Well-Known Member
Gilli gets called and as anyone could have predicted, cant back up his BSSo, put up or shut up.
No need to research. Click my name and click "view forum posts".
Two wrongs don't make a right, do they? So far, I've seen three people make claims and accusations (none of which asked me my own personal stance or opinion on the matter, or...ever) and when asked to back it up, crickets.
Silence is deafening.
not to mention you idiots are making claims about what chris has said in this thread. It should be abundantly easy to prove your point if it has any vailidity at all.
Then there is the spectacle of a bunch of people who claim to be conservatives suggesting that they want a local judge to ignore a lawful order and to continue to enforce a law that has been found to be unconstitutional. particularly when the authority over immigration is clearly given to the fed in the COTUS