Recent content by Clem72

  1. Clem72


    Yeah, if incontinence is an issue that's a tough career choice.
  2. Clem72


    This is another use your brain moment. Firing 4k of 40k probationary DOD employees, pretty much the definition of not targeted. Probably not well thought out, but not targeted. Strategically crippling specific oversight groups (comprised of few or no probationary employees) who have active...
  3. Clem72


    Yes, it is. I'm not relying on media (liberal or otherwise) to inform my knowledge in this area. The absolute best most charitable interpretation of trumps memecoin (there were already over 300 different largely publicized varieties, thousands If you count less popular ones) was a cash-grab...
  4. Clem72


    The funniest thing is, with all of those meme posts most of which conflate or take things out of context they missed the biggest earliest grift right out the gate. Launching a meme coin. Not in any way shape or form ever EVER even remotely resembling a real investment or anything other than a...
  5. Clem72

    Tariff meltdowns

    So, Canada does import most of it's toilet paper from the US. Most of US toilet paper is made from Canadian trees.
  6. Clem72

    Child Custody

    Is this the same as divorce lawyering? Meet with all of the expensive/good lawyers in the area. All of them. Pay them for their time, no free consultation. Get them to recommend a strategy or way forward, even in the most generic terms. Now the other person can't meet with the same attorney...
  7. Clem72

    Deep State Corruption and Opposition

    My entire government career was supporting DOD or DOD aligned agencies. Overwhelmingly conservative regardless of location. A large percentage of the people who weren't conservative were the obvious results of outreach programs pushed from the top to diversify the workforce, and those...
  8. Clem72

    Govt Employees

    Don't forget to describe 5 ways that your vacation time contributed to operational readiness, saved the government money, and supported the warfighter.
  9. Clem72

    Govt Employees

    Hah. Boss- We are having 3 mandatory meetings this week, one is an all day off-site. Boss- You also need to complete this mandatory training. Also Boss- Describe what you did this week, don't mention meetings or training or anything classified. In fact, just describe to us how best to replace...
  10. Clem72

    SMECO Issues

    There's a pretty big margin. A heat pump with an HSPF rating of 5 or 6 is not going to be cost effective below freezing. Get one with an HSPF of 9 or 10 and it will work to zero F or below and feel like a gas furnace with actual hot air coming out of the vent and not luke warm air.
  11. Clem72

    SMECO Issues

    You can get a heat pump with a gas (propane/natural) secondary heating, so I imagine you can get it with oil as well if you wanted it. For electric backup it makes sense to use the heat pump until it can't keep, but for more efficient heating that's not necessarily the case. At my old house...
  12. Clem72

    The Substance

    Has there been any big budget (or lets just say non-indie) movie about Hollywood that wasn't put up for an Oscar? Even the comedies (Get Shorty) are nominated. They are narcissists at heart.
  13. Clem72

    Elon Musk - Words and Commentary

    The 12 billion for new submarines with none delivered makes sense to me. I bet you they didn't decide to build them one at a time start to finish and it takes many years to build a ship so I assume subs are the same way. When they look into it they will probably find something like one 50%...
  14. Clem72

    SMECO Issues

    Yes yes. We know. It's the people that rely on heat pumps for house heating that get nailed with prolonged below freezing temps. If you have a furnace or stove or wood fireplace, etc. obviously you won't see a big difference in electricity usage.
  15. Clem72


    That's business as usual. If a country can't afford to buy munitions from you, and you want to provide them anyways but don't have the time or support to pass it in Congress/parliament/whatever you give them a loan and they use it to buy those munitions. Then a couple years later you forgive...