Ehesef said:
No, because it's not the daycare provider's job to raise the kid. Put the kid in time out or whatever and let mom know about it.
I remeber my dad at this point, would take me home and talk to me...
I remember his nicey nice words..
Things like.. "You shouldn't bite other people.. or hurt other people.."
"Now, run down the hall and get me the belt.."
and my favorite.. "This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you!"
THAN I'd get the timout.. "Quit your crying, I didn't hit you THAT hard, now go to your room until supper!"
I remember a lot of times when I had the opportunity to be bad, or do something wrong.. I'd have to weigh the severity of the ass whoopin I was going to get, to the deed I was going to do.. I can tell you without question, a pack of gum shoplifted from a small store is NEVER worth the asswhoopin my dad would give.. I'm guessing it would be more than worth the harsh talk and the "nice people don't do those kinds of things" speech.
I still carry these lessons with me today, 40 years later, and I'm thankful that my dad did what he had to do to make sure I grew up to be a positive part of society, and a generally good person.