/believe Steny Hoyer is the protector/savior of Pax River please explain the following;

- Presidential Helo Program cnx’ed and putting hundreds out of work, what did Steny do to stop that?
- Steny’s support for sequestration, causing financial hardship for thousands of Pax workers.
- Steny supported military pay freeze, while voting himself a pay raise.
- Steny supports Obamacare, which will raise Pax River workers health insurance drastically and cause some to lose their existing coverage.

Steny is out for himself and no one else, he has already proven that he will do what he wants and does not care about his constituents. All he cares about is helping keep liberals in office and keeping himself in office by giving away our hard earn money to those who are too lazy to work, basically, buying votes to keep his arse in office.



New Member

With all due respect all politicians are only out for their own agenda. Congressional republicans are saying they will possibly shut the government down if the democrats don't repeal Obamacare. Why do those arrogant SOB's think it is OK to hold peoples jobs and income hostage to further their own agenda. I could care less if they keep or trash Obamacare but they should not use thousands of loyal workers livelihoods as leverage. I can't wait until the next election because I am voting against any incumbent. These jacka$$'s in congress have held the American people hostage long enough and they need to go. I guess I should mention that I am an independent and I don't affiliate myself with either party so it is easy for me to vote for the best person for the job (according to my beliefs and values) not just the person who happens to represent a particular party.


It's a Jeep thang!
I thought this was a thread about a movie theater...silly me..

You are correct. The Steny comment just pushed a button, I should have started a new thread.

I am for the new theater. I think it is a good thing for the area. I am not impressed with location but it is better than the current one.


The fear of Smell
Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!



Salt Life
Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!

Wow! That was very anti-climactic. :yawn: Next...


Les Paul Addict
Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!


Meh- move along...


Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!


Don't let the door hit you on the way out! :SLAM:


I won't miss this hypocrite. :coffee:

how long til he posts again? currently at 1065...


Not White House Approved
Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!

Wow, talk about getting all butt-hurt.:killingme

It will be back, he'll just change name.:coffee:
Last edited:


Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!




  • Nelson2.png
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not impressed
Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!


I've already flushed you away once like the poo poo you are, Im game to do it again.


aka Mrs. Giant
Typical bunch of rotten spoiled f***kin gansta in-breds here... and the rest of you that allow them.. are JUST as bad!

I give up on this forum! Yes, forever! I don't need to waste my time with a pile of in-bred spoiled losers... who think they know it all and have to revert to name calling and other nasty forum baloney! I hope local people start seeing what this foum and website really represent... For those that are wise, be sure to tell the advertisers what they are supporting...

Oh! and my PM isn't broken if anyone would like to take this offline and personal! I'd love the pussies to grab a few! Otherwise... f**k *ff!


WTF? :confused:



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