I did too - LEAVE government service after many years. Found myself laid off after two years, and honestly, through no fault of my own. Well I had a lot more to lose, then, and government was offering a lower but comparable salary and essentially NO LIKELIHOOD of ever being laid off. Job security was worth more to me than any salary bonanza. It's what used to piss me off when Rush or others would say, when they'd respond to the lower pay of government with "if it's lower, why do they stay?" as if that was sufficient argument to DISPROVE it.
The other lure of government is, of course - benefits. Every private company offered health care - but it was almost always ONE choice, take it or leave it. Vacation - leave time - wasn't able to be metered out by the hour. And the combination - never very much. Schedules weren't anywhere near as flexible as government. They did offer CWS - but taken on the day offered. I get to pick - and MOVE it as needed.
The downside? In the private sector, you can get a HUGE salary increase if the boss wants to give it to you - or close to zero. Some companies offered profit sharing - just, free money if the company does well. Of course, UNLIKE the government, you're also subject to the boss's whims - if he just doesn't LIKE you, he can still withhold things. In the private sector - if you're good - they can CREATE a section just for you. Many years ago, when I delivered pizzas, I was offered the management job of the new store - which I turned down. That kind of thing happens rarely in government - the only time I know it happens is when they form new teams to explore technology or develop huge in house tools or the like. Government typically doesn't "grow" the way a business does.