2 weeks without power...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'll drive by, using the fuel that I refined myself. My kids will point as we go by - "Hey dad! Look at that guy starving to death, freezing his butt off, drinking a cup of coffee, and still trying to sell flowers"

I'll just say "Let's get home and throw another log on the fire. I want coffee."



PREMO Member
For ####s sake. :tap:

One panel, 200 watts. A 120 v. 2 amp coffee maker needs what, 2, maybe three panels? Not a freaking football field.

I will be acquiring a couple of these off of road signs after the collapse

cross bow made from a truck leaf spring and brake line as bolts


In My Opinion
I am surrounded by impossiblists today! :lmao:

Ever hear of a greenhouse? No? Well, I have and I often wonder what best use might be for mine in an EOTWAWKI issue. Grow medicine? Food? COFFEE? Rubber?

Good lord, people. Cranky, cranky...

Are you trying to tell us that after the collapse, Gerbers will not be a prized item to have on hand?

I am having a hard time believing such a thing.
I'm surprised no one has considered much better alternatives, like the way it was done for centuries before the modern age.

I'd be staking a claim to a stream/riverfront where a water wheel/generator could be established. There's lots of energy in moving water, far more 'tapable' than solar, and the energy doesn't need to be translated to electricity. As long as you can keep someone from damming up the water upstream, you're golden.

Entire industries were built on water power. Flour and cloth mills, fabrication, etc...