19 Y/O Woman Charged w/Attempted Murder Due to Abuse of Newborn


Active Member
I hope that this makes the local network news, and they don't dramatisize how hard this young 'mother' (using that word loosely) had it in life to cause her to almost murder her baby.


Active Member
bresamil said:
Reading that made me sick. Poor baby. I wonder how much neurological damage the infant sustained.
I know! It doesn't mention how much damage the baby has sustained.


Active Member
My twins were born premature and spent a long time up at Children's hosp. Neonatal intensive care unit...so I know how sick the babies up there are. To think that some are there due to someone's abuse makes me want to throw up. Prayers for that sweet little baby and the hopes he or she finds a loving home to go to.


New Member
the thing I don't get, is mothers like this have an out. Just drop the baby off at a hospital or police station. Sure this one will have some dumb excuse as to why she did what she did.
Atleast the "mother" is an "adult" and won't get a get out of jail free card and a clean record upon turning 18. She will plead notguilty by reason of insanity, post partum depression. She will cry on the stand and say "I'm soooo sorry, I never meant to hurt my little unplanned for luv muffin." She will get off mostly, but will hopefully be sentanced to the looney bin.
I think she should get a taste of her own medicine. Take her to the zoo and get an elephant to pick her up in its trunk and them slam her to the hard concrete floor of its pen like she's a pumpkin on the day after halloween.


New Member
huntr1 said:
Atleast the "mother" is an "adult" and won't get a get out of jail free card and a clean record upon turning 18. She will plead notguilty by reason of insanity, post partum depression. She will cry on the stand and say "I'm soooo sorry, I never meant to hurt my little unplanned for luv muffin." She will get off mostly, but will hopefully be sentanced to the looney bin.
I think she should get a taste of her own medicine. Take her to the zoo and get an elephant to pick her up in its trunk and them slam her to the hard concrete floor of its pen like she's a pumpkin on the day after halloween.

I'm with you on giving her a taste of her own medicine.


New Member
I also have a major problem with the husband. I find it hard to believe he doesn't have a clue of her abuse issues. Unfortunately, I'm sure this is not the first time that poor baby got smacked around


Cleopatra Jones
camily said:
This story makes me sick. Litterally. I felt sick reading it.

That's close to you, yes? I know know what's wrong with people today?

Thank God I didn't have girls. I'd slip them birth control pills from puberty until they were 25.

I'm going to have to think of something good for my boys. Fear isn't going to work for forever; they're both going to be bigger then me by they time they're 7.


New Member
pixiegirl said:
That's close to you, yes? I know know what's wrong with people today?
Thank God I didn't have girls. I'd slip them birth control pills from puberty until they were 25. I'm going to have to think of something good for my boys. Fear isn't going to work for forever; they're both going to be bigger then me by they time they're 7.

I know that feeling :lmao: They'll turn out just fine. Age has nothing to do with parenting and values. I have seen older women have kids that are bad and young ones turn out good kids. Too many factors come into play.


Cleopatra Jones
tastycakes said:
I also have a major problem with the husband. I find it hard to believe he doesn't have a clue of her abuse issues. Unfortunately, I'm sure this is not the first time that poor baby got smacked around

People are just plain ol' effed up these days. I'm amazed that they were living alone at that age. I know people my age (mid to late 20s) with kids that still aren't out on their own.

She was probably a headcase that had the baby to keep the boyfriend/husband in line. It didn't work. He still acted how he wanted, came and went as he pleased. She got angry and took it out on the babe. They should both be shot.


tastycakes said:
I also have a major problem with the husband. I find it hard to believe he doesn't have a clue of her abuse issues. Unfortunately, I'm sure this is not the first time that poor baby got smacked around

The husband could not put up with her sh!t so he left. Wish he would have taken the baby with him.


I am so very blessed
I am sickened that anyone could treat an innocent child so badly.

I now want to go home and hug my little bebe till he squeals with laughter.
pixiegirl said:
I'm going to have to think of something good for my boys. Fear isn't going to work for forever; they're both going to be bigger then me by they time they're 7.
Stretching it a bit aren't you? I was giving you till they were 6.

You could always use my mother's favorite line "You may be bigger, but I'm MEANER!" And make sure you grow your nails long (atleast 1/2" beyond the end of the finger), nice narrow ends filed on them and keep many coats of polish on them, kinda like armor plating. All the better to pierce skin with.
Or get a pair of nice pointy cowboy boots to wear when you do this to them :buttkick: